The hugely respected (for his legal mind) prominent former Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz writes that the just-announced felony charges against Donald Trump are a mistake and will "nudge the country ever closer to tribalism, chaos and collapse". This particular part of the argument that he makes is powerful:
"If the Attorney General appointed by the incumbent president authorizes the prosecution of the president's chief election rival, the evidence of a serious crime should be overwhelming .. His guilt should be clear beyond doubt, so as to avoid any reasonable suspicion that the prosecution was motivated, even in part, by partisan consideration .. That admittedly daunting but entirely appropriate standard has not been met by any of the three indictments currently pending against Trump, who stands tied in recent polls against President Joe Biden .. Evidence related to Trump's alleged illegal retention of classified materials at Mar-a-Lago are strong, but the supposed crime itself is rather technical & relatively minor. Hillary Clinton, who stored highly sensitive government documents on her 'home brew' server, never faced federal charges, neither did President Biden, Vice President Pence or Bill Clinton's former National Security Advisor, Sandy Berger. Why, then, charge the candidate who is in a virtual tie with the incumbent against whom he is running?"
Should Trump's prosecution go ahead, Dershowitz's view is that it will push the US toward "collapse" since around half the population will accuse the other half of trying to take out the election rival to the incumbent President using "trumped up" charges. Weaponizing the courts along partisan lines will become an accusation impossible to defend.
Should Trump's prosecution go ahead, Dershowitz's view is that it will push the US toward "collapse" since around half the population will accuse the other half of trying to take out the election rival to the incumbent President using "trumped up" charges. Weaponizing the courts along partisan lines will become an accusation impossible to defend.
Professor Robert MacCulloch holds the Matthew S. Abel Chair of Macroeconomics at Auckland University. He has previously worked at the Reserve Bank, Oxford University, and the London School of Economics. He runs the blog Down to Earth Kiwi from where this article was sourced.
If Labour get in again, this time with the terrible twins - The Greens and the Maori Party, expect the same kind of behaviour, as supposed hate speech laws morph into prosecution of anyone who opposes the Left.
Isn't Dershowitz one of Jeffry Epstein's mates...
Irrespective of that, this is a ridiculous argument - it's effectively saying don't prosecute someone the justice system believes has broken the law 4 times, simply because they have a following.
So much for equal law for all.
I agree with DeeM. NZ is following the decay of a once powerful Allie. Trump stands between failure or success of the Marxist revolution. Our MSM is showings its full colours by ignoring the unraveling Biden crime story of the century and the weaponisation of the federal entries to interfere with the presidential election.I laugh at Hosking on his morning show spouting the same MSM misinformation with his mate Richard Arnold (voice from America) an obvious Dem supporter giving NZ listeners their twisted version of US politics.
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