
Monday, March 21, 2022

Richard Prebble: It is going to be a landslide defeat for Labour

Labour is heading for a landslide defeat. The seeds of its coming defeat were sown in its record victory.

Jacinda made it the “Covid Election”. We were promised we were at the front of the vaccine queue. MIQ was going to keep us safe.

Some 400,000 mainly female National voters crossed over to vote Labour.

Not one crossed over for the party’s manifesto. It was for Labour’s handling of covid.

Support has held up. In the Ipsos Issues Monitor in February 75 per cent of respondents thought the restrictions were about right, or could have been tighter. 47 per cent wanted the border kept closed.

In just one month 75 per cent of the electorate in the Kantar poll say it is time for tourists to return. This is an extraordinary turn around.

Why the change? Voters learn from experience. Even those who have not caught Omicron know people who have caught it. We are all close contacts.

Last weekend a fellow diner at the restaurant advised us the next day she had tested positive. I looked up the Ministry of Health website to see what I should do. The answer was nothing, keep checking for symptoms.

The Ministry of Health’s website’s advice a month ago was: “Register yourself as a Close Contact…Get tested immediately, and at 5 days and 12 days after the last contact with infectious person. Self-isolate at home for at least 14 days after last exposure and until you are released by Regional Public Health”.

The advice has gone from compulsory PCR tests and two weeks home detention to; you do not need to do anything.

I have no medical expertise but both pieces of advice cannot be correct.

My experience has been repeated by thousands of people every day. .

If I did catch covid today I am told I must isolate for 7 days. A week ago it was 10 days.

As a household close contact the advice was that I have to isolate for 10 days. As members of my household developed the virus my 10 day isolation would have to restart. In my multi- generational household that could have meant a month in home detention. Now the advice is to isolate for one 7 day period.

Tens of thousands of people who have isolated for weeks are now learning it was not necessary.

If you are a “vital worker” with no symptoms you no longer need to isolate at all.

Just a few weeks ago the government was telling us that RAT tests are so dangerous that they were made illegal.

A month ago we were being told only PCR tests are reliable and the government has plenty of capacity to handle Omicron.

The Prime Minister says she accepts no responsibility for the collapse of the PCR testing.

The PM was told 18 months ago in the Simpson/Roche Report to implement RAT testing as soon as possible.

Even staunch Labour supporters know there is no democratic accountability if ministers refuse to take responsibility for their own decisions.

The constant changing in the covid rules has shaken the faith of the team of five million.

Nurses with Covid are being recalled to work while healthy unvaccinated nurses have been fired. The vaccinated can catch and spread Omicron.

The mandates make no sense.

Labour’s Covid response was always more based on polling than science.

Last week the official advice was tourists would not return until July. After the Kantar poll result suddenly tourists can return 12 April.

There is still MIQ for foreigners. Aucklanders are far more likely to have covid than any traveler.

Why would tourists want to come to what is now the world’s covid hotspot? There are visitors with skills we need who do want to come and still cannot. Our hospitals are more at risk of collapse from the shortage of specialists than from Omicron.

We are still required to show Covid passes and to scan in. I have yet to receive a notification that my fellow diner has tested positive for covid.

The collapse in scanning numbers is a real time poll of the public’s falling support for the government’s covid response.

No doubt scanning mandates will shortly go.

Labour and its “influencers” are busy changing the narrative. (As an aside, is it not interesting that not one “influencer” admits to being themselves influenced by their privileged early briefings). Now we are told the government response was always to reduce the number of covid deaths. .

The 400,000 usually National voters voted for Jacinda because they believed she was going to keep us safe from Covid.

Not one voter who crossed over to vote Labour thought within 18 months New Zealand would be the world’s covid hotspot. Those voters will not vote Labour again.

It is going to be a landslide defeat.

Richard Prebble CBE is a former member of the New Zealand Parliament. Initially a member of the Labour Party, he joined the newly formed ACT New Zealand party under Roger Douglas in 1996, becoming its leader from 1996 to 2004. This article was first published HERE.


Anonymous said...

Great article. The question is: How many of the 400,000 will leave Labour and where will they go? National need to earn them back by confronting the policies that are agitating voters. If they haven't got the testicles for that, then we may well have a Labour/Greens coalition which would be no better or perhaps worse (and it's depressing to think that even possible). Luxon has said he is a feminist. Do feminists have testicles?

Janine said...

I hope the 400,000 go to one of the three smaller parties who have greater aspirations for New Zealand than the two main parties with their unfair, virtue- signalling nonsense.

I suppose one the smaller parties, with around 150,000 votes would reach the 5% threshold. They have similar " real Kiwi" aspirations so its a pity they don't amalgamate.

Terry Morrissey said...

Well Richard, you do seem confused with all the conflicting statements and instructions, but you are not alone. The source of all that information is just as confused. The solution is an extended middle finger.
Expecting this PM to accept responsibility for anything is fantasy, however she is responsible for every failure of her cult whether she accepts or not.
She is responsible for the insidious introduction of apartheid.
She is responsible for the financial situation in New Zealand.
She is responsible for all those who have suffered adverse effects from the "safe" vaccine.
She is responsible for the instigation of violence outside Parliament.
And much, much more.

Chris Curtis said...

Awesome Richard 400k woman wow Matt King NZ Democracy Party National is Shooting themselves in the Mouth especially Luxon Richard are still down the Road at Rotoma I am Whakatane turn off

MC said...

If you think the average Kiwi is ticked off now, just wait until the full extent of Comrade Ardern's plot for Co Governance and racial favoritism become more broadly disseminated. Antipathy would be putting it mildly.

Denis McCarthy said...

I agree with the previous writers who want National back but want it back with policies which reflect the priorities, concerns and values of mainstream New Zealanders.
Our politicians might also consider what priorities need changing given the unrest in Europe and the demands and attitudes of China.
Australia is re-evaluating its defence needs and the numbers needed to staff its armed forces.
Small country though we are New Zealand should do the same bearing in mind the new advances in weaponry and the flexibility that drones and defensive missiles can afford.
We need politicians with vision which encompasses the long term and pragmatic programs which will advance our security and prosperity.
Forget Labour but hope for better prospects from the others.

Owen said...

Right now the 9th floor of the Beehive are working around the clock to put the finishing touches on a new angle. It will be the Jacinda Rescue Story. The Saved by Jacinda story. The 5 million listened and I achieved a miraculous victory preventing the death of thousands of Kiwis.

Get ready for it. It will be delivered in various forms all the way to the election. The 400,000 will love it.

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