
Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Cam Slater: National Better Get Serious, Soon

The latest Taxpayers’ Union/Curia poll should be giving the National Party cause for concern as they continue to slide in the polls.

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National is down on last month to 35.4% (-1.9 points) while Labour is also down marginally on 29.4% (-0.6 points).

The Greens remain in third place up 2.5 points on last month to 12.7% while ACT is relatively unchanged on 9.7% (+0.3 points).

New Zealand First is also steady on 5.6% (+0.1 points) and Te Pati Maori is up 0.9 points to 4.0%.

For the minor parties, Outdoors & Freedom is on 1.3%, TOP is on 0.8%, Vision NZ is on 0.5%, the New Conservatives are on 0.1%, and the combined total for all other parties is 0.5%.

Taxpayers’ Union/Curia Poll

Here is how these results would translate to seats in Parliament, assuming all electorate seats are held:

National is down three seats on last month to 44 and Labour is also down one seat to 36.

The Greens are up three seats to 16 while ACT is unchanged on last month on 12.

Both NZ First and Te Pati Maori are unchanged on last month on seven and six seats, respectively.

This calculation assumes that all electorate seats are held. A Parliament on these figures would include one overhang seat.
Taxpayers’ Union/Curia Poll

And things aren’t rosy for the leaders either:

Click to view

Christopher Luxon’s net favourability is down 13 points on last month to -5% to put him behind Chris Hipkins who is up 4 points to 3%.

Both David Seymour and Winston Peters see drops in their net favourability from last month to put them on -18% (-11 points) and -19% (-14 points), respectively.
Taxpayers’ Union/Curia Poll

National are sliding in most public polls and you can easily see what the problem is: it’s Christopher Luxon. When Chris Hipkins is beating you in net favourables, then there is a problem – and the problem is Luxon just isn’t likeable. He’s no John Key, and when you always see him playing pocket billiards then you do have to wonder if his heart is even in the job.

National need to do something fairly soon to arrest this slide because the public certainly aren’t seeing Christopher Luxon as any sort of answer.

The poll was conducted by Curia Market Research Ltd for the NZ Taxpayers’ Union. It is a random poll of 1,000 adult New Zealanders and is weighted to the overall adult population. It was conducted by phone (landlines and mobile) and online between 4 and 6 June 2024, has a margin of error of +/- 3.1%, and 4.4% were undecided on the party vote question. The full results are at

Cam Slater is a New Zealand-based blogger, best known for his role in Dirty Politics and publishing the Whale Oil Beef Hooked blog, which operated from 2005 until it closed in 2019. Cam blogs regularly on the BFD - where this article was sourced.


mudbayripper said...

Is it any wonder. He was doggy well before the election, when everyone assumed he was keeping his powder dry. More fool those who voted National and hoped for the best. Unfortunately in a democracy some people's misguided judgment, has a hugely detrimental affect on the outcome. We all new Chris Luxon was a woke, spineless apologist. That's not gonna change.

Anonymous said...

Yep we should all be ashamed of our decisions last October. Labour/Greens/TPM forever - NOT

Ross said...

I do not think it is Luxon's lack of "likability", as in his personality, that is the issue.
I think he is too scared to confront the big issues. He lacks backbone and is too scared to upset the media, who obviously will do anything to undermine the Government. The biggest issue he will not confront is the so called Maorification of NZ. It has divided the country so much , NZ is almost unrecognizable compared to what we were 10 years ago. If he does not see it as a problem then he needs to go, quickly. The two partner parties, in Government, would not hesitate to support National confronting the issue.

If I'm wrong about him being scared and if fact he actually agrees with the push for co-governance etc. then he is in the wrong party. He should be in the Labour Party.

hughvane said...

With some notable exceptions, this Coalition of the Vacillating is so busy looking at their 6's they're forgetting that those who voted them in are waiting, more in desperation than in hope I'm sad to observe, for evidence of the 12's, eg. some profound changes and advances.

Sure, we've seen a few initiatives, the Budget being just one example, but there need to be more of a decisive and encouraging nature.

Equally sadly, I am in agreement with Mr Slater in that Mr Luxon, nice chap that he is, is not the right one for the job of PM, but what realistic alternative?

Anonymous said...

Dunno about "ashamed of our decisions last Oct", we voted two ticks for NZ First but it was a close run decision between them and ACT. National could have been in the running but when they failed to even consider dealing with cogovernance and ignored our questions about it, they blew it. At our local meeting with National, we watched Mr Luxon's body language as much as we listened to the rhetoric and something did not gel.
So, we voted on the policies, not the personalities - when the coalition agreements eventuated we hoped we had gotten the mix right. However, we had not reckoned on just how woke PM Luxon would turn out nor how flawed his judgement would be in hunting out Tama P to keep the gravy train rolling for the Maori elites.
We live in hope that NZ might recover its sanity but all the signs are that we will be joining the exodus offshore. Cam is right, Luxon is the problem but what is the solution?

Greg Dervan said...

This is allabout luxons CV.Once out of goverment he will do a John Key with a knighthood,pension, leaving all the blue believers forgotten.But the treaty and all his iwi will carry on as normal.

Robert Arthur said...

I suspect the main explanation for Luxon's fence sitting is the risk from brainwashed deranged maori of which their are vast numbers, as evident at every hikoi, gang assembly, prison, and parts of the parliament seating. It is inconvenient to permantly wear a flak jacket. Despite concerted pandering, Key had a giant security staff and then retreated safely to Hawii, from which namesake area the more rabid emmigrated about 1500 years ago.

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