
Friday, August 4, 2023

Ian Bradford: Changing the Weather

Changing the Weather: Making it rain or making a drought. It’s been going on for ages, and so has  geoengineering,  a term for Carbon Dioxide removal and solar radiation management.        

Making clouds produce rain is called cloud seeding. Silver Iodide has commonly been used for cloud seeding. Most rainfall begins with the growth of ice crystals from super-cooled ice droplets in the upper parts of clouds. The Silver Iodide particles are meant to encourage the growth of new ice particles. The ice particles so formed eventually become too heavy and begin to fall turning to water as they do so and produce rain.

The seeding process is done by spraying microscopic particles such as Aluminium Oxide and Silver Iodide into the atmosphere. This is done by spreading by plane or shooting the particles into the air by cannon. 

Cloud seeding has been used in California in past months using Aluminium Oxide.  Once this chemical is changed to a powdery form for dispersal in the atmosphere, it can become a very highly combustible fuel.  Much of it falls to Earth where is lies on the ground until winds move it into the air turning it into an accelerant, adding fuel to fires already lit on the ground.  So if a wild fire begins, the Aluminium Oxide causes the fire to burn with much increased intensity.  But that’s only half of the story.  The particles of Aluminium Oxide powder are actually nano particles. That means they have a diameter of somewhere between 1 and 100 nanometres.  A nanometre is one billionth of a metre.  So the particles are invisible to the naked eye.  Many of these particles fall to earth and are breathed in unknowingly by people, and in fact all living creatures. Elevated Aluminium levels in the blood can cause side effects on human health. Aluminium can affect the neurological system.  Aluminium is distributed into bones and the brain and has effects on memory and concentration.  These chemicals fall into water supplies also. 

Retired USAF brigadier general Charles Jones states:  “These white aircraft spray trails are the result of scientifically verifiable spraying of Aluminium particles and other toxic heavy metals, polymers, and chemicals.” Millions of tonnes of aluminium and Barium are being sprayed almost daily across the US. Insects are dying from Aluminium poisoning and that includes bees. 

Silver Iodide, another chemical used in cloud seeding is toxic to aquatic life.

The only good news is that Sodium Chloride - common salt, is now being tried. 

The picture on the right is from Livingston County, Michigan. Photo: Lyn Connolly 

Unnatural violent outbursts of ignited fires have been happening in California. As at April 2020, a total of 645 fires have burned 1248 acres, (505Ha) according to the California Dept of Forestry and Fire Protection. Smoke from wildfires is composed of Volatile Organic Compounds which interact with UV radiation to create Benzene and Formaldehyde compounds in the atmosphere. These are toxic air pollutants that can have a very adverse effect on human and animal health. They happen to smell like burning plastic. There have been many reports of a burning plastic smell. 

The United Arab Emirates are increasingly turning to cloud seeding technology as a means of producing increased rainfall. Since March 2021, the UAE has been experimenting with the use of drones which fire electric charges into clouds.  The electric  charges fulfil the same role as cloud seeding compounds. The clouds are “zapped” with a laser beam. The electric shock causes water droplets to pool together resulting in rain. 

Cloud seeding has been theorised since as early as 1891 and experiments were conducted throughout the 1930’s and 40’s.  Today at least 50 countries are using cloud seeding. It can be used to reduce rainfall in areas where it is not desired. It grabbed headlines in 2008, when China used the technology to cause rain before the Olympics, ensuring clear skies during the actual games.  

Many suggest that the manipulation of weather can potentially result in unforeseen circumstances, such as triggering flash floods, and depriving other areas of rainfall that desperately need it.   A lack of regulation regarding cloud seeding means the process is largely pursued without much legal international oversight. There is a four decade old UN convention covering the hostile use of weather manipulation in warfare, but its use in peacetime is not covered.  The UN convention stems from the Viet Nam conflict. Under “Operation Popeye”, weather was used as a weapon in Viet Nam by the USA. Pilots and their crew would soar over select regions in Viet Nam with canisters of Silver Iodide The crew would release particle rich smoke into an existing storm. Operation Popeye intended to ruin roads, jam rivers, and extend the amount of time swathes of Viet Nam weren’t traversable. 

In 1972 a flash flood devastated Rapid City, South Dakota. There had been nearby cloud seeding and people suspected the cloud seeding operation was a factor in the flooding.


Can hurricanes (cyclones), be manipulated? (Work on manipulating hurricanes began at least one hundred years ago.) 

It seems that they can be manipulated by radio frequency microwave transmission. There are global networks of these transmitters.  They transmit signals in the 1-100 Giga hertz range. Applications include TV, Radio stations, Cell phones, and Military transmission equipment. 



A typical microwave transmitter

Basically, the electromagnetic energy is converted to thermal (heat) energy. Either ground or space based platforms are for generating beams of microwave radiation to provide localised thermal heating or ionisation of the atmosphere. One such application is to prevent concentration of rotational energy in a mesocylone by heating the cold rainy downdrafts. (A mesocyclone is a vortex of air 4-20km in diameter within a thunderstorm. Air rises and rotates around a vertical axis). The anticipated result is to prevent the precise rotational geometry that can produce a tornado (cyclone), and this interrupts cyclone formation.  The selective heating approach may also be applied to STEERING cyclones.  So the course of a cyclone can be changed!  A classic example was the path of hurricane Harvey. This hurricane was travelling parallel to the USA coast. It then turned through 90 degrees and entered the land.  It then made several other abrupt turns. The presence of microwaves can be seen on satellite pictures but they are usually removed before the public has a chance to view. 

Fire as a military weapon

This report was prepared for use in the Viet Nam war. The report is very long. It recommends that the forest be killed first by spraying with a suitable herbicide.  The trees should then be left for a year to dry out thoroughly.  Several small fires should be lit in key places. We all remember “agent orange”.

Today, there are increasing numbers of wild fires. The fires are very aggressive. One has to ask whether the fires are deliberately lit. Aluminium Oxide nano particles provide an excellent accelerant and contribute to the aggressiveness.  These fires are destroying the ozone layer.  Climate alarmists like the fires, because they provide a temporary cooling due to the many particles put into the air. This helps give credence to blocking the sun using aerosols in order to supposedly cool the earth.  The forests do not need to be sprayed with herbicides because the Aluminium Oxide is already killing them. 

CFC’s were banned as they were found to be depleting the ozone layer, as they broke down releasing the gas Chlorine. Chlorine however, gets stored in the atmosphere as Hydrochloric acid HCl.  Wildfire smoke breaks down the HCl in the lower stratosphere generating a chemical called Chlorine Monoxide - a serious ozone depletion agent.  Not only that, but the cloud seeding chemical commonly used - Silver Iodide AGI, breaks down ozone molecules also leading to depletion of the ozone layer.    

 Wildfires and High temperatures.

We have seen that cloud seeding and wildfires both destroy the ozone layer.  Now the ozone layer mainly stops too much ultra-violet (UV), reaching us. More UV gets through as the ozone layer depletes.  UV can heat an object when it is absorbed by it. So UV can warm the Earth.  So the question is: are the fires, which may be deliberately lit, causing the increase in temperatures in some areas and not the other way around, as the media likes us the think? On top of that, areas with Aluminium Oxide in the air will produce ferocious wildfires.  

The news media , particularly highlights the high temperatures in the US and Europe. High temperatures are not new.  Here is an example from the 19th Century. 

Los Angelas/Santa Barbara: 133 deg F or 56 deg C  

The temperature of 56 deg C is well above anything that is occurring in the USA or Europe at the present time. This was at a time when there were no vehicles, planes, large industries, etc. Carbon Dioxide cannot be blamed for the high temperatures then.   Let’s now look at 1936 in the USA:

June 20 1936:

Corning Arkansas   45 deg C,   Dodson Louisiana   43 deg C,  Greenwood, Mississippi 44 degC 

Doniphan, Missouri   44 deg C

June 26th 1936 :   Nebraska set a new monthly record high of  46 deg C

June 29th  1936 :   Kentucky and Tennessee  43 deg C    

In July, a heat dome formed over the Midwest. Heat domes are not new. There are heat domes now over the USA and Europe. They are natural phenomena.

July 4th   1936:  Peora, Illinois  41 deg C   Sioux, City  43 deg C   Kansas City, Missouri  42deg C

July 5th   1936:  Burlington, Iowa  42 deg C    Aberdeen, Sth Dakota   42 deg C

July 6th   1936:   Nth Dakota 49 deg C  the highest temp ever recorded in Nth Dakota      

The above is just a sample of temperatures in 1936.  Dozens of cities had record daily high temperatures.  It appears then, that high temperatures are not new. The Left/UN/WEF are pushing the latest round of high temperatures as the result of global warming due to greenhouse gases.  High summer temperatures in the USA and Europe do not mean that the whole globe is warming.  The push by the climate alarmists is aided by the media.  It is never mentioned that the USA and Europe has had RECORD low winter temperatures over the past few years, with many human and animal deaths. 

Ian Bradford, a science graduate, is a former teacher, lawyer, farmer and keen sportsman, who is writing a book about the fraud of anthropogenic climate change.    


Rob Beechey said...

Another wonderful essay by Ian Bradford. This should be compulsory reading for not only our brainwashed students but by their deplorable teaching staff who are determined to keep alive the greatest lie ever told.

Anonymous said...

"Earth is at catastrophic risk of collapse by 2025", even mainstream sources are now admitting to what is becoming all but impossible to hide or deny. Over a dozen countries are enduring catastrophic wildfires, primary heat distributing ocean currents are shutting down and the ozone layer is collapsing. While matrix media attempts to pacify populations by convincing them that we can tech our way out of the converging catastrophes that are closing in from every direction (or "adapt), the reality on the ground continues to prove otherwise. The challenges we collectively face are not just coming, they are here.

Rob Beechey said...

Dear Anonymous,
“Even MAINSTREAM sources are now admitting are now admitting to what is becoming all but impossible to hide.” The reality is mainstream media has never stopped promoting this lie. Did you know that they refuse to debate the subject. Don’t you feel that strange? TRUTH doesn’t mind being questioned but a LIE does not like being challenged.

Ray S said...

Excellent article.
I remember playing around with aluminium powder (oxide) to make very good fireworks way back when. Early 50s.
Sisters boyfriend was trainee chemical engineer at the time.

Anonymous said...

Extremely powerful ground based microwave transmission facilities are being used in conjunction with the ongoing atmospheric aerosol spraying operations to completely manipulate Earth’s climate systems. The planet’s former weather equilibrium has long since been completely derailed, natural weather is no more.
The ongoing official denial of global climate engineering operations is beyond criminal. Exposing and halting the climate engineering insanity is the great imperative of our time. All of us are needed in this battle, share credible data from

Anonymous said...

I understand that when Elon Musk's Starlink satellites decay in orbit , their mostly aluminum bodies burn up in the upper atmosphere. With all the thousands of the 1500kg Generation 2 satellites that will burn up in the coming few years, there is awful lot of aluminum oxide going to be created.
Climate effects ?

Anonymous said...

The globalists are terraforming the planet through planetary-scale atmospheric alterations - Large-scale efforts are under way right now to alter the chemistry of planet Earth in order to make it inhospitable to human life by removing CO2 from the atmosphere through "carbon sequestration" efforts. Since CO2 is necessary for all photosynthesis -- which drives the web of life on planet Earth -- this effort would collapse all food crops, rainforests, marine ecosystems and more, ultimately killing off virtually all animals and human beings on the planet if not stopped. Without CO2 in the atmosphere, there is essentially no recognizable life on planet Earth, and yet the entire "climate cult" machine (and nearly all on the left, media propagandists, government regulators, globalists, etc.) are at war with CO2 and are trying to completely eliminate it from earth's atmosphere.

Doug Longmire said...

Just FYI, you Carbon Dioxide panickers:-

Carbon Dioxide is a colourless, odorless, non toxic gas. It is a natural part of the Earth’s atmosphere and has been so for over 700 billion years.
CO2 is NOT a “pollutant”. It is a natural part of the air.

Carbon Dioxide ( CO2 ) is the source of all living things on planet Earth.
All those beautiful natural delights that make life on Earth so vibrant and so varied and wonderful.
Picture the lush green tropical jungles, the beautiful flowers, all the amazing animal life – Lions, monkeys, dolphins. Also the amazing insects, birds, spider, snakes, lizards.

ALL of these wonderful vibrant living things are made from Carbon Dioxide.

CO2 is the source of ALL LIFE ON EARTH.

The Carbon that these are all formed from is constantly being recycled through the atmosphere in a system known as the Carbon Cycle. It is the cycle of Life.

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