
Thursday, October 26, 2023

Robert MacCulloch: Will Chief Executive Officer Chris Luxon successfully transition into Prime Minister Chris Luxon?

Newshub and other Mainstream Media outlets are back trying to brew up trouble for the incoming PM - the angle they seem to be developing now is that Luxon is going to try running NZ like a company. A panelist on the AM Show said, "However, some of the language that Chris Luxon is using around Parliament, I can't help but listen to him and hear him talking like he's managing a company rather than a country and rather than a Parliament and that scares me a little bit. [It] doesn't sit quite right with me."

It's actually an old question, having been hugely debated when Donald Trump went from being a CEO to a President. The heavy hitters weighed in on the pros and cons of such a transition - and they're worth listening to.

First up is former Chairman of the US President's Council of Economic Advisers and Head of the Harvard Economics Department, Greg Mankiw, who took exception to Trump trying to interfere in day-to-day business decisions of corporate America when he was President. He argues there is a big difference between a CEO and a political leader. Mankiw says that whereas a CEO is the "central planner" for their firm, a President or PM should not be a central planner for their nation - the leader of a country like the US or NZ should set up the rules and then let individual business leaders make decisions for their own firms. Whether Mr Luxon sees himself in this way - namely as the one setting up laws, rules & regulations (and we are hope, not too interventionist ones) without interfering in other ways is still an open question. Mankiw makes this argument 1 minute 55 seconds into this video.

Next up is Elon Musk who argues that effectively the President is the Chief Executive Officer of the US - he's in charge of the Executive Branch - and Musk is all on for a person who is great at making executive decisions to being the boss of America. Bring it on, he says, at 1 minute 20 seconds into this video.


Professor Robert MacCulloch holds the Matthew S. Abel Chair of Macroeconomics at Auckland University. He has previously worked at the Reserve Bank, Oxford University, and the London School of Economics. He runs the blog Down to Earth Kiwi from where this article was sourced.


Anonymous said...

I predict that the left media will be bullies to luxon and his govt, no matter what they do. They will try to destroy them and make them a one term govt. I hope they are strong and stand up to the woke bs. It can be done.

Anonymous said...

All western democracy governments are 'for profit corporations'. All were carried out in secret in the 70's and 80's. 99% of their populations are unaware of this fact as they were not consulted.

NZ's government became a 'for profit corporation' with the introduction of the 1986 constitution act. This replaced our 1852 constitution act. Sovereignty resides in our government now and not 'we the people', so our PM is in fact the CEO and MP's board members of this corporation.

It was called the bloodless coup.

Anonymous said...

The new govt should dismantle the current biased MSM and start afresh.
No other satisfactory solution.

Mark Hanley said...

The flipside of the argument is can people with no management experience become prime ministers who lmprove NZ.

The examples of Helen Clark, Jacinda Adern, and Chris Hipkins provide a resounding NO answer!

Chris Luxon has thus far demonstrated he is clever, knows how to manage people, and has good character. Luxon also has a vital track record of successful change management for large organisations.

Luxon has the pedigree to be NZs best ever prime minister.

Anonymous said...

The real problem is National. They need a ginger group such as ACT and NZF. lets hope that they work together and allow their near 50% of Nationals vote to influence real change.

Anonymous said...

The femme fatal who said that she was worried about his language expressed how she felt about it but she said not one word or quote that he had uttered to give her those "feelings".
An appalling display of non-journalism which is all too common in MSM.
I hope Winston gets the broadcasting portfolio...woo hoo. And it would be good if the terms of the contracts for the ongoing PJIF funding could be amended.

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