
Tuesday, May 14, 2024

David Farrar: Jumped up idiots

The Whanganui District Council released:

Whanganui District Council’s elected representatives have called for an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza and condemned all acts of violence and terror against civilians on all sides.

I’m sure Hamas will agree immediately now that the mighty Whanganui Council has demanded a ceasefire.

David Farrar runs Curia Market Research, a specialist opinion polling and research agency, and the popular Kiwiblog where this article was sourced. He previously worked in the Parliament for eight years, serving two National Party Prime Ministers and three Opposition Leaders.


I.C. Clairly said...

I doubt David Farrar would have made such a mocking post if the Whanganui District Council had instead called on the IDF to continue their decimation of Gaza. But he's Jewish, so he isn't criticising the principle of a New Zealand council issuing such a call, he's criticising the fact that they are making a call that goes against his tribe's interest. I'm sure he'd be over the moon and commending the councilors if the obverse were the case.

I think a lot of people read Farrar's Kiwiblog and assume his takes on Israel-Palestine are objective and rationally arrived at, rather than being an exemplar of the Jewish practice of Hasbara, which is non-Israeli Jews conducting propaganda on behalf of Israel and Jews in general.

Barend Vlaardingerbroek said...

"... where this article was sourced."

That's a 21-word article........
plus 5 words for the title.......
plus a quote of 28 words.......
plus a blurb of 41 words.
Not what I'd call an article at all.

Rodge said...

I think if "I. C. Clairly was to acknowledge the sub-human atrocities committed by Hammas against Israeli citizens on 7 October, his comments on this tragedy might be of relevance.

Anonymous said...

Yes, there is a lot of 'Hasbara' going on around here. Water off a duck's back to those who know the truth and are waking up to the truth as they shake off the psyop/propaganda they have been exposed to all these years.

Good for the Wanganui council who want to see the genocide cease. Showing leadership in my book.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps if the New Plymouth Council no longer wanted it's Wanganui brethren to exist they might have a different view on things? Being half a planet away also undermines their relevance.

Doug Longmire said...

Wanganui (or is it Fonganoo-ee?) City Council was conspicuously silent in condemning Hamas after Hamas committed the terrorist slaughter and rape of innocent Israeli citizens, children and babies back in Nov last year.
Double standards?

I.C. Clairly said...


At what point, I wonder, has Israel's ultraviolent response eclipsed anything done to it by Hamas on Oct 7th (which itself was only one response in a long line of responses to Israeli domination of Palestinians)? Israel has killed orders of magnitude more Gazans than the number of Israelis killed by Hamas in October, and any political capital they may have had at that time has well and truly gone up in the smoke brought about by Israeli vengeance.

People like you probably believe the official pretext that the goal is "destroying Hamas"(what that looks like and how it is to be achieved is anyone's guess), rather than the more unsettling but obvious geopolitical intention of getting rid of as many Palestinians as possible (whether dead or displaced, it matters not) and then annexing Gaza.

If Hamas killed 1,200 Israelis (and there are suggestions that the figure is actually well below that, given that IDF soldiers - that is, combatants in the ongoing conflict- were a large proportion of the deaths, and that, based on the forensic evidence for the kind of heavy weaponry used, many Israelis died at the hands of "friendly" fire), then I'd say that the multiple tens of thousands the IDF has killed, and the millions they have made homeless, puts the Israelis easily in a category much worse than Hamas.

Anonymous said...

"He previously worked in the Parliament for eight years, serving two National Party Prime Ministers and three Opposition Leaders."

- I wonder what mischief Mr Farrar got up to while he was working in Parliament?

Anonymous said...

I think if Rodge were to acknowledge the sub-human atrocities committed by Hamas against Israeli citizens on 7 October was actually Israeli propaganda with no beheaded babies (name one) or sexual violence (name one), then he will realise he has been tricked into supporting ethnic cleansing.

Anonymous said...

IMHO the solution is simple - Hamas releases ALL Israeli hostages - until that happens, I say Israel go hard

Anonymous said...

The lunacy of a group in Wanganui believing they have a material impact.
The illusion of input.

Doug Longmire said...

Clairly (above) ignores the Hamas Charter, quoted below:-

"The time(16) will not come until Muslims will fight the Jews (and kill them); until the Jews hide behind rocks and trees, which will cry: 0 Muslim! there is a Jew hiding behind me, come on and kill him!

There is no solution to the Palestinian problem except by Jihad.
In order to face the usurpation of Palestine by
the Jews, we have no escape from raising the banner of Jihad. We must spread the spirit of Jihad among the [Islamic] Umma, clash with the Jews and join the ranks of the Jihad fighters."

Ellen said...

My word yes - just as well the Wanganui District Council has little influence beyond its own jurisdiction. Hamas exists solely to effect the eradication of the Jews, with no regard at all for the well-being of their own people - death is the goal. They are in-sane by normal human standards, and those who make no effort to ascertain this truth may rue the day when they have taken over the planet. Bless you IDF.

Anonymous said...

Why the surprise and outrage about Israel’s action to wipe out Hamas? Israel made it clear decades ago that the country would exact unbearable & extreme retributions on anyone who intentionally harmed Israelis. Remember Entebbe and the Munich massacre?More so in this Oct 7th case given the boast by Hamas that they would ‘do it again and again’. Once and for all, that threat has to be eliminated. What the Palestinians have to do is remove that threat themselves but they are too implicated, cheering on the Oct 7th massacre, to do so. A tragic state of affair.

Anonymous said...

Indeed anon@3.11.Hamas started the war, they need to end it with an unconditional surrender. Until then, it will continue, because there is no viable alternative.

Anonymous said...

Hamas is winning. They still have the hostages but more importantly now the world has seen what Israel is really like. The world is now a lot more informed and many are siding with Palestine.

Ariel Sharon said Israel could live peacefully but if they tried to take all the land then they risked losing everything. Israel is taking all the land - just look at the West Bank - and I think they’re making a massive, self-inflicted mistake.

Anonymous said...

Doug, Well said . There is fault on both sides imo and little hope of peace. The Hamas - backed by Iran et al openly state their mission is to destroy the west.

I c clairly, I will happily pay your airfare over there to support your cause. I try not to surround myself with radicals like yourself. We see you for what you are. Oddly enough not one of your lot has taken my generous offer of paying your way over there to support and fight for those who oppose countries like nz. The lefts hypocrisy at its best.....

Anonymous said...

"Water, waste and roads." The Wanganui (no 'h') Council has no business indulging in political activism.

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