
Monday, February 5, 2024

Waitangi Opinion Piece from Brian Tamaki

Māori are a powder keg ready to explode, and Willie Jackson & Labour, Te Pāti Māori and the Kingitanga are holding the lit fuse ready to blow the place up.

They are inciting the gangs, and young militant radical Māori to begin a Civil War in New Zealand. They are using fighting words designed to incite violence.

In his speech at Waitangi this weekend, Peeni Henare from Labour said “I lift my gun, I let the shots do the talking.” He went on to say in anger as he took off his coat, “When you take off your jacket, it’s to get ready for a fight.”

Perhaps Peeni Henare is so fired up after revelations on Friday from the Health Ministry that they admit there were failings in awarding health contracts to Peeni Henare’s partner. Oh dear…has someone been caught with their hand in the lolly jar?

If I’d incited violence like Henare, I’d have been arrested already. It is no excuse to say because it was spoken in Te Reo it doesn’t have the same meaning, and it was a ‘figurative’ gun. He knew what he was doing. Those were fighting words.

He knows in Northland there are massive gun violence problems. Over the weekend there have been yet another two gun shootings in Kaikohe…over recent years on Labour’s watch there has been a proliferation of gun violence in Northland. Henare knows full well that Northland Māori have a lot of guns and are prepared to use them. He is purposely inciting violence in an already volatile region.

In November 2023 we heard his mate Willie Jackson threaten war when he said, “Māori will go to war if this Treaty referendum goes through.”

Over the past week in his farewell tour, Kelvin Davis has lashed out at New Zealanders calling them ‘Pakeha Spiders’ who are coming for you. I think Kelvin has been watching too many Sci-Fi movies this summer.

Te Pāti Māori are no better with their talk this weekend of ‘Righteous anger’ as they too attempt to whip up Māori into a frenzy with their korero. Their nationwide action day protest in December featured two prominent guns in their advertising material.

For Willie Jackson, Peeni Henare and their mates, their Māori funding gravy train has abruptly come to a halt as the new government hits the brakes, leaving many Māori Elite sour, bitter and inciting violence.

Over the past six years, the Labour government have never had so much Māori funding to disperse, yet the Māori Elite Club lined their own pockets, and those of their mates, putting their own needs before those of the people. Māori, as a whole, have never been worse off in this country. Māori have the worst statistics in the prisons, health, education, crime, mental health, domestic violence…in every area of our society. It breaks my heart to see our Māori whānau suffer like this.

Māori have failed Māori.

It’s these Māori Elite that have been the real abusers of Māori in recent times – they have prohibited Māori from advancing and reaching their full potential. They have made Māori dependent and reliant on begging for money from government departments and asking for handouts. These Māori Elites are the ones who have ripped off Māori in our generation. Just ask most everyday Māori if they have personally seen any of the billions in Māori funding that has been given to these Māori Elite, and 99% will tell you they saw none of it over these past 6 years.

The Māorii Elite, like John Tamihere, have now weaponised Te Pāti Māori for their own monetary gains. They’ve had their snout in the trough for too long.

Te Pāti Māori does not speak on behalf of all Māori. 17% of New Zealand’s population are Māori, yet only 3.08% gave their party vote to Te Pāti Māori…Māori did not give them a strong mandate. Yet they openly mock Seymour’s 8.64% of the party vote calling him ‘Mr Under-Ten-Percent’.

Now, as is typical of abusers, these Māori Elite have led the Māori people (victims) and many in society to believe the fault lies with someone else…European, not with their own…the Māori Elite.........The full article is published HERE

Brian Tamaki is a New Zealand Māori fundamentalist Christian religious leader who is the leader of Destiny Church, since 2022 he has led the Freedoms New Zealand party.


Patrick the Pakeha said...

Thankyou Brian for your honest comment on the disgruntled Maori ongoing saga and the gravy train that many have been part of.
I wish Maori would rocognise the fact that effort brings success. Many poor immigrants enter this country, and through an immense work ethic, succeed in giving their family a better life.
I am retired now, but my life has been one of physical hard work and a striving for a comfortable old age. I succeeded!

Anonymous said...

And all this “troughing” has been ably assisted, encouraged even, by OUR GOVERNMENTS, who since 1975 have not honoured te Tiriti o Waitangi, especially Article 2’s, “AND ALL THE PEOPLE OF NEW ZEALAND”.

Government is OUR number one problem for ALLOWING these so called “Part Maori Elite” to think and act as if they are the untouchable Rangatira’s of New Zealand.

Robert Arthur said...

Good stuff, even if it was written for him. One of the few who apparently realise that the Post Maorification era has dawned.

Anonymous said...

Curious. Maori were so desperate ly at war with each other they asked the British to take control.

Look at them now. These so called Maori.

What an insult to their ancestors and all the other responsible NZers including those whose heritage includes Maori DNA.

Doug Longmire said...

Well said, Brian.
You have described the the appalling situation with great accuracy.

Anonymous said...

This guy needs to be listened to, he stands for personal responsibility and respect! He tells it like it is!
Thanyou Mr Tamaki!

Rob Beechey said...

I lay this at the feet of that dreadful Marxist woman Ardern. What an evil piece of work. New Zealand once lived in multi racial harmony. We were one where we played sport together, worked along side one another and socialised. We were the envy of the world. We Pākehās were very proud of our adopted Maori heritage and culture. We use a good number of Maori words in our everyday conversations. We choke back pride when the haka is performed internationally. That was yesterday. Ardern divided us and by doing so generated so much acrimony and racial anger fuelled by the corrupt MSM.
Ardern and her dreadful govt introduced the closest thing to apartheid that’s split our nation as she skites about her wonderfulness at Harvard University. I’m a fifth generation kiwi with seventh generation grandchildren that is totally appalled with the racial mess we find ourselves in.

Hazel Modisett said...

Luxon is gutless. Let ACT & NZ First sort this mess out, then National can slither from their bunker when the dust has settled. Their MUST be a referendum, as without public input, the process will be as much of a farce as a Covid inquiry without public access to full & unredacted copies of the contracts signed with Pfizer & Moderna...

Anonymous said...

How many radical activists are there demanding this apartheid division ?
A few hundred ?
A few thousand ?
Why is this Government listening to them, and ignoring the wishes of millions of voters who voted for this coalition ?

Erica said...

Thank you Brian. May God bless your ministry.

Anonymous said...

I notice nz herald had published, but then edited out the part of david seymour's speech saying:
"We will fight for the rights of every single new zealander, whether they have been here for 1000 years or just got here yesterday." One minute it was there and the next minute it was edited out. There are some dark forces in the nz msm.

Majority said...

I’ll admit to a new respect for Brian Tamaki.

And I endorse every word of Rob Beechey’s comment. Well said.

In both cases, it’s a shame this website doesn’t provide the facility for upvotes.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this enlightening korero, Brian.
So important for us to pray for peace into this whole situation.

Harbourlights said...

I agree totally with this and YES, a referendum is now a must.

Anonymous said...

I so believe everything you have said Brian. Thankyou.

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