
Thursday, May 16, 2024

Cam Slater: New Poll Flushes Opponents to Winston’s Bill Down the Dunny

On Tuesday I wrote about Winston’s no weirdos in women’s bathrooms bill. The Labour Party are all in on opposing this and I suggested that they should go for it, that Winston had the right of it. It turns out Winston and I were right.

Family First commissioned a poll to see what the public thinks and, what do you know, Kiwis think the same as Winston.
Family First Poll - Click to view

Fifty-six percent support Winston’s proposed Bill. and just 26 per cent oppose. What is interesting is the gender-based results.

Family First Poll - Click to view

Who would’ve thought that more women than men support Winston’s bill?

But what is more astonishing are the regional stats:

Family First Poll - Click to view

It turns out there are a whole lot more ‘TERFs’ in Wellington than previously thought.

Now, let’s have a look at the party numbers:

Family First Poll - Click to view

Oh my, it looks like Shanan Halbert and the Labour Party are on the wrong side of this one. Even the loony-tunes Green supporters are in favour of this bill, putting the nutters in their caucus on the wrong side of public opinion.

I doubt if this poll will be reported by the legacy media, but facts are facts and these are undeniable.

This is a serious kick in the nuts for the Bud Light drinkers, again.

Winston Peters has read the mood of the public perfectly on this issue.

Cam Slater is a New Zealand-based blogger, best known for his role in Dirty Politics and publishing the Whale Oil Beef Hooked blog, which operated from 2005 until it closed in 2019. Cam blogs regularly on the BFD - where this article was sourced.


Anonymous said...

Dismal results.

Anyone who disagrees with this Bill is a misogynist & incel. It is simply ludicrous that nearly half of all women especially, would think it is okay for women & girls to share bathrooms & changing rooms with men.

The only way I see these polls changing is after these delusional handmaidens are faced with the inevitable, but easily preventable, incidents of voyeurism, exhibitionism, harassment or worse, assault. No doubt they would even school their daughter or granddaughter for being intolerant when upset by seeing a man in the toilets or changing rooms. These deplorables are the kind of women who teach girls to ignore their engrained alarm bells in favour of being seen to be on trend & tolerant.

Women are a protected class for a reason. The HRA says we have the right to discriminate based on the protection of our sex; men who call themselves women do not get to trump our rights. This is the current law, so how the F did men even get access to our spaces, language & sports?

I know how. It started with the previous National government & was made 1000 times worse by the Labour government.

Erica Stanford & Nicola Willis also think it’s a non issue, Luxon & Seymour side with the freaks, & even so-called feminists in the media like Heather DA say they would never agree with Posie Parker. Everyone has been falling over themselves to support men & their feelings. It is insane how stupid they all are. They are going out of their way to support homophobia, predators & the mutilation of girls & to increase rates of depression, anxiety & suicide. They are defending fiction over biological fact.

As for the men who oppose the Bill - they’re predators, whether overt or not.

Anonymous said...

It's a strange thing to say but I would feel safer getting changed in open public than in a room with the gender challenged.

In public there is a generic anonymity. Not so in a changing room.

Ditto, peeing behind a tree than using toilets for ' women'.

Strange world huh.

Anonymous said...

How many people disagreed with the bill because they don't want to see unisex toilets in new public buildings? Winston is creating new opportunities for predation with unisex bathrooms. It needs to be specified that unisex bathrooms must be single-occupant and not shared rooms in the bill.

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