
Sunday, July 21, 2024

Alwyn Poole: The Genuine Legal Conflict for School Boards

There is media fuss today around the resistance of schools in terms of excluding students excluded from other schools. The NZ Herald highlights statistics that 100s of schools appear to be reluctant and three remain outright resistant.

The article highlights the legal obligation for schools to accept students in their zone. This can be ordered through a Ministry letter. Schools can also fight for extra resourcing for one of these previously excluded students – but don’t always get it.

What the media people are missing today is the other important legal obligation that is often in direct conflict with that of accepting students. The obligation is the very heavy requirements to provide a safe environment for students and staff. If they fail to do so the sanctions can be very punitive and significant.

Having been on both State and Private School Boards you can live in fear when accepting students with very poor discipline records. I know of schools that have been required to accept – a youth offender that had killed during a robbery, and arsonist, drug sellers, habitually violent youth (against teachers and students), sexual offenders, habitual thieves, etc. A Board of Trustees nightmare is the death or maiming of a staff member or students – but there are a whole range of other harms.

This is a way bigger discussion than – “schools are required by law to enrol these students.”

Alwyn Poole, a well-known figure in the New Zealand education system, he founded and was the head of Mt Hobson Middle School in Auckland for 18 years. This article was sourced HERE

PS: Part of a discussion here on the effects of draconian rules for students changing schools for sporting opportunities: 

1 comment:

Gaynor said...

There needs to be a revolution in child rearing and discipline in NZ, Parents and schools should acknowledge the iniquitous child- centered philosophy is wrong.

Traditional values in child rearing are not old fashioned mores you can dispense with but rather what is essential and what works. Our schools are rapidly becoming places where both students and teachers cannot thrive in learning and teaching because of appalling behaviours by students.

Child-centered ideology has destroyed our children academically as well. See it for what it is sentimental muck. True discipline is freedom. Permissiveness is not. Child centered teaching methods have also destroyed the integrity of teachers by making them ineffective in all areas.

These hard core completely unmanageable students mentioned are just the tip of the iceberg. Some students don't want to go to school because of bullying and out of control classrooms and teachers are leaving en masse because conditions are made intolerable by student behaviours, particularly in low decile schools.

We have both an academic and behaviour crisis in our schools. This needs attention. The current DEI studies or other Marxist influenced agendas will only make things a lot worse. Drop them.

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