
Friday, May 24, 2024

The Leighton Smith Podcast: Dr Muriel Newman on the danger to the governance of NZ, the Marine & Coastal Area Act

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Muriel Newman and her organisation NZCPR (New Zealand Centre for Political Research) have a long standing campaign to prevent a tribal takeover of NZ’s foreshore and seabed.

With Muriel, we cover the danger to the governance of NZ ie, the Marine & Coastal Area Act, a common electoral role, media, radicalisation and its growth and the danger of a return to the Dark Ages.

Dr Muriel Newman is a former Member of Parliament who now runs the public policy think tank the New Zealand Centre for Political Research.


Anonymous said...

The Dark ages is something we should return to as it is the time when Christianity ruled over the European world and peace reigned throughout.

What Dr Newman is afraid of is a return to pre-colonial savagery. All people become savages in a small number of generations when they abandon God and the natural law.

Barend Vlaardingerbroek said...

"The Dark ages is something we should return to as it is the time when Christianity ruled over the European world and peace reigned throughout."
Holy sh*t, where do some people get their [mis]information from? The Dark Ages were utterly ghastly by any standards - life was, to paraphrase one learned commentator, "brutish and short".

"All people become savages in a small number of generations when they abandon God and the natural law."
Most pre-modern era people did not have the Abrahamic god - they had their own array of spooks - so they did not 'abandon' it. Like all sentient social beings, humans are rule-makers when they operate as groups. There is a strong evolutionary motif here as an organised group has much better survival and propagation prospects than a disorganised one.
As for spooks and savagery, have a good look at the genocide and slavery (including sexual slavery) promoted by the Abrahamic god and compare that with the ethics of Far Eastern systems such as Buddhism...... it is easy to tell where the 'savagery' lies.

Anonymous said...

Every kiwi should listen to this podcast. If this doesn't open people's eyes than nothing will. Nz will end up like zimbabwe with tikanga.

Anonymous said...

What I found alarming in this podcast is how radicals in the legal system will have more power than the elected government.

Robert Arthur said...

Great that this on ZB but barely a trace of anything comparable on RNZ,TVNZ or other legacy media. The fear of cancellation still largely detrmines our fate.

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