
Sunday, May 19, 2024

David Farrar: 50 charter schools for less than the cost of moving two schools!

David Seymour announced:

The upcoming Budget will include funding for up to 50 charter schools to help lift declining educational performance, Associate Education Minister David Seymour announced today.

$153 million in new funding will be provided over four years to establish and operate up to 15 new charter schools and convert 35 state schools to charter schools in 2025 and 2026 depending on demand and suitability.

Hipkins was going to spend $400 million just to merge two schools together in Marlborough. For less than half that amount, the Government will deliver up to 50 charter schools!

David Farrar runs Curia Market Research, a specialist opinion polling and research agency, and the popular Kiwiblog where this article was sourced. He previously worked in the Parliament for eight years, serving two National Party Prime Ministers and three Opposition Leaders.


Anonymous said...

We have private schools and this adds a little more choice.
The divide between private schools and the bulk of state schools is now massive.
Fiddling around against a bunch of bullying teacher activist unionists will never work.

Gaynor said...

Our entire education system is a disaster, Progressive education the destructive ideology which converted our world class education into the miserable ineffective, nightmare we have now.

No parent was ever consulted about whether they wanted this socialist-Marxist ideology forced on our most precious possession - our children who are having their minds redecorated by activist teachers brainwashed at academic teachers' Colleges. Teachers are not taught there how to teach in the traditional sense academic subjects but instead how to indoctrinate Kids into being little socialist activists as well.

We would be better off with third world classrooms but traditional teaching methods which produce literate, numerate students who can produce a page of grammatically accurate, correctly spelled written work. This is real education.

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