
Sunday, October 31, 2021

Clive Bibby: Testing time for local government and media

Along with other more recognisable columnists, l have recently being predicting a backlash from voters against the Government’s recent irrational and dictatorial behaviour.

This was in spite of promises made to allow adequate consultation and the option to opt out of any moves to steal locally owned infrastucture assets worth billions that are essential components of local economies. Tragically, the opposite has happened.

It is a story of betrayal and arrogance rarely seen in a country that prides itself in being one of the few remaining true democracies where governments are elected but the power remains with the people.

Apparently, not any more.

For some reason, this mob has lost touch with where the boundaries are that dictate what is acceptable behaviour in an environment where trust is everything.

Clearly, that line has not only been crossed but the unstated agreement that sets limits on the mandate to act on our behalf has been contemptuously cast into oblivion.

It is as if the fox has gained entry to the hen house and will not stop until he has destroyed every last bit of evidence that innocents producing a quality product ever existed.

It is a return to the rape and pillage that is so often used by left wing radicals and sympathetic revisionist journalists to describe the activities of the colonial immigrants to this country. Unfortunately this time the characterisation is an accurate assessment of this unbridled attack on our sovereignty.

We should resist it with everything we have at our disposal.

Our chances of success however will be determined by the support we gain from those in whom we have entrusted our fortunes on the local scene and their counterpart in the one industry that has the power to direct public opinion in this necessary righteous campaign - the media.

The stakes are so high in this fight that nothing short of total opposition will be sufficient to change the course of history.

We are about to see whether our local body politicians and the senior journalists in what has been a sycophantic profession of late are capable of recognising and challenging tyranny when it is being orchestrated by some of our own.

I am hopeful but not at all confident that those individuals acting collectively have the desire or the ability to stop this outrageous overreach in its tracks.

If l am proved wrong on anything then l would prefer that it be on this one.

Too much is at stake for this defence of the realm to fail.

Lets all unite in a demonstration of unanimity that future generations will be proud of.

I’m up for it - how about you!

Clive Bibby is a commentator, consultant, farmer and community leader, who lives in Tolaga Bay.


DeeM said...

Go Clive! How about urging our local councillors (and concerned ratepayers) to hold a march in Wellington with representatives from the 60 councils that rejected Mahuta's proposals. They could end at the steps to parliament and demand that Nanaia answers their concerns. Damn...we're in lockdown!

That's why the 90% vaccination rate was picked. To stop people mobilising over 3 Waters. Well, kiss Christmas with extended family and friends goodbye because Ardern won't be in any rush to bring on public protests.

Janine said...

I now see that even if this PM is removed come the next election, our politicians of all parties have become very similar in their outlook.

We need choice and alternative views.

Personally, I respect none of them. It should not be up to the people to lead us back to democracy, it should be a politician with integrity who doesn't flinch, no matter how hard the going is, who can see what is best for New Zealand and all Kiwis including those overseas trying to return.
That is who should be leading this democratic movement.

We actually need a complete overhaul of our electoral system, MMP but with the majority party inviting the lesser parties into coalition. Referendums for important decision making. Leaders who respect the people.

Terry Morrissey said...

“For some reason, this mob has lost touch with where the boundaries are that dictate what is acceptable behaviour in an environment where trust is everything.”
This bloody mob has lost touch with reality.

“It is a story of betrayal and arrogance rarely seen in a country that prides itself in being one of the few remaining true democracies where governments are elected but the power remains with the people.”
Not until we get Binding Citizens Initiated Referenda it won’t be.

“We are about to see whether our local body politicians and the senior journalists, in what has been a sycophantic profession of late, are capable of recognising and challenging tyranny when it is being orchestrated by some of our own.”
They haven’t got the balls, and the same applies to any Labour MP who can see where this is going but hasn’t got the balls to stand up for democracy against the corrupt socialist PM and her racist Maori caucus.

DeeM said.
“Damn...we're in lockdown!
That's why the 90% vaccination rate was picked. To stop people mobilising over 3 Waters”
It’s called control. Very soon those without the mandatory vaccination will be compelled to wear a white armband with “Antivax” on it and will be restricted to certain areas or risk being transported, placed under restrictions (except sub sect (b) excludes patched gang members), or be liable to a fine payable to the media or your local Labour MP.
I’m with you Clive, but a little past the gun-toting stage.
I feel as much contempt for this government as they show for population.

Bill R said...

Interesting that NZ Herald (Fallon) and Northern Advocate (Gunson) both had full page articles in support of 3 waters. Best media money can buy

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