
Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Ele Ludemann: “We must be more robust than this”

Singapore Prime Minister, Lee Hsien Loong, talks sense:

In the West they’ve got a movement called wokeness where you’re supersensitive about other people’s issues and you become hypersensitive when other people somehow or other say things or mention things or refer to you without the respect which you or your subgroup feel you are entitled to.

It leads to very extreme attitudes and social norms, particularly in some academic institutions, universities.

You talk about safe spaces, you talk about appropriate pronouns. You talk about “I’m about to say something which may be offensive to you. If you don’t want to hear it perhaps you would like to leave now.

And life becomes very burdensome.

And I don’t think we want to go in that direction. It does not makes us a more resilient cohesive society with a strong sense of solidarity. We must be more robust than this.

Click to view

We are going in that direction but we don’t have to keep going.

All it needs is treating people as people, accepting our common humanity rather than what makes us different; accepting facts as facts, as distinct from opinion, and can’t be changed by attempting to change the language used when discussing them; and good manners with respect for others and their right to their views whether or not we share them.

Ele Ludemann is a North Otago farmer and journalist, who blogs HERE - where this article was sourced.


Doug Longmire said...
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Anonymous said...

Wokeness is the road to perdition.

robert Arthur said...

Agree with Anonymous but had to look up the word.

Doug Longmire said...

Hip Hip Hooray for Singapore!!
A world leader with basic common sense !!

Wake up, Luxon. This is how it's done !!

Anonymous said...

"All it needs is treating people as people, accepting our common humanity.."

When people start identifying as the opposite sex, no sex or as animals they've left reality and have moved into a world of make-believe where everything is flexible and the rules don't to apply them.

There are lines that cannot be crossed in a society in order for it to function. One of them is accepting biological reality as being inherently true.

When killing babies is healthcare, genital mutilation is "gender affirming" and suicide is a good death, you know that your society is sick and it isn't a physical illness. Its a spiritual one.

Atheistic materialism creates a miserable world where people are depressed, constantly popping pills to try and kill their feelings and on the attack against anyone who points out that such symptoms are the consequence of their unnatural and sinful lifestyles.

Until men return to the truth you can expect them to become more and more savage. Because savagery is the natural state of man in the absence of grace. It's not about race, but religion. For those liberals who believe in the idea of a noble savage, its a myth and doesn't exist anywhere.

Barend Vlaardingerbroek said...

Singapore makes a mockery of the preceding post.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

There has been a Christian revival in Singapore in the 1970s with numbers than in single digits now increasing to 19% in the latest poll.
It has had quite an influence in the government.

Barend Vlaardingerbroek said...

East Asian societies tend to be more stable and law-abiding than most because of values they have inherited from their Confucian and Buddhist heritages.

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