
Friday, December 30, 2022

Breaking Views Update: Week of 25.12.22

Friday December 30, 2022 

Study to investigate importance of Mātauranga Māori in biosecurity

A study in mid-2023 is exploring the biosecurity decision-making processes aligned with Te Tiriti o Waitangi principles, cultural values and mātauranga.

The study’s findings will be used to consider ways to improve cultural decision making so that “Māori values and mātauranga can be carefully implemented in a robust, consistent and meaningful way”, says University of Canterbury senior lecturer Sascha Mueller.

“Mātauranga can provide valuable insights when meeting biosecurity challenges,” he says....
See full article HERE

Earthworks allegedly destroy ancient Far North pā sites
It’s one of Te Hiku o Te Ika’s [the Far North] most significant pā sites, but thanks to recent earthworks, it has now allegedly been destroyed.

Just over two years ago, Valentina Trustees Ltd purchased 70 hectares of land (stretching from the Hihi Peninsula to the west of Taemaro) containing the historical, cultural, political and spiritually significant Puketakahia Pā kainga site on Maunga [Mount] Whakaangi in Takerau Bay.

The maunga is said to hold more than 136 Māori sites of significance for iwi descendants of Muriwhenua and Ngāti Kahu and is the iwi’s pre-eminent mountain.....
See full article HERE

Is it appropriate to sell kākahu in souvenir shops?
The sight of a traditional Māori kākahu (cloak) being sold in a tourist souvenir shop “chafes a bit”, one university professor says.

Two styles of kākahu, made out of feathers, were on display in the shop window of Christchurch’s At the Square this week, and sell for $400 each.....
See full article HERE

Bruce Moon: Satire - A great opportunity to do some real science!!

Karl du Fresne: The cautionary tale of the Woodville Wire

Blenheim exhibition reinvigorates the legend of Te Parinui o Whiti taniwha

Time to test the real effectiveness of Māori health reforms

Student nursing leader calls for more representative workforce 

Tuesday December 27, 2022 

Te Urewera hut case could cost Tūhoe $200k 
In its December e-pānui to iwi beneficiaries, Te Uru Taumatua stated it had spent $20,000 to respond to the injunction requests and estimated the process could cost $200,000, a budget it had intended to allocate to build transitional huts.

It wrote that since Te Urewera became a legal entity in 2013, the Crown contributed $8.87 million or an average of $1.3m annually towards the maintenance of the area, but this was less than what the Department of Conservation (DoC) used to spend on Te Urewera National Park - around $6m to $8m a year.....
See full article HERE

$43 million for Otago Research Centre to help tamariki hauora
The Eru Pōmare Māori Health Research Centre at the University of Otago has received $28 million USD ($43 million NZD) via the LEGO Foundation for the Build a World of Play Challenge.

This initiative will give the opportunity for centre to develop Māori-led programmes for pēpi, tamariki and whānau wellbeing and intergenerational playspaces centred on tikanga and te ao Māori. LEGO Foundation supports organizations that make substantial contributions to the lives of children from birth to six years old.

Over the next five years, Wellington will partner with three Māori community organisations, alongside international Indigenous collaborators in the United States, Canada and Australia, led by the Johns Hopkins Center for Indigenous Health.....
See full article HERE

Mainstream journalists smell blood in the water – Graham Adams.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! - Dr Muriel Newman.

John Franklin: “One People, One Language” 

This Breaking Views Update monitors race relations in the media on a weekly basis. New material is added regularly. If you would like to send Letters to the Editor in response to any of these articles, most media addresses can be found HERE


Robert Arthur said...

re 27th. Surely the $43 million grant from LEGO for Otago research is a leg pull. Not even the govt showers money on maori on that scale. Perhaps LEGO are conducting research into money accountability and want a challenge. With so much money sloshing about hopefully the government will not in effect contribute further through the maori organisations which are to be involved. Otago seems a strange place to study the entertainment of maori children, where, with the whalers there from 1800s, the few are even less maori than elsewhere. Seems yet another opportunity for a vast propaganda progamme against colonist (ie civilised world) conventions. With punishment now banished a te ao and tikanga base would seem to be severely is te ao and tikanga to date which has bred the ram raider generation.
Incidentally what did maori call babies prior pepi? Was there a maori word for morsel? Or perhaps appetiser?

Robert Arthur said...

Dec 30. If matuaranga maori is applied we will never seriously reduce wild pigs (which apparently despite their 24/7 wallowing, spread less kauri disease than occasional shoed colonist descended visitors). Nor, whilst the pelts have a value, will matauranga eliminate possums.
I would be curious to sit on on one of the courses where modern mush writing is taught. Brought up on the writings of Churchill it s nonsense to me. The power of cancellation is such that noone dare object to in case they suffer the fate of Ms Hill of Woodville.

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