
Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Cam Slater: Tau Henare Spits the Dummy

Brown-mail and intimidation seems to have become the Maori way

We are seeing a sea change in our democracy, and it is being done right before our very noses, with nary a peep from a complicit media. That sea change is the wholesale abandonment, by Maori, of democracy in favour of threats, bullying, intimidation and outright brown-mail if they don’t get their own way.

Whether it is Rawiri Waititi saying he isn’t a fan of democracy, describing it as the “tyranny of the majority” and suggesting it is time to end it. Or perhaps Willie Jackson proclaiming that one person, one vote should be ended as we have a new form of democracy where anyone who is opposed to co-governance is guilty of racism and where they are described as “refus[ing] to accept this maturing of our democracy and seek to frame co-governance as a racist evil by manufacturing ‘one person, one vote’ outrage.

Or just last week where Maori were highlighted by the media as being noble because they are threatening anyone who suggests we need a referendum about the Treaty of Waitangi.

Then yesterday we learned that Tau Henare has been issuing threats and brown-mail over Auckland Council voting against his preferred option of having Maori wards on the council, while he sits as an unelected, well compensated appointee on the Independent Maori Statutory Board.

Former MP Tau Henare has vowed retribution against councillors who voted against Maori seats on Auckland Council last Thursday.

Following the vote, the deputy chair of the Independent Maori Statutory Board (IMSB) tweeted he would vote no and oppose everything put forward by the 11 councillors who voted against Maori seats at the 2025 local body elections.

The board has nine members, appointed by a selection process overseen by mana whenua, who each sit on council committees with voting rights but not on the main governing body.

Today, Henare told the Herald he was flabbergasted at the 11-9 vote not to establish one, two or three Maori seats on the country’s largest council and would “pretty much” vote against anything put forward by the 11 councillors on the planning and council-controlled organisations (CCO) committees.

He said right across New Zealand, there are areas where you would not expect to vote for Maori seats but have voted in favour to help recognise where the country is as a nation. About half of the country’s councils have Maori seats.

“This city is over 150 years old and still can’t bring itself to recognise the place of Maori in this society and so I’m just going to use the tools I have in my small little toolbox,” said Henare, who plans to raise the issue at the next meeting of the IMSB.
NZ Herald

Unelected, appointed by iwi elites, and paid by Auckland Council, now spitting the dummy and throwing his toys while issuing threats and intimidation, and promising utu and brown-mail against the eleven councillors who voted against looking at Maori wards for the next local body elections.

This is anti-democratic, but seems to now be the Maori way: if something doesn’t go your way you issue all sorts of racist threats and intimidation, and mutter darkly about settlers and colonialism.

I’m starting to get the feeling that they are really hankering for a return to the old ways of actual violence and utu to get their way and that rather perturbs me.

Why is it though that when confronting this absurd behaviour the media always make those confronting them seem like the devils?

Speaking on Newstalk ZB on Friday, councillor Maurice Williamson described Henare’s tweet as “outrageous”.

“You cannot be on the IMSB and putting out a statement ‘I will vote no on everything no matter what’,” said Williamson, who add that the IMSB should look at whether he can stay representing people as an independent Maori vote.
NZ Herald

Good on Maurice Williamson for calling it out. He’s also right. What Tau Henare is doing is the old-style union tactic of working to rule, and the new Maori tactic of exacting utu by blocking absolutely everything, grinding democracy to a halt in Auckland.

This is exactly why we need a referendum on this nonsense. We need to end this divisive behaviour, stamp it out and send a message that it will not be tolerated.

Tau Henare and the rest of his brown-mailing pals have failed to read the room in the electorate and are carrying on like their racist pals in Labour are still in charge.

If only we could vote racist bullies like Tau Henare out, but we can’t because they don’t do democracy. That’s another thing that needs to end.

Cam Slater is a New Zealand-based blogger, best known for his role in Dirty Politics and publishing the Whale Oil Beef Hooked blog, which operated from 2005 until it closed in 2019. Cam blogs regularly on the BFD - where this article was sourced.


Anonymous said...

Bullying, bluff, and threats have always been the [part-] Māori way.

It’s cultural.

But here’s the elephant in the room.

A culture that institutionalises violent display, ritualised confrontation, and naked aggression as markers of group identity will always breed violent thugs and bullies.

Many New Zealanders—white and brown alike—find Māori culture ugly and unappealing for that very reason.

The more "Maori" someone is, the more he tends to define himself by how much of other people's space he can aggressively shove his way into.

Never on his own, mind you. Only ever a tougharse with his bros to back him up.

Or within his own family, where Jake the Muss gets to lord it over his missus and kids.

A big arm is more important to such subbos than a big heart or a big brain.

As one of Allan Duff's characters says in a rare moment of introspection: "Us Maoris, we love our staunchness. Dunno why, juss is."

I do.

Natural selection over centuries of inter-tribal warfare meant the small, the weak, the sensitive, and the contemplative soon ended up in the hangi pit.

Only the strong and brutal survived to pass on their genes and values to succeeding generations.

Where victory in battle was a matter of life and death, the highest status in pre-European Māori society went to the brave and successful warrior.

Allan Duff paints a candid picture of such throwbacks in “Once Were Warriors.”

The bar room talk between the bros is all about fistic prowess, who "smacked over" whom.

Since Maori culture cannot hold up a single discovery or invention that has come out of it to the betterment of mankind, the only tūrangawaewae its adherents have is “Me Warrior!"

Duff again: “There’s a culture of violence that runs through Māoridom.”

That's why Maori TV promos always feature aggressive group haka by way of collective self-definition.

And why Anzac Day on Maori TV is a self-congratulatory circle jerk celebration of the exploits of the Maori Battalion, as though only those boys served with bravery and distinction, those boys won the war on their own, and many New Zealanders of Maori descent didn't choose to serve in non-racial units with their fellow-countrymen.

One wannabe I’ve argued with online has a profile pic of whanau males striking staunch poses and showing off medals presumably won at amateur boxing.

Nothing wrong with sports. Many in my family (myself included) have participated in various sports to at least provincial age group representative level.

But if my part-Māori family were to publish a group photograph of what we most identified with having achieved, it would be a bunch of people in academic dress brandishing our university degrees.

Not bare-chested in piupiu, rolling our eyes like mad dogs, contorting our faces, poking out our tongues, stomping our feet in unison, chanting loud aggressive words, and brandishing taiaha.

See my point?

The ability to punch the sh#t out of someone is no measure of the man where I come from.

The dynamic I’ve observed in many of the more "Maori" whanau -- and in the more "Maori" male mateship circles -- is that of a dog pack.

There's a "top dog" based on who can throw his fists around the best and hardest.

Everyone else in the pack knows their place in the pecking order: who they get to growl and snarl at, and who they have to kiss up to.

In an environment in which violence is rewarded with power and status, children soon learn that one moves up the dog pack ladder by being harder and more brutal than those one intends to supplant.

And how to gang up to pile onto outsiders.

Then they bring ‘Me Warrior!” to our schools, streets, bars and nightclubs, late night takeaway outlets, gas station forecourts, footy field sidelines, and road rage incidents.

People like Willie Jackson, Tau Henare, and John Tamahere are pulling exactly the same stunt, just covering it with a fig leaf of ‘civility.’

Robert Arthur said...

They all "once were warriors" and it still clearly shows in maori culture today. It is absurd that anyone with such a fixed attitude as Henare should be in the IMSB. In his case it is not a new revelation. One wonders just how many maori share the attitude but are not so imprudent to state it. Most/all I suspect.

Ray S said...

Mouth Henare is at it again.
There is a very small smattering of civilization in his outburst, 150 years ago he would have waged war on whoever wronged him.

Or in many cases, just for the hell of it.

Anonymous said...

Wayne Brown needs to reset committees - the legislation doesn't appoint IMSB people to all committees - just RMA related are "required".They should not be on other committees - that was a Len Brown/Goff rort to provide more left wing/big spending votes

Anonymous said...

Tau's full of it. Tell him to shut up and f*#k off while he's doing it. Then turn off the money tap.

Robert Arthur said...

Attaboy Anonymous! Such straight language is nowadays rare. Hopefully the election has broken the cancellation spell and we may read more of. If only such rationale would appear in the msm we could be on the road to lawful behaviour in NZ and near elimination of child abuse.

EP said...

Just keep on threatening Tau - and Tamihere and Tuku and Rawiri et al, until even the wokesters see the light.

Anonymous said...

Independent Māori Statutory Board (IMSB) - Yeah right.

Just another bloated taxpayer funded parasite sucking the life out of hard working kiwis and impeding progress.

EP said...

Peeni Henare, however, I do admire. He has such a respect for his historic language that he deplores, as I do, the silly transliterations that the wokesters bend their lame brains to devise - te reo for carburettor? Good Lord! Any relation?

Anonymous said...

In reading both Cam's article and the first posted comment "by Anonymous"(whom I take to be Maori?) - why do I get the impression that many "of the elite Maori" - have been studying the actions, passed, of African Countries, both South & Northern Countries.
For those Kiwi's who are unsure of what is being stated (above) then you need to look at the actions of -
1. The ANC in South Africa (and what is happening today in there)
2. Robert Mugabe in Rhodesia/Zimbabwe
3. Jomo Kenyatta - Kenya
4. Idi Amin - Uganda
5. The Countries of the West Coast of Africa

- and delve deeply into the past (and to some extent current) actions that have been perpetrated, firstly on white citizens in each Country, secondly - the demonizing (& killing) of the Native Population.

Of 1 & 2 above, the threats against & the "deaths of the White Farmer" in those 2 Countries led many White People to move - we have many of them here in NZ, and it is interesting to talk to them about their former Homeland,
which in the past 6 years they have seen a "rising of similar events, in NZ", that had many asking, if Labour is re-elected, will it be safe to stay in NZ?

In relation to the 5 Countries, listed (and also other African Nations), Tribal Entities, distrust, jealousy, greed - led to Tribal Warfare - just like Maoridom in the early years of NZ - and I wonder if it is happening again, with modern Maori - and their specific "push to gain traction on matters Maori and that includes money", is the under pining action.

Causing instability in a Free Society is the other, my reference is the ANC of South Africa, Maori Gangs, in NZ, and their "stand over tactics"!

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