
Friday, April 7, 2023

Heather du Plessis-Allan: You can't take the politics out of climate change

One of the last things Jacinda asked of us in her valedictory speech yesterday was that we “take the politics out of climate change”.

I hope the MPs in that debating chamber completely ignore that.  

Because think about what that means.

What Jacinda asked our MPs to do was to ignore what we the voters want, and just ram through whatever they consider necessary for climate change.

Because that’s what politics is, the contest of the different things that different voters want.

Do you want to know what that would look like, to take the politics out of climate change?

The Government would start charging farmers for their emissions from tomorrow. That would mean up to a quarter of sheep and beef farms could shut down.

It would put the fuel tax back on petrol, so you would pay another 25c per litre effective tomorrow.  

It would drive the price of carbon up to $120 per unit as recommended, pushing your electricity bills up 5 percent, your gas bills up 7 percent, your diesel cost up 8 percent and your petrol up another 5 percent. 

There is a good reason none of that’s happening, because it would hurt us, it would make you and I poorer than we already are.

You can’t take the politics out of something like that, because voters should have a say on whether they want their lives that deeply affected. A governing party can’t just do that to people without their consent.

It’s remarkably hypocritical that she says that on her last day in Parliament, when she didn’t take the politics out of climate change herself.

She could’ve forced the climate levy on farmers when she first announced it, using a hay bale as a podium six months ago- she didn’t.

She cut the petrol price down herself, she didn’t push carbon prices up to crazy levels, that recommendation was already there.

It’s a bit rich to not do something and then try to shame the people you leave behind into doing it.

Jacinda’s not naïve, she would’ve known no one’s going to heed that call. But it looks good in the media, doesn’t it?

Especially for someone off to a position on the board of Prince William’s Earthshot Prize.

So no, let’s not take the politics out of climate change, and let’s see this request for what it is.

It’s a play to get good international headlines, and a bad idea that we should all ignore. 

Heather du Plessis-Allan is a journalist and commentator who hosts Newstalk ZB's Drive show.


Terry Morrissey said...

After all the damage she has caused she still expects anyone with any sort of sense will listen to her lying drivel?
Climate change is a mental condition of the corrupt.

Anonymous said...

Damn straight, Heather. Woke, nonsensical virtue signalling in the extreme, but entirely the sort of soundbite one would expect from her who achieved very little, but division.
Goodbye, and good riddance.

CXH said...

Disagree, they should take the politics out. They have already taken the science part out, so if they remove the politics there will be nothing left and we can all get back to normal.

Ewan McGregor said...

What we need to do is get the politics out of whether or not man-accelerated climate change is actually happening, which it obviously is. Then comes the hard part; to get some kind of political consensus as to what we do about it.

Spam said...

There's another take on "taking the politics out of climate change". That would be to stop the politicians writing the summary for policy makers in the IPCC reports; a role that they use to distort and exaggerate and make a "case for action" that simply isn't supported by the detailed summaries of the science in the Working Group reports. Go further by ensuring that the working groups review ALL the papers, and refrain from cherry-picking studies.

Do that, and you'll find that climate change isn't quite as scary as the apocalyptic stories we're fed. Sure, it needs to be considered, managed and mitigated, but not by destroying civilization through stupid policies. As Judith Curry puts it "Climate change is a serious issue. Depending on your perspective and values, there will be much future loss and damage from either climate change itself, or from the policies designed to prevent climate change. Conflicts surrounding climate change have been exacerbated by oversimplifying both the problem and its solutions. And from mischaracterizing the risks from climate change."

Anna Mouse said...

Hypocrite is her middle name.

Anonymous said...

The leopard does not change its spots.

These people operate above the lowly voters .

John Beattie said...

If you take the politics out of climate change you are left with weather.
John Beattie

TJS said...

She is such a grifter Heather. It's all about her politics i'nt it? ((( IT IS BS!)))

Anonymous said...

Hypricate to the end

Sven said...

Just another turd the bitch has left behind.

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