
Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Simon O'Connor: Woke approved violence ...

A troubling trajectory towards violence is evident among some segments of New Zealand society. Plus some information of a new radio show I am hosting!

When I think of the various protest, or activist, movements of late one deeply troubling observation is becoming abundantly clear - there are those in New Zealand who genuinely believe that violence is acceptable when it comes to their cause. The classic, ‘the end justifies the means’.

This is the belief of zealots, fundamentalists, and of course, terrorists. Such people and groups are so morally certain of their position that they consequently feel enabled to act against all and any who oppose them. Those who disagree with them are so wrong, so in error, that removing them by force is appropriate. Naturally, this is a mindset at odds with a properly functioning democracy.

The terrible conflict between the terrorist group, Hamas, and the State of Israel highlights this very clearly. Many (not all!) supporting the Palestinians have made it clear they believe the terrible violence – murder, rape, and kidnapping – on October 7th was acceptable. The near inability of leaders of the various Palestinian groups here in New Zealand to condemn these actions of Hamas is striking. In recent months, they have sought to ignore this key catalyst to the current conflict or at least, downplay its significance. Sadly, many commentators in mainstream media are also willing to diminish the barbaric events, mostly against civilians, by justifying such deeds as ‘resistance’ or part of a colonial struggle.

Critically when reflecting on such matters, it is easy for any person to find reasons to justify actions, but that doesn’t make the actions ok. And this is ultimately is what is at the heart of the issue – there are those among us who believe there are reasons for violence to further their ends.

This is not simply related to events on the other side of the world. More locally in the Pacific, we see the same justifications arising with the violence now occurring in New Caledonia. Activists here in New Zealand are saying that the violence, looting, and intimidation are ok because it is rebellion against a colonial power. Put aside the complete inaccuracy of such statements, because the situation again simply illustrates that there are New Zealanders who think violence is ok.

Right here at home, last year, we had the violent protests in Albert Park. A few days back I met one of the women assaulted, Judith. She was punched multiple times and yet there are still those here that believe the violent suppression of speech was acceptable. Her and others view was supposedly so wrong, that violence was seen as the right response by those protesting. Mainstream media too sadly played it’s part in all of this, encouraging the protest and consequently diminishing what occurred. Implicitly, some commentators reinforced that violence was an acceptable response to this group of women seeking to meet and talk.

Ultimately, we all hold strong views on various matters. But for most of us, our convictions on such matters manifest in robust discussion, debate, or the pursuit of legislative change. We do not, and never will, turn to violence.

And so we should take very careful note of those in our society who are accepting of violence to further their cause or supporting those who act violently to achieve their ends. It is perhaps a harbinger of things to come for whatever next cause they feel drawn too. Such zealots are always a small group proportionate to the population, but acts of violence are an amplifier.

Violence is not acceptable. In a democratic society such as ours, it is better to stop such moves towards violence early on rather than letting is spread.

Simon O'Connor a former National MP graduated from the University of Auckland with a Bachelor of Arts in Geography and Political Studies . Simon blogs at On Point - where this article was sourced.


Anonymous said...

Simon, you failed to mention its nearly always the left that initiates the violence. Unfortunately they seem proud to commit violence. Shows the type of people we are dealing with. The previous govt encouraged violence toward right leaning groups. What if it were reversed, would the left be happy, I don't think so.

Anna Mouse said...

Sadly these groups (activists, media, etc.) see violence as an acceptable premise to further a cause.

Even sadder is when said violence turns upon them and they somehow dislike it.

The MSM in NZ last year spoke of how they were being 'targeted' all the while they were complicit in some of the most violence we have seen in years.

Violence begets more violence and if you do not like it coming your way don't be inciting it as more sooner than later you'll feel its force upon you personally.

Hazel Modisett said...

All part of the plan my man.
If we're fighting each other, we are easier to control & we are not paying attention to what the "authorities" are really up to.

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