
Saturday, August 27, 2022

Cam Slater: 129 Ram Raids since May

Nothing tells voters that it is time to change the government like out-of-control crime and a Government intent on cuddles for crimes instead of jail. There have been 129 ram raids since May, almost all of them on the watch of new Police Minister, Chris Hipkins.

Of 129 ram raids since May this year, “almost all of them” have been committed by people under 18, Police Minister Chris Hipkins has confirmed.

Hipkins told the House today, after questions from the Act Party, that 38 offenders have been either identified or arrested from the raids.

“Almost all of these people are under 18 years old, and their median age was 15,” Hipkins said.

He also said that a further 27 offenders have been seen on CCTV, but police don’t yet know who they are.

Of the 129 recorded ram raids, 84 were in Auckland, where ram raids and smash-and-grab robberies have traumatised business owners and workers.

There has been a 400 per cent increase in ram raids in five years – and 76 per cent of those being caught are under the age of 18, RNZ reported last month.
NZ Herald

What is the Minister’s response?

On Hosking’s show yesterday morning Hipkins said you can’t send young people to jail because they join gangs in there. It must therefore be a surprise to Hipkins that these scumbags are actually already in gangs without the pesky need to send them to jail. Gang numbers have increased exponentially under Labour and their soft-on-crime attitude.

All this is while Jacinda Ardern is pontificating about nuclear weapons in the Guardian or lecturing the world about the terrors of ISIS.

Ardern is suffering more and more from delusions of grandeur and relevance. Ridding the world of nukes, stabilising Iraq – what next – ending the Israeli-Palestinian conflict?

She has always talked like a Miss World contestant: “Umm, if I win I would like to end child poverdy, and help the children of the world, and bring world peace and kindness”.

But in reality, all Ardern can do is turn gold into lead. She has become the most loathed Prime Minister in living memory, and the fortunes of the Labour Party are waning as well.

The more Labour lets crime explode out of control the worse their defeat will be next year.

Cam Slater is a New Zealand-based blogger, best known for his role in Dirty Politics and publishing the Whale Oil Beef Hooked blog, which operated from 2005 until it closed in 2019. This article was first published HERE.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Labour know that the maori party may be kingmaker at the next election. The maori party do not believe in colonial jails or westminster laws for criminals, instead wanting to have their own justice system. In my opinion that is why labour are going soft on crime They appear to care about power and not about the majority of us, who they are supposed to represent. Otherwise why would any govt allow this? They are hoping that the public, us rivers of filth as they like to describe us, won't put two and two together.

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