
Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Mike Hosking: Cyclone looting was inevitable so where are those in charge?

It doesn’t take long for the ugliness to surface in a crisis.

We have friends in Auckland who have a visitor from Hawkes Bay staying with them because she is afraid to be alone at night.

She is afraid to be alone at night because her neighbourhood is getting ransacked by gangs stealing stuff.

It is the latest chapter in the Hawkes Bay tragedy. A tragedy that sadly is also obsessing the media to a point they have forgotten other parts of the country, like Gisborne, who at one stage were the centre of the drama, until they weren't.

I note over the weekend the growing anger in Auckland of the 5000 or so who still don’t have power.

Auckland is, comparatively speaking, untouched but the bit that got hit is watching and wondering.

But back in the Bay - as the gangs turn up and the locals form street blockades, the first question you obviously ask is - why do the locals have to form street blockades?

Where are the police? An even more interesting question is, where is the Police Minister?

The Police Minister has been an issue for this Government. When Poto Williams got appointed she turned out to be a shambles. It was Jacinda Ardern's fault.

Like the appointment of Andrew Coster, Williams was a touchy feely sort of idea. The kind of idea Ardern specialised in, until the polling got so bad they had to move her on.

Anyway, once they rolled Williams, Chris Hipkins got the job and watched a lot of ram raiding go on. Fortunately he was saved by the Ardern exit, and once becoming Prime Minister, he handed police back to Stuart Nash. Who, as luck would have it, is a Napier local.

But, sadly, in the part that clearly isn't being attacked by the gangs, because he knew nothing about it until the media told him.

Once the media told him he said they should, and I quote, "pull their heads in".

He didn’t stop there. He said the leadership of the gangs should tell their people to get out of their cars as now is not the time for this behaviour. Sadly no journalist present had the wherewithal to ask, when is the right time for this behaviour?

And dare I go down the track of this Government's record on gangs generally?

So once again, once the hi-vis is no longer needed and some action is, the Government haven't got a clue.

Grant Robertson was also in the Bay, in hi-vis looking at the Redcliffe substation that was known, apparently, to be a sitting duck for years. And his conclusion was they needed to have some talks about what to do. But talks don't turn the power on and it certainly doesn’t stop it going off.

This Government is good at emotion. As was pointed out various times last week, it does disaster politics well. The Ardern years have been saturated in it.

What the country needs now though is action. This lot, if the gang looting and the Police Minister's vigilance on it is an example, will once again talk big, but deliver little, if anything

Mike Hosking is a New Zealand television and radio broadcaster. He currently hosts The Mike Hosking Breakfast show on NewstalkZB on weekday mornings.


Anonymous said...

As said, Mr Average sees some minister wearing a hi vis jacket yapping at the TV camera for 30 seconds - that is enough to swing a snap election.
A terrifying state of affairs.

K said...

coster does not see any problem down in HB. What an insulting slap in the face for HB folk.

Doug Longmire said...

Welcome to the latest third world, lawless, racially fragmented nation.

New Zealand

Robert Arthur said...

I don't know who is doing any looting and nowadya we will not be told, but the areas suggest a particualr group prone to lawlessness in general. Those who have read Polack and others will know that a curious aspect of tikanga was that fellow tribesmen acted to compound any misfortune suffered. Thus if a wife chaged allegiance or his whare burned down, the man's few worldly possessions would be seized. The practice upset many shipwrecked Europeansw ho had not learned to respect tikanga. So, incited by Moana Jackson and many other prominent activists to imagine and apply decolonisation, the behaviour is entirely to be expected.

Anonymous said...

Stuart Nash, when Tourism Minister, said NZs needed to target “ high end tourists”. Where he got that gem from only he would know. Recent climate related events would deter, not attract wealthy tourists. Another fail by Labour!
Coster hasn’t been allowed to do what is needed; it is a contradiction to their mantra of “being kind”.

Sven said...

Looters should be shot on sight, no questions asked, one or two shot and killed would send the best message, but we have weak politicians who are to afraid to use their powers.

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