
Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Guy Hatchard: A Timely Message for the Vaccinated

Pandemic policy is slowly changing in response to health data. Is it changing fast enough and is it changing in the right direction?

From the beginning, there were concerns about the long term outcomes following both covid infection and vaccination. At this point, these are becoming more clearly appreciated.

Neither the dire predictions of widespread Covid severity nor the protection of Covid vaccination have eventuated as initially promised.

Health authorities remain heavily committed to a Covid strategy that relies upon mRNA vaccination. Is it working?

All cause mortality has reached record levels. Our health system is reportedly overwhelmed. mRNA vaccination does not prevent Covid infection. Why?

The reasons for these effects are technical, but were not unexpected. There has always been a fear that mRNA vaccination might depress immune function.

Antibody-Dependent Enhancement

Vaccine-induced antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) occurs when our immune antibodies generated as a result of vaccination combine with a pathogen to facilitate its entry into cells and thereby enhance infection. In one sense we could say this occurs because our immune system becomes so familiar with a pathogen that it learns to accept it. The result can be repeated infections.

A ground-breaking paper from Japan published on 16 September 2022 entitled “Reevaluation of antibody-dependent enhancement of infection in anti-SARS-CoV-2 therapeutic antibodies and mRNA-vaccine antisera using FcR- and ACE2-positive cells” explores this possibility and concludes that both therapeutic antibody Covid treatments and mRNA vaccination can result in ADE.

Are There Sufficient Reasons to Exercise Caution?

Does this mean that mRNA Covid vaccination programmes should be halted? At this point, policy makers are beginning to entertain divergent opinions. Denmark has halted Covid vaccination for the under 50s. The UK has halted vaccination for the under 12’s.

Amid growing concerns, the most worrying trend is for authorities and employers to double down on vaccine requirements or dismiss questioning voices out of hand in a manner that is detached from the evolving scientific findings. Incredibly, the Netherlands is discussing the reintroduction of vaccine passes.

It is important to understand that vaccination in general is the mainstay of medical policy everywhere. From the outset, it was always accepted that mRNA vaccination would be effective and safe. Now significant doubts have arisen, but like a poker player who has gone all in on a bet, changing strategies does not look possible to many in the medical profession. They are hoping that more of the same—more boosters will pull everyone through.

Conversely, a number of strong vaccine advocates are expressing doubts and wavering. Dr. Paul Offit, a pediatrician specializing in infectious diseases and a world expert on vaccines, immunology, and virology who is a contributing editor of the authoritative New England Journal of Medicine doesn’t himself intend to get omicron-specific boosters and doesn’t advise it for others. He says the research is insufficient. He also worries that mRNA vaccination has been inappropriately offered to young people. Steve Kirsch has suggested (tongue in cheek) that he now fits the dictionary definition of an anti-vaxxer.

Offit is by no means the only one speaking up, at this point, discussions about mRNA vaccine safety are being widely aired. See this article in SSRN “COVID-19 Vaccine Boosters for Young Adults: A Risk-Benefit Assessment and Five Ethical Arguments against Mandates at Universities“.

There is still a lot that we don’t know. I have written extensively about this over the last few weeks at the and referenced the issue to recent journal publications.

All-cause mortality is rising. The real concern here is that governments have been very cagey about releasing data on cause of death paired with vaccination status—a prerequisite for definitive research. Where data is available, such as from UK ONS, it strongly points to a concerning relationship between all cause death and Covid vaccination. MSM is reluctant to cover these issues, especially ADE.

When Science Can Be Labelled Disinformation

Jacinda Ardern has flown to New York in a private jet with Emmanuel Macron, and Justine Trudeau for a week of intense diplomacy with world leaders. Her focus is expected to be on controlling mis- and disinformation, and online extremism.

Just remember that last September New Zealand health officials and advisors dismissed as disinformation claims by New Zealand GP Dr. Peter Canady that mRNA vaccination can result in ADE. It never was disinformation, Canady was simply seeking to initiate a scientific discussion based on published research and theoretical inference. Now ADE is a scientifically recognised result of mRNA vaccination, so he was right to probe the issues.

This wasn’t Dr. Canady’s only claim. He also suggested mRNA vaccines are not very effective at preventing transmission. A claim that was also dismissed as disinformation at the time. Something that we now know to be true.

My suggestion is that we are being left partially in the dark. This is partly because mRNA vaccination safety has become a hot potato that no one wants to hold and partly the result of vaccine extremism. Public safety should have been paramount. New research is raising concerning issues.

We are referencing human health here, not political allegiance. This is fundamentally a scientific matter. Therefore you might consider joining those who are asking hard questions and expecting answers. Otherwise new research findings could be swept under the carpet and deliberately withheld from the public.

Dr Guy Hatchard is a former senior manager at Genetic ID, food testing and certification company. This article was first published HERE


DeeM said...

Be very afraid when the leaders of the "free" world meet to discuss how to control mis/disinformation.

What that really means is ensuring only one viewpoint - theirs - is accepted, whether it is right or wrong.

We are living in Orwellian times where Big Brother/ Sister/Gender Confused, with the help of a corrupted MSM, are seeking to control what we say and think. George wasn't so far away with his guess of 1984.
Hate speech laws are the next step. No doubt followed by a raft of other legislation to ensure we tow the line on Covid, Climate Change etc etc.
A neo-Marxist, loony-Left nirvana of stifling State intervention and control.

The only silver lining is that most, if not all, of our elites are generally incompetent when it comes to running a country, or even a lemonade stand, as we're seeing all over the West at present. So their chances of successfully shutting everyone up are almost certainly nil.
It's just how much damage they inflict in the meantime.

Charles said...

70% of the covid cases are jabbed. Many of those will die from immunity complications later. We know this and yet this garbage is still being pushed As a legitimate treatments People are quite mad

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