
Saturday, June 22, 2024

David Farrar: Leave David Bain alone

As any long-term reader of this blog will know, I am no fan of David Bain. I am strongly in the “he did it” camp. However I was disappointed to read this article the Herald which:
  • Reveals his new name
  • Names his daughter
  • Reveals the town where he lives by
  • States his wife is a teacher at a nearby school
I think this is rather cruel (no not as cruel as killing your family but two wrongs don”t make a right). It was very appropriate to report on the murders 30 years on. I don’t even have a problem with the Herald door knocking him and asking for comment. There is journalistic value in that.

But what is the value in revealing his new name, especially knowing he changed it specifically after his former (new) name was published. This doesn’t just affect him, but his wife and kids.

His children may have friends who do not know their Dad is David Bain. Now everyone will know. His wife will now have everyone at her school knowing her as the wife of David Bain.

The Herald could have not revealed his new name. They could have stated he had a new name, without using it. That would have protected his family.

David Farrar runs Curia Market Research, a specialist opinion polling and research agency, and the popular Kiwiblog where this article was sourced. He previously worked in the Parliament for eight years, serving two National Party Prime Ministers and three Opposition Leaders.


Anonymous said...

Yet again the media fails us. I read the article and felt same way.

Anonymous said...

And there's also many people who do not believe that David Bain was guilty. Could he really have come home from his paper round, killed family members, then gone out and finished the round, then came home again and killed his father.
In cases of multiple family murders, it is always the father who is the killer, usually because he has been sidelined from the family.
It is very unfair that that Martin journalist guy is in a position to push his view - but shouldn't he be impartial?

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