
Thursday, June 20, 2024

David Farrar: 95 days and counting

A month ago I blogged:

There is no way the investigation will have taken nine weeks. The Uffindell investigation took only five weeks to complete, and that was dealing with events from 20 years ago where witnesses had to be tracked down.

Almost certainly the Green leadership have the report, and have had it for some time. They don’t need to release the report, but they do need to tell us whether it substantiated the claims against Tana, and what the outcome will be.

It has now been 95 days with Tana on full pay. I’ve been a board chair where we have had to have a barrister investigate issues around employment allegations. We got the report within a fortnight or so.

How long is 95 days. Well some comparisons:
  • The duration of 1.3 Falkland Wars (74 days)
  • The duration of 2.3 Gulf Wars to liberate Kuwait (42 days)
  • 8.6 Scaramuccis (11 days)
  • Light from the sun will have travelled 1/16th of the way to Proxima Centauri
  • 1.3 times the duration of the independent inquiry into the appointment of the NZ Deputy Police Commissioner (74 days)
  • 1.1 times the duration of the independent inquiry into Judith Collins and the SFO Director (85 days)
  • 0.7 times the duration of the Rogers Commission inquiry into why the Space Shuttle Challenger exploded
  • 4.3 times the duration of the US Senate investigation into the sinking of the Titanic (18 days)
  • 1.1 times the duration of the Tower Commission into the Iran-Contra Affair (85 days)
  • 1.8 times the duration of the Roberts Commission into the Pearl Harbour attack (54 days)
Amazing how an inquiry into alleged employment infringements can take this long.

David Farrar runs Curia Market Research, a specialist opinion polling and research agency, and the popular Kiwiblog where this article was sourced. He previously worked in the Parliament for eight years, serving two National Party Prime Ministers and three Opposition Leaders.


Bill T said...

the allegations included cash payments for work done. This is a criminal issue and should have been referred to the police.

If the police via the IRD etc. feel unable or unwilling to investigate we need an inquiry in their conduct.
To be clear any individual who did that stuff would be loosing their comfortable lives before now.

Anonymous said...

Getting paid lots of money without having to do any work is what both the Greens and Te Pati Maori are all about. I wouldn't expect a conclusion to the inquiry any time soon.

Anonymous said...

David, remember it's the Greens. As Paul Henry recently iterated, "they're barking" and essentially utterly useless at doing anything other than spending other's money - like any good Marxist.

And we know Tana likes the money, hence why she's hanging in there as long as possible.

Anonymous said...

Probably about tikanga. Since 1840 that is 184 years so still a while to go yet.

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