
Monday, July 22, 2024

David Farrar: Finally, consequences

Chris Bishop announced:

“In March this year Ministers said enough was enough. We formally instructed Kāinga Ora to end the Sustaining Tenancies Framework, and to strengthen their management of disruptive tenants.
“Three months on, it is encouraging to see some green shoots of change beginning to emerge. For example, in the past three months 14 Kāinga Ora tenancies have been terminated due to disruptive behaviour or persistent rent arrears. Kāinga Ora also has an additional 25 applications to end tenancies for these reasons awaiting decisions by the Tenancy Tribunal. This is compared to only eight tenancies terminated for disruptive behaviour or rent arrears the whole of 2023.

“We’ve also seen an increase in Section 55A formal warning notices issued to tenants for disruptive behaviour, with 80 issued in the past three months compared to 13 for the same period last year.”

People behave better when there are consequences for bad behaviour. It isn’t rocket science.

David Farrar runs Curia Market Research, a specialist opinion polling and research agency, and the popular Kiwiblog where this article was sourced. He previously worked in the Parliament for eight years, serving two National Party Prime Ministers and three Opposition Leaders.


Anonymous said...

David you state, " people behave better when there are consequences for bad behavior, it isn't rocket science ".

It isn't rocket science, but the left are pretty stupid and clearly their " be kind" and no consequences for terrible behavior has created this massive mess.

When lefties refuse to take responsibility for any of their actions you realise that this is a recipe for chaos.

We have stats and enough evidence of 6 years or labour incompetence and mismanagement as proof.

The current govt has already started to steady the ship and are coping flak for it. How dare they lower inflation, reduce cost of living, improve infrastructure, reduce crime.......etc etc

Anonymous said...

Cue the wailing & hand wringing from the left, crying “what about the children”, always conveniently forgetting parenting is a verb.

Everything has a cost & enabling bad or criminally behaving parents to continue on with no consequences just ensures their kids grow up the same or worse - costs us all so much more.

The driver behind real change, as a consequence of these tougher measures, will predominantly be the mothers of these kids who have been choosing to remain in, or feel powerless to leave, dysfunctional & abusive relationships.

robert Arthur said...

Tenants know that as long as contact is maintained culturally sensitive govt agencies will never entirely forsake them. So there is no great incentive to conform to reasonable behaviour. In the US would be sleeping on the street with no income. Tenants are indoctrinated with "rights" and a huge sense of entitlement, the latter fostered in many cases by constant blame of colonisers for their predicament.

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