
Saturday, April 8, 2023

Elizabeth Rata chats to Rodney Hide on 'Reality Check Radio'

If you are worried about the education system, this interview is essential listening.

Professor Elizabeth Rata strongly believes it is long past time to bring back common sense into education: we must abandon the term 'learners' and revert to 'teachers', and stop children spending too much time on self-directed inquiry before they have the tools to understand what they are reading.

The discussion also touches on 'tribalism' and the 'Kura Kaupapa' movement...

Listen HERE

Rodney Hide, a regular host on Reality Check Radio is the former ACT Party leader and was a Minister in the National-ACT Government from 2008 to 2011. 


Robert Arthur said...

BV Apr8 Elizabeth Rata
As I have done for years, I listen quite often to RNZ and have become a recent fan of The Platform, but the Rata interview quite the most lucid I have ever heard. As Rodney observed it is unique in that it is about education and all immediately understandable without the now customary sea of obfuscating jargon. I am currently working my way through Crosby's very readable and informative book "The Musket Wars", and I entirely agree with Rata's point that the signing of the Treaty cannot be understood without knowledge of those wars, artfully omitted from the new history curriculum. I would have liked to hear her comment on the non release of public submissions on the history curriculum. Rata advocates education more as oldies like me received. Her observations extend beyond education and cover sinister developments generally. it would be a great day if observations such as Ratas made it into the msm. Only with considerable imagination could it be seen as infringing PIJFund conditions.
Rata has had second thoughts about kura schools. A very capable and experienced senior teacher acquaintance spends much of her precious time teaching English as a second language to total immersion students so they might make some progress in the real world.
(This written after comment on education below).

Robert Arthur said...

i trust the limited comment does not mean BV readers are giving this long interview a miss. It covers vital matters beyond education and must be heard by all.

Anonymous said...

Nope - the best use of my time so far this week. How do we get this lady to take the role of Minister of education?

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