
Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Cam Slater: Scallywags? Actually, They Are More like Ratbags

The Maori Party and their proxies are upping the ante in their racist rage, promising to block motorways and roads and go on strike as part of a protest against the democratically elected Government’s policies.

Te Pati Maori co-leaders have pushed back on suggestions calls for people to strike as part of a nationwide protest on Thursday is inappropriate, saying the Government was “oppressive” and the action was a necessary response to policy.

Thousands of people are expected to attend protests across the country this Thursday, which is also Budget Day. Organisers have encouraged people to walk off the job to unify against “the Government’s assault on tangata whenua and Te Tiriti o Waitangi”.

Prime Minister Christopher Luxon told reporters today calls for people to strike were wrong and illegal as there were rule in place around when and how strike action could take place.

Asked whether it was irresponsible to call for people to strike on Thursday, co-leader Debbie Ngarewa-Packer said: “I don’t think it’s irresponsible to call our people and meet their request for us to call into action.

“They’ve had enough, and I don’t know where you want to start, whether ending the genocide, the way that the Government has been marginalising rainbow communities, our taiao, our tangata, our reo, where do you want to start?

”The last straw,” Ngarewa-Packer said, “was that we’ve got referendums for Maori wards given a five day-turn around, the [repeal of section] 7AA [from the Oranga Tamariki Act], the way they’ve [acted with the] Fast Track Approvals Bill where they had no public consultation.

“Our whanau have a right to be heard and be seen and if us calling them to strike into rise, kei te pai.”
NZ Herald

The last straw? Bringing back democracy? Letting people vote on something is the “last straw”?

Good to know that the Maori Party opposes democracy.

The Maori Party talks about enabling a revolution, usurping democracy, overthrowing colonialism and destroying the apparatus of the state. If this were done by a white nationalist his feet wouldn’t touch the ground. It is incitement pure and simple.

Co-leader Rawiri Waititi said there had been strikes in New Zealand for years including before employment agreement processes were implemented.

“Who said only one person gets to determine what a strike is?”

“That’s all they think about,” he told reporters at Parliament today.

“They are disgrace to the former great Maori leadership of this country. Nothing is new about them calling for a strike.”
NZ Herald

Can you believe Waititi? He is advocating ignoring laws to suit themselves. But at the same time he is insisting that the treaty be honoured. These fools are the ones actually breaching the treaty.

Eru Kapa-Kingi, from Toitu Te Tiriti, told the Herald earlier the delays people would face on the roads due to the protest were nothing compared to the impact of some of the coalition’s policies had on Maori.

“So, a few people arrive late for work? So what? What this Government is doing to Maori on a daily basis is much worse,” Kapa-Kingi said.

“We are expecting thousands to take part – even more than the last time. This will be a repeat of our last activation but on a larger scale and we do want to be hoha and disrupt as much as possible.”
NZ Herald

That’d be Eru Kapa-Kingi who represents an organisation that has registered their domain name to an Australian address.

Registrar Website
Registrant contact
Registrant Name HORI clothing
Registrant Contact Address [xxxxxxxxxx]
Registrant Contact City byron bay
Registrant Contact Postal Code 2481
Registrant Contact Country AU
Registrant Contact Phone +61 426xxxxxx
Registrant Contact Email thehori1@xxxxxxxx

Funny, eh?

These ‘Maori Warriors’ are actually activists from Australia.

They are right though. Enough is enough…of this malarkey.

Cam Slater is a New Zealand-based blogger, best known for his role in Dirty Politics and publishing the Whale Oil Beef Hooked blog, which operated from 2005 until it closed in 2019. Cam blogs regularly on the BFD - where this article was sourced.


Anonymous said...

If the strike is illegal then TPM are inciting a crime. It could also be said they’re committing a hate crime. Surely this is grounds for their pay - which comes from all the taxes most of their supporters don’t pay - to be suspended, effective immediately?

Anonymous said...

The coalition government is trying repeal the racist political carnage unleashed by Ardern on compliant New Zealanders and maori elite[everyone knows them]are bleating like a castrated goat at the thought their perks were being cancelled .The very same people that took charge of the Iwi cheque book and offered the two fingered salute to grassroots good maori folk.Time for a bit of transparency here.

Anonymous said...

Angry female pakeha pensioner here. I have Maori whanau. I am sick of the Maori crap everywhere. Jacinda fanned the flames and Luxon needs to douse them and soonish. I live in Welllington and am tempted to go to the Railway station tomorrow with a banner that says "We voted for this government so get over it".

Grumpy said...

Angry male pensioner here (racial DNA irrelevant): the more the racist noise-makers rant and rave, and it's becoming increasingly shrill/outlandish - the tougher will be the dish of reality that eventually arrives for their supper.
Actual conflict? I hope that's avoidable but it's hard to read the room on this. I just wish some moderate Maori (outside of some good politicians) would stand up to the extreme activists for a change.
Patience may be a virtue, but there are limits.

murray said...

Wheat picking the law are the actions of losers,
If we tolerate such illegalitiesat this stage,
how long before we see the problems in Noumea
in New Zealand?
If the LAW cannot enforce itself now, there is little hope
that violent civil disobedience can be controlled
This is blatant sedition, but those laws ( Sec 81 - 85
Crimes Act) were repealed in 2008 by Sir Geoff Palmer.?
What did he foresee back then?

Mark from NZ said...

At what point will these Maori elites stand back and actually appreciate what they have inherited as a direct result of colonisation? Roads, Schools, Medical care, Universities, Grants, etc.
When do the tribes who have received Crown settlements use these funds to directly assist their own people? Ngai Tahu as an example is a $1Billion entity. Where are their direct investment in schools, medical care etc? This is not a one-way gravy train, like most seem to think. This current Maori elite are a disgrace to all other Maori.

Hazel Modisett said...

Talk about bite the hand that feeds you.
If Maori want self determination, then they need to pay their own way & stop bludging
I used to be proud of my Ngapuhi ancestry, but no more when I see the ghetto that Northland & the Far North have become & areas of Sth & West Auckland have become virtual no go areas due to rampant crime & gang activity.
MMP has now become Malignant Maori Politicians & perhaps a tax embargo would remind them who pays their ridiculously exorbitant salaries & lifelong perks that no other Kiwis are entitled to & send an unequivocal message to lame duck Luxon that the vast majority of NZers have had a gutsful & aren't willing to put up with this racist & divisive BS any more.
If push comes to shove, we carry a lot more weight...

Anonymous said...

Debbie Ngarewa-Packer has no shame. To compare the treatment of NZ Māori to genocide is preposterous and total nonsense. She and her fellow stirrers need to accept gracefully the benefits of colonialism and get rid of the chip on her shoulder.

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