
Saturday, December 24, 2022

NZCPR Newsletter: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Dear NZCPR Reader,

On behalf of the New Zealand Centre for Political Research I would like to say a huge thank you for your on-going interest and wonderful support over the last 12 months – and wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year!

Without a doubt, 2022 has been a most challenging year. Covid, the economy, the gross incompetence of the current government, and the co-governance agenda, have cast a long shadow over our country.

The good news is that more and more New Zealanders are now waking up to the threat posed by the Ardern Labour Government. As the polls are showing, the kind and benevolent mask of our Prime Minister is slipping away, to expose the dangerous socialist that lies beneath.

Since 2017, Jacinda Ardern’s star power has been the Labour Party’s greatest asset. But, with the public increasingly holding her to account for her government’s failure, that’s all changing and she’s not reacting well.

The Prime Minister is now more easily rattled – as was evident when she was forced to apologise to Parliament for calling ACT’s leader “an arrogant prick”! 

During election year, leaders are usually a political party’s greatest asset. They are sent out into marginal seats to drum up support. But as a result of the on-going protest action against the PM, feel-good photo opportunities are no longer an option, and Jacinda Ardern is now becoming a liability for Labour.

The problem she faces is that her lies and deception are coming back to bite her. In particular, instead of honouring the pledge she made to voters before the 2020 election, that vaccine mandates would not be introduced, her desire to boast on the world stage that New Zealand was one of the most highly vaccinated nations on earth, took precedence. As a result, she ignored advice from the Ministry of Health opposing mandates on the basis that they would not stop the spread of the virus, and authorised them in order to force a greater uptake of the vaccine.

Many of those whose lives were harmed as a result of being pushed out of their jobs and losing their homes, will never let Jacinda Ardern forget what she did. And they are making their feelings known whenever she is within shouting distance.

What we have also learnt from 2022 is more about the Prime Minister’s radical socialist agenda. It has become glaringly obvious that her aim is to deliver control of key New Zealand institutions and services to tribal leaders who run multi-million-dollar business development corporations. This is essentially privatisation by stealth, since their goal is not the public good – it is control of New Zealand for their own benefit.

And what we now know, from the extent of the reach of this tribal agenda into virtually every government department, is that what Jacinda Ardern has actually put in place is the co-governance of New Zealand.

This represents a massive betrayal by the Prime Minister, as New Zealanders’ fundamental democratic rights are being eroded by stealth.

None of this was foreshadowed during the 2020 election campaign. Jacinda Ardern did not tell voters she was intending to roll-out a tribal rule agenda. In fact, she had kept the whole thing secret from her Deputy Prime Minister, Winston Peters – even as the groundwork was being prepared under cover of Covid during election year.

While a Cabinet Minute records that the New Zealand First leader had been at the meeting in March 2019 that authorised Minister Nanaia Mahuta to develop an implementation plan for the United Nations Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, once the He Puapua blueprint for tribal rule by 2040 had been delivered, its initial enactment appears to have been a covert affair.

It was only after gaining an absolute majority at the 2020 election, that the roll-out began in earnest and at such a pace that it became obvious that co-governance was in play.

It was well orchestrated: to remove a potential obstacle, the $55 million Public Interest Journalism Fund was established in early 2020, which had as a core requirement that recipients must promote the Treaty “partnership” fabrication upon which co-governance is based.

The mainstream media were in effect paid off to buy into He Puapua.

Even now, the guidelines for the final round of PIJF funding shows their focus is still on ensuring Maori journalism influences editorial decisions: “Priority will be given to applicants who show… the impact it will have on editorial decision making…”

From the time we first discovered He Puapua just after the 2020 election and revealed it through our newsletters, we have been uncovering how this unmandated agenda is being embedded into our legislative and regulatory framework.

In health, the reforms were aimed at centralising our community-based District Health Board system to not only enable the establishment of a separate system for Maori, but to give the tribal elite the power of veto.

This is now manifesting itself in the emergence of an apartheid health system that prioritises patients on the basis of race instead of clinical need. Using the bogus goal of delivering “equity”, if you are Maori you will now be given priority over other New Zealanders with greater need.

Jacinda Ardern’s administration is responsible for deeply dividing New Zealand society as Kiwis are increasingly being segregated on the basis of race: those who are Maori elevated into a privileged ruling class, while everyone else is relegated to second-class status.

This has become very obvious in the battle for water.

Three Waters has now been expanded to five waters, with coastal and geothermal water added without any consultation at all with the wider community after submissions had closed. Not only was there no Cabinet sign-off to this massive expansion in the scope of the Bill, neither the Prime Minister nor her senior Ministers were aware that the change had taken place.

It therefore seems that co-governance is actually tribal totalitarianism by another name.

Furthermore, Nanaia Mahtua has ensured, through her law change, that iwi will have full control of water in New Zealand: from the all-powerful Maori advisory group to the water regulator chaired by her sister, to the co-governed regional representative groups with veto control over the four new water services entities, to iwi having the power to dictate what happens in their local area – it is all tied up. It is therefore highly likely that it will only be a matter of time before water royalties for Maori, in perpetuity, are introduced.

In reflecting on gross government incompetence and failure this year, two areas stand out. One is immigration, where too few migrant workers have been allowed into the country, leading to widespread business failure as a result of the worker shortage crisis. And the other is crime.

With iwi leaders opposed to increasing immigration, is the present workplace catastrophe yet another example of co-governance failure?

And since He Puapua has the goal of replacing prison for Maori with wrap-around services – as well as creating a separate tikanga-based justice system (similar to the new Maori health system) – are we now experiencing the consequences?

Is the dramatic reduction in the prison population over the last two years, whereby criminals who would previously have been locked up to keep people safe are now back out on the streets, yet another disastrous example of co-governance in action?

Jacinda Ardern has already signalled she is planning an overhaul of local government. With a co-governance model to give iwi control of all of the functions of local government including rates the most likely outcome of her reforms, shouldn’t property owners be concerned?

The NZCPR has also been alarmed about the impact of Jacinda Ardern’s climate change obsession. This is another policy area built on political extremism instead of science and reason, that’s having a profound impact on society, where opposing voices are largely absent.

Through wanting to be seen to be ‘leading the world’ in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, the Prime Minister is forcing the harshest regulations of any country in the world onto New Zealand. This is completely unacceptable and out of all proportion to any benefits that might be gained.

So, what lies ahead in 2023?

While the polls and by-election results all point towards a change in government at the general election, we must not underestimate Labour.

With the power of the State and endless taxpayer funding in their hands, they will embark on a charm offensive the likes of which New Zealand will have never seen before.

If Labour was to win the election – with the support of the Greens and the Maori Party – we should expect the tribal rule agenda to dominate. And after another three years of bedding in radical apartheid policies, reversing them would not be easy.

Also, let’s not forget that the battle is not only against the Government – it is also against the bias of the mainstream media, which still dominates communication channels between the government and voters.

What all of this means is that we will need to work harder than ever next year to ensure the public is fully informed about the dreadful social experiment that is now being imposed onto our country.

That means stepping up our efforts to ensure New Zealanders are fully aware of the threat to democracy and our way of life posed by the Ardern Labour Government.

Together our mission in 2023 must surely be to “Save New Zealand”!

Thank you so much to all of our NZCPR readers for your wonderful efforts this year in helping to expose the danger posed by Jacinda Ardern. From distributing our newsletters far and wide, to sharing your views through our weekly polls and social media outlets, to supporting our campaigns, and advocating for change to our politicians and others of influence in our communities, Labour’s fall in the polls is the result of a massive collective effort. 

Our special thanks too to Garrick Tremain for so generously allowing us to reproduce on our Breaking Views blog the wonderful cartoons he creates to reveal the dangerous intent of this government – and to all of the authors who enrich us with their commentary on our website and blog, along with the wonderful volunteers who do such a brilliant job of helping to make Breaking Views and our extremely busy Facebook Group so dynamic.

Finally, it is as we face this critical 2023 election year that the NZCPR is asking for your support. Christmas is a make-or-break time for us – it’s when we find out whether our readers will back us for another year.

As you will be aware, the NZCPR is driven by the philosophy so eloquently expressed by former US President Thomas Jefferson: “An informed citizenry is at the heart of a dynamic democracy”. And to that end, since our inception as an independent public policy think tank in 2005, our aim has always been to share our research and commentary as widely as we can to empower others to join in our collective effort to help build a better future for New Zealand.

As a result, the NZCPR accepts no state assistance and does not run ads. And to keep our information accessible to all, there are no subscriptions and no paywalls. That means the NZCPR is totally dependent on the goodwill of our newsletter readers to fund our work.

If you would like us to keep producing our newsletters and running our important campaigns in 2023, then please support our crucial Christmas fundraiser by clicking HERE – with a one-off donation or a monthly contribution to help us establish a more sustainable future. 

And if you don’t like website forms the direct donation details follow – but please include your full name in the reference area … and email if you would like a receipt:

– Internet Banking: credit NZCPR ASB Bank 12-3099-0833814-00
– Credit Card: call 09 434 3836 to make a phone donation

An attack on the heart and soul of New Zealand is now underway. With your backing, the NZCPR will continue the fight for our democracy and our Kiwi way of life. Together we will make a difference – we will defend our country and stand up for a better future.

With my very best wishes for Christmas and the New Year – and thank you once again for your wonderful help and support.

Warmest regards,

Dr Muriel Newman




New Zealand Centre
for Political Research

PO Box 984
09 434 3836
021 800 111

Please note: To register for our free weekly newsletter please click HERE.

Dr Muriel Newman established the New Zealand Centre for Political Research as a public policy think tank in 2005 after nine years as a Member of Parliament. The NZCPR website is HERE. We also run this Breaking Views Blog and our NZCPR Facebook Group HERE


DeeM said...

Keep up the great work, Muriel.
Without the NZCPR I know we would not be in a position to understand the true horrors this terrible government has in store for us.

National have been massively underwhelming as the main opposition party and under Luxon's leadership it's hard to guess where they will take us.
ACT have been the only party to loudly and consistently fight back against the co-governance agenda.

Eileen said...

A huge thank you for your unremitting attention to the well-being of our country, which is under such threat - unbelievable. I turn to NZCPR first thing every day and have never found your blog anything other than honest informative - and strengthening. I - we- have so taken for granted that we are, by and large, a people of commonsense and goodwill, so fortunate to find ourselves in a temperate country at the end of the Earth. Next year is so critical. I pray for wisdom and commitment to put an end to the race-based stupidity that threatens all of us. Much power to your elbow and all of your contributors. Happy New Year.

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