
Sunday, June 9, 2024

idbkiwi: Is This a Smoking Gun?

Recently Andrea Vance said in The Post that politicians and government agencies (including Police) are tiptoeing around allegations of scandalous and illegal misuse of Stats NZ and Health NZ data at the Manurewa marae in the run-up to last year’s election.

Brian Tamaki, not known for his tiptoeing skills, has booted the door down instead, weighing in with what he says is proof of skullduggery. Reproducing a document he says was put together by marae chief executive and Maori Party candidate Takutai Tarsh Kemp and an assistant which contains specific instructions for the data collection during last year’s ‘Winter Wellness Campaign’:

“Return ALL forms to office (in unclosed envelope) Census forms Voting forms Checklist”

Click to view

Smoking gun? Why must the envelopes be unclosed on return, Ms Kemp?

Furthermore, Mr Tamaki claims Stats NZ, who ostensibly only allow access to census data by ‘accredited researchers’, and then only after anonymising said data, but instead:

Stats NZ management also gave JT wide-ranging access to their internal Stats NZ database so he could access key data, that many Stats NZ staff said they weren’t permitted to even access.

If Mr Tamaki is correct, Stats NZ must immediately disqualify themselves from any further investigation, and the Police need to come down off their tippy-toes and get into these multiple allegations of illegal conduct boots ‘n all.

There’s something rotten in the state of Manurewa.

idbkiwi is self-employed in a non-governmental role which suits his masochistic tendencies. He hopes to reach retirement, both alive and eventually. This article was first published HERE


Anonymous said...

Idbkiwi, interesting. I'm not a statistician but even I can see difference in the voting from that particular marae. I have no idea why everyone is hush hush about this. If nothing happens ( as I'm predicting) then that tells us everything we (actually already know ) about this country. If there is an enquiry (to try and shut the good people up) again nothing will happen, and these toxic people get to continue unabated, or some judge will get a cultural report and no maoris will get convicted it will be the database administrator and the janitors fault for this mess.

Enough is enough.

Anonymous said...

So the Maori mafia and its DON have been outed.

As the crime syndicate masquerading as our ‘democratic’ government are implicated, just like whistleblower Barry Young exposing jab data democide, this too, will be made to go away.

The Waipareira Trust and the Whanau Ora Commission Agency are apartheid taxpayer funded institutions just like the Waitangi Tribunal is, all aided and abetted by our successive governments, I mean ‘democratic’ crime syndicates.

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