
Thursday, August 24, 2023

Bob Jones: The next Labour leader

Long serving Audrey Young is justifiably one of our most respected political journalists.

In a recent New Zealand Herald article on who would lead Labour after the election, she staggered me with her suggestion it would be Kieran McAnulty, the current MP for Wairarapa.

For a start I think it’s unlikely McAnulty will hold his seat. As he’s No. 16 on the list, depending on the size of the Labour defeat and given the number of existing MPs before him, there’s a fairly good prospect he will miss out altogether.

But if I’m wrong, I’d imagine nothing would delight the new government more than facing a new Opposition leader, specifically a bearded Catholic socialist with the appearance and personality appeal of a ferret.

Audrey’s obviously far closer to the MP scene than I am thus I was interested to note her observation that Grant Robertson is not expected to hang around. Nothing unusual about that following an election defeat as the prospect of being an Opposition MP after years in the Ministerial limousines, awash in lackeys, international conferencing and so on, is grim indeed.

It’s my pick the next great white hope Labour Prime Minister is at least 9 years away and certainly not in Parliament now.

In the interim, their best bet would be to initially stick with Hipkins but I suspect we will see a replay of the post-2008 Labour scenario with a succession of different tried and failed leaders.

Sir Bob Jones is a renowned author, columnist , property investor, and former politician, who blogs at No Punches Pulled HERE where this article was sourced.


Kiwialan said...

A bit unfair to ferrets Bob, they are quite intelligent and can feed themselves, unlike the dickhead you're talking about with his snout in the treaty trough. Another socialist leech sucking the taxpayers dry. Kiwialan.

Anonymous said...

This election is shaping up to be very entertaining. Also the aftermath could be the election that keeps on giving.
I have been anticipating Labours 'demise with relish (I'm an ex member 2021).
The ferret would be a desperate move but I suppose there is no-one else.

Valid Point said...

I've watched McAnulty with some alarm since his rapid rise through the Labour ranks. Driven, of course, by others leaving rather than by any merit. But he has that cold-eyed fervour that only True Believers have. When he stared down the camera stating that democracy was flexible in New Zealand, I felt much unease.
I had no idea his electoral position was so vulnerable though. That he may politically disappear will be of some comfort.

sooty said...

Grant Robertson will bail out before christmas, if not on election night,
If labour should lose this one!

Anonymous said...

To Sir Robert Jones.

Both you and I (ANON of New Zealand) have been around long enough, to have seen, heard, been on the edges of (you more so than me, with your close proximity to The Beehive and associated grapevine that weaves in and around that building and also the social domains of Wellington, that Politicians would have inhabited) and with your greater knowledge, mine born from a distance, that the NZ Labour Party is no longer the Party of The People.

The demise started under David Lange, progressed thru those leaders that followed him, and with the assistance of Helen Clark (& Co) moved away from being associated with the Nation. It was interesting to observe, that once John Key became PM, that Helen C "debunked to New York" leaving those Labour MP's lucky enough to be either elected/ re-elected or gain seats from the Labour MMP List sit in "idle opposition" (this includes Jacinda Ardern) which when they returned to power, they not only showed an inability to be a strong Party leading the Nation, let alone having competent Ministers (of the Crown), your "ferret" being on of them.

I do believe we are seeing the demise of the NZ Labour Party, only the stalwarts & Unionist's will remain, and it is possible at the next General Election, suffer the same fate that NZ First has and will do so again.

With our MMP, we will now see the rise of the smaller Political Parties, similar to such Finland, Italy Spain, that will (if they work together) form the next generation of Govt for NZ.

ANON, of New Zealand.

Anonymous said...

Spot on commentary. McAnulty is unlikely to be a leader for the reasons above and also because he does not represent one of the warring factions within Labour - he's not gay (but who knows nowadays) and he's not Maori (but who knows nowadays). And then there is the issue of a coalition partner - being a CIS white male the Greens would never work with him!

No, it will be back to being a bookie taking money from drunk punters.

After the election Labour will be even more dominated by their Maori caucus. That will take many election cycles to reverse, so providing National is a half-decent government (and that is questionable) they will be in for three terms.

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