
Friday, August 4, 2023

Heather du Plessis-Allan: There's no way NZ's issues can be solved with Winston Peters in Government

Reasonably significant political news today- ACT’s David Seymour has absolutely ruled out working with Winston Peters in Government after the election. 

Saying: “It's impossible to see us sitting around the Cabinet table.” And: "There's no way that you're going to solve the problems that New Zealand needs to solve when you've got someone who's had so many chances and screwed it up so many times before.” 


I like Winston Peters, I like him a lot. But David Seymour’s bang on here. How many more chances are we gonna give this guy? 

The thought of Winston being able to choose or influence the next Government actually terrifies me.

I don’t care how many times and in how many ways he tells me- like he did on air on Tuesday- that he will not support a Labour Government into power. I do not believe him, as far as I’m concerned, Winston Peters cannot be trusted.

In 1996, he told voters to: “put Jim Bolger in Opposition where he belongs”. After the election, he put Jim Bolger back into power. Lesson learned.

Even if he was true to his word and didn’t go with Labour, can you imagine the disaster a National Government would be with him in it? 

This country is headed in completely the wrong direction. We need some serious change, but  Winston’s not a change guy. Winston's a handbrake guy.

He's spent the last 35+ years complaining about the reforms of the 1980s which saved this country’s bacon. We need reforms again, to save us once again, can you imagine him allowing that to  happen? 

Plus, we are broke. We are out of cash. Grant Robertson’s holding meetings demanding Government agency bosses slash their budgets to plug a probably multi billion dollar fiscal hole as our economy slows and tax revenue drops.

Winston's a spending guy. He’s the guy who forced Labour to give him $3 billion in provincial growth fund money, which his party splashed around the provinces trying to win votes. And which the auditor general looked into and found was so sloppy officials weren’t keeping proper notes  

So no, I'm with David Seymour. I don’t mind a bit of Winston in Parliament to spice things up, but I’d prefer if he stayed the hell away from Government.

Especially now, when we do not have the time or the money for his game playing and expensive pet projects.

Heather du Plessis-Allan is a journalist and commentator who hosts Newstalk ZB's Drive show.


DeeM said...

Winston's a grandstander. He'd make a great guest at a dinner party but he's had his political chances, and more, and his past record is uninspiring, to say the least.

I agree with Heather. He'd be disruptive in a centre-right government and would slow everything down. We most certainly can't afford that after 6 years of this socialist rabble.
It would turn into the Winston Peters show....AGAIN!
No thanks. Been there, done that.

Anonymous said...

Yes. What's the definition of insanity again?

Simon Cohen said...

If only Luxon would make the same commitment then people would realize a vote for Winston is a wasted vote

Anonymous said...

You and Seymour are very short-sighted. Winston Shane and Casey are valuable assets in the fight against co-governance. I can see the corrupt and racist Hipkins sneaking in while you continue this useless squabble.

mudbayripper said...

Casey's gone to Winston.
Does this make Winston more palatable.

Anonymous said...

One Winston saved a country, this Winston has helped Labour destroy this one

Anonymous said...

Ms. du Plessis- Allan.

Next time you interview Mr Peters, can I suggest that you ask these questions -

Subject Provincial Growth Fund, can Mr Peters state -
- what was the fund for
- to whom was it going
- what was the criteria for the "handouts"
- did those "receiving" funds have to apply or was that left to "The Pork Pie Hat man - Shane Jones to hand out as he saw fit"
- what follow up accountability was going to be applied.

I recently attended a Political Rally, where David Seymour spoke, a question to him about Mr Peters - his answer, to those present, is exactly what has been "stated in the MSM". He does not like Peters, Peters loathes Seymour, that relationship has longevity.

You need to remind Mr Peters, that the last NZ GE/2019 - That the People of NZ, showed that Peters, Party & Colleagues were no longer needed.

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