
Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Frank Newman: “Book burning” at the Hutt City Council

As many readers will be aware the NZCPR recently distributed some 600,000 copies of a booklet called The Treaty of Waitangi – An Explanation by Sir Apirana Ngata. These were distributed as an insert in 31 NZME and Stuff newspapers throughout the North Island. This followed distribution throughout the South Island in July last year. In total 1.1 million inserts have been distributed.

 The Treaty of Waitangi – An Explanation was written in 1922 and was considered of such importance that in 1963 the Ministry of Maori Affairs translated the work into English and distributed it to every Maori household in NZ. Given the current debate about the meaning of the treaty, and the high regard with which Sir Apirana Ngata was held and is still held (his portrait appears on our $50 banknote), the Explanation is a useful contribution to the debate.

 In early February we were tipped off that management at the Hutt City Council had ordered copies of the insert be removed from its premises, so I wrote to the Council’s Chief Executive Officer asking for clarification.

From: Frank Newman
Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 2024 10:34 AM
To: Jo Miller <email address redacted>
Subject: Attn: Jo Miller


Hutt City Council

Dear Jo

We have been advised that on 1 February 2024, “management at Hutt City Council directed staff to remove the publication by Apirana Ngata about the Treaty that the NZCPR had arranged to have distributed with this week's Hutt News. The HCC deemed the publication racist and not in line with the organisation's values”. 

Did you or a member of your management team ask that the publication, “The Treaty of Waitangi – An Explanation” by Sir Apirana Ngata, be removed from Council premises? If so, why?

If such a directive was given, please advise if the Mayor or councillors was/were informed of that directive prior to it being issued?

For your information, the “Explanation” was recently distributed as an insert in 31 North Island media publications, including the Hutt News.

Many thanks

Frank Newman

 Here is the reply.

From: Jo Miller
Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2024 1:29 PM
To: Frank Newman
Subject: Attn: Jo Miller

Kia ora Frank,

Further to your email of the 13th of February I can advise that, following concerns being raised, a limited number of inserts that you refer to were removed from the Hutt News which is available at our community hubs.

We generally do not support the dissemination of information of this nature in our official buildings. The insert produced by your organisation spread a very particular political viewpoint and without counterbalance, was viewed as spreading misinformation.

I stand by my staff regarding this operational matter.

Further to your last question I can confirm that neither the Mayor nor Councillors were appraised of this matter prior to the operational decision being made.

Ngā mihi,


Ngā mihi nui
Jo Miller

Tumu Whakarae
Chief Executive Officer 
Hutt City Council, 30 Laings Road, Hutt Central, Lower Hutt 5010, New Zealand

T: 04 570 6773  [mobile redacted] |  W:

The response is extraordinary. The Council CEO said the insert “spread a very particular political viewpoint and without counterbalance, was viewed as spreading misinformation.”

The insert was a word-for-word reproduction of Ngata’s work. The text the NZCPR contributed was a brief introduction so readers would understand what it is that they were reading. That included the comment that Ngata’s explanation was being reproduced for “educational purposes”.

Others clearly understood what Jo Miller didn’t. Journalist Graeme Adams said this in a column published on The Platform:

By contributing nothing more than the briefest of introductions, she [Muriel Newman] has also removed herself from the debate, leaving only Ngata’s words in the spotlight.”

Jo Miller says Ngata’s explanation of the Treaty is misleading. An article by Carwyn Jones appearing in the left-wing Spinoff completely debunks her view. Jones says: “Apirana Ngata’s explanation can form a useful part of our discussion”.

He goes on to say, “We should be encouraging people to share information about Te Tiriti. Apirana Ngata’s explanation can form a useful part of our discussion about Te Tiriti, its meaning, and how we ought to give effect to it today.”

Jo Miller says we should have included a contrary view with the insert (although it is not clear what view she is referring to). Is she saying every news story, opinion piece, or advocacy advertisement requires counterbalance? That would be at odds with what the Advertising Standards Authority says in its “Guidance Note on Advocacy Advertising”:

“Advocacy advertising is often characterised by parties having differing views that are expressed in robust terms…Section 14 of the Bill of Rights Act 1990, in granting the right of freedom of expression, allows advertisers to impart information and opinions but that in exercising that right what was factual information and what was opinion, should be clearly distinguishable.”

Section 14 of the Bill of Rights says, Everyone has the right to freedom of expression, including the freedom to seek, receive, and impart information and opinions of any kind in any form.”

A person of Jo Miller’s standing would or should be aware of S14 of the Bill of Rights. Does the Council’s most senior manager not care that legislation enshrines the NZCPR's right to “impart information” and the right of the public that she serves, to “receive” information?

And why was the directive given by council management to deny a fundamental right done without even talking to the council’s elected representatives?

It’s a sad situation when the CEO of a public institution decrees that a work of historic significance by arguably our most revered and respected Maori leader, should be withheld from the public.

This takes us back to the darkest days of history when authoritarian regimes censored or destroyed books to eliminate the opinions of those they did not agree with. 

Shame on the Hutt City Council.



Anna Mouse said...

That sort of behaviour is way past her or anyones mandate in that position and it should be taken further.

Free speech carries consequence but so does censorship.

Robert Arthur said...

Hopefully Jo Miller has no influence over the books stocked in Council libraries.

Anonymous said...

It looks like Jo Miller is a slave to the woke agenda of her ilk

Anonymous said...

These acts of removing NZ’s history from the public,only add petrol to the already fire of NZ democracy whitewash!

Anonymous said...

How difficult the Treaty Principles debate is going to be.....

Anyone with a govt or local govt job is CRT-driven and will do anything to hang on to their cushy job.

DeeM said...

Hardly a surprise.
Another woke Lefty in a position of authority who confuses power with ability, mistakes opinion for disinformation, then jumps on her high-horse called Virtue and signals she is acting in the best interests of the public she serves by denying them any view other than her own.

You can't reason with them. She probably thinks The NZ Bill of Rights is an ultra-extremist document designed to favour people of a non-Left persuasion.
And she stands by her staff, who also share her political views otherwise they'd never have gotten their jobs in the first place. So much for diversity!

Concerns were raised, she claims - by who, she doesn't say and she also doesn't elaborate on the nature of the concerns. These days you don't have to justify your actions with real substance. Just throw out the M-word or the D-word and that's enough to shut it down.

And just in case you were thinking of appealing to her open and transparent nature with a follow-up email, she says goodbye (which is really "piss off") twice, making it clear the matter is closed - just like her tiny, Left-wing, "progressive" mind!

Anonymous said...

This should brought as a claim against the HCC under the Bill of Rights - get Winston & the FSU on the case. Simply posting on here or other conservative blogs is pointless. The wider community needs to understand how insidious this deliberate attempt to undermine our values as a free & democratic country is. Jo Miller’s decision is nothing short of treasonous. She’s an ignorant ideologue.

Anonymous said...

I hope you passed that CEO's response on to the mayor and to every Hutt city councilor. This article should also be emailed to the Seymour and Peters, who both respect the work and mana of Sir Apirana Ngata. Forget Luxon.

EP said...

I guess the opinionated Jo Miller does have an influence on the purchase policy of the otherwise excellent Lower Hutt Library. Shortly after Karl du Fresne wrote articles critical of the Labour government in the Spectator (Australia), the library, without comment or notice, cancelled purchase of this magazine.

Anonymous said...

Why not convert Sir Apirana Ngata back to Mr Apirana Ngata.

Anonymous said...

Sir Apirana Ngata’s view on the treaty is misinformation? Give me a break.

She is demonstrating ideological possession.

Philip said...

I have just emailed Hutt City Council asking for an explanation: Jo Miller (CEO) has instructed Hutt City Council staff to remove all copies of "The Treaty of Waitangi – An Explanation" by Sir Apirana Ngata from council buildings.

Chris said...

Obviously, Sir Apirana Ngata is not the right sort of maori!!!

Anonymous said...

Jo Miller is British if I recall and came to NZ specifically to take up the role at the council having never been to NZ before (around 2018). So in just a few short years she has gone from, presumably, a blank slate on these issues, to a left wing censorial expert on the Treaty and its many interpretations.

Julian Batchelor said...

Jo is obviously an activist, obviously. It would be interesting if she could provide a few examples of 'acceptable' information which she would have no problem publishing. This is just activism under the sick guise of not being balanced. Come on Jo, we are not stupid. It's censorship, plain and simple.

Anonymous said...

If she is British that explains it. Similar to a Chief Human Rights Commissioner who dabbles in this you know what.

LNF said...

An English import who took a PG against her own Council
Of course she has a closed mind. What would Frank or especially Ngata know alongside this Manglish email person

Anonymous said...

Isn’t this a form of political interference? She claims the Mayor had no knowledge, but I doubt plausible deniability would stack up since she’s his CEO. Act and NZF are going to have to get very creative if we are to have a free & open debate without censorship. Legal action could be a good way to ensure alternative views are able to be heard, starting with this council & anyone else who has refused to publish the booklet. Perhaps Newman could publish a list of every publication it was meant to be included with.

Ewan McGregor said...

This raises a bigger question; what is the book/paper/magazine acquisition policy of this and other libraries? How do we know what the political influences here. This handout, which I've kept for reference, has opened a possible wider issue. That is, what are library uses unwittingly being denied?

Anonymous said...

That is a very sorry state of affairs from a woman who should know better than to bring her own political leanings into a discussion on a historical document.
She needs to be censured by the elected councillors or mayor and be reminded of her non partisan role in running the council. Nothing less will do. If she doubles down it would be only right for her to consider her employment options.

Anonymous said...

Just the same as Nazi Germany in 1933 when they burned all books that opposed Nazi ideologies.
Or have they removed all the books which referenced these public bonfires of burning books.
What's the difference ?
And look where that led.
Jo Miller you are personally complicit in the continuing indoctrination of Ardern & Co racist ideologies.
Shame on you.

Anonymous said...

It's interesting that we have so many foreigners imported into government positions in NZ. Once ensconced they are really aggressive with the woke agenda and push as hard as possible.
It would be quite easy to feel a little anti-immigrant (of any stripe) today as they don't want to be a Kiwi, they want to tell us how to be a Kiwi.
She is wrong and has overstepped her authority. She is not an elected official and should not be deciding what we can or cannot read! Nor should any CEO. What are the risks to Hutt City if they include a pamphlet in their newsletter? Zilch actually so what is the big deal? Someone might complain? Rubbish.

Steven Mowat said...

I found Jo miller's action offensive, in removing the insert written by Sir Apirana. His opinion, and it was clearly an opinion, is a perfectly valid opinion. The offense was twofold. firstly in deliberately overstepping her authority as CEO of Hutt City Council. The The council is a public infrastructure organization and it's "assets" including the library are public property. Her job is to mange Hutt City assets to facilitate their delivery of services to the public - and nothing more. I think Jo Miller knows this but chose to act outside her authority deliberately; if she does not know her mandate she should be replaced - Catch22 for her. Secondly I think like most of the other commenters that she was (is) ideologically motivated, in fact religiously motivated. If a Christian (or Buddhist, or Muslim, etc.) in her shoes tried to ban works on evolution or Satanism he/she would be immediately suspended and probably asked to resign. So which religion would have a problem with Sir Apirana's views? Only Woke and why Woke?- because the central theme of Woke is to seize the means of control of the production of Man and History in Society. and her action in censoring the public is in direct accord with that theme. She is now uncovered in public.

Anonymous said...

I’m sure you won’t print my comment, but good on her for removing it from our community paper. I’m not interested in a history lesson I didn’t request or want.

Anonymous said...

Despite well meaning comments that there should be legal action or council sanction, that assumes the legal system and the council are not embedded in wokeness. Regrettably I suspect they are up to their eyeballs in woke. Not to
mention tikanga.

Anonymous said...

Frank, this is fantastic. Great work. Agree with vast majority of the comments. We have her running scared, you can tell by the tone of her email. The left are squealing loudly now days which means they are in real strife. Brilliant.

Whoever follows up with this, it seems like a few have started to question the HCC, can we please have an update?

Time to hold these terrible people to account for their undemocratic and highly biased agendas. That's you in this instance JO MILLER.

Jo Miller need to understand that her agenda does indeed have consequences (the left don't realize this). Also there is a massive case of dunning Kruger syndrome occurring I might suggest! :)

Anonymous said...

Replying to anon on 5 March at 10.31pm - yet you’re okay with being subjected to a falsified history of NZ each time the media report on this issue? You’re being naive. Times have changed. The news used to be simply reporting the stories with opinions limited to the once a week ‘Editor’ column. But reporting has now been replaced by opinion, often unsubstantiated and ideological opinion, so in order to maintain a healthy democracy we need to have information that counters the propaganda being peddled by the media.

PJM said...

The last sentence of Jo Miller's reply to Frank Newman's letter is: "Further to your last question I can confirm that neither the Mayor nor Councillors were appraised of this matter prior to the operational decision being made."
This shows that the council CEO has such a poor vocabulary that she doesn't even know the difference in meaning between "apprised" and "appraised".

Anonymous said...

And Anon@10.31pm, not only are you naive and very likely ignorant of our history, you are also wrong about the veracity and openness of this site to print respectful comments from both sides of the discussion, quite unlike our MSM which I'm sure you find more to your usual liking.

Frank Newman said...

To Anonymous, MARCH 5, 2024 AT 10:31 PM

You may not want to read historical documents, and that's fine, but others do. That's the point of the column. It should be their choice what they read, not Jo Miller's.

Don said...

This helps explain why Hutt City Council publications reek of the Maori non-language and give it precedence in titles and salutations and even have some publications solely in Maori with no English explanation. As a ratepayer it annoys me intensely to see much of our rates wasted given the tiny number of recipients that can read Maori and that all Maori are fluent (and probably prefer) English anyway.

Anonymous said...

Her conduct is so egregious that it brings the HCC into disrepute. She should be dismissed for serious misconduct.

david said...

She should be fired for her action, which is undemocratic, is authoritarianism & she should not have been permitted to make such a decision. The Council need to make her accountable for her action.

Eamon Sloan said...

For PJM. Thank you for commenting regarding appraised and apprised. I also noted Jo Miller’s misuse of the terms and in my mind was wording a comment before I got down as far as your comment. I shall go a step further and email to her a few relevant dictionary references.

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