
Thursday, July 4, 2024

David Farrar: Greens believe in sensitivity for everyone but Jews

It is amazing that Chloe Swarbrick still leads this chant [below], despite having been told that many Jews see it as calling for Israel to be destroyed (per the Hamas charter) and hence Jews living there to be wiped out (as Hamas did on October 7).

Click to view

Now you an argue that those chanting it don’t mean it the way most Jews interpret it, so I guess one can only assume that Swarbrick has decided that the feelings of Jewish New Zealanders don’t matter, compared to the importance of her showing solidarity with those who chant it.

This to me is akin to a politician saying it is okay for them to use the N word in public, because they don’t mean it as a racist term, and the feelings of those who see it is disparaging doesn’t matter.

David Farrar runs Curia Market Research, a specialist opinion polling and research agency, and the popular Kiwiblog where this article was sourced. He previously worked in the Parliament for eight years, serving two National Party Prime Ministers and three Opposition Leaders.


Valid Point said...

The problem with radicals like Swarbrick is they can only see their own view. The main problem with that is Swarbrick was elected to represent everyone in her electorate...including a large Jewish population.
As for continuing to use the 'River to the Sea' chant, Swarbrick is intelligent enough to know how it can be perceived. So, it could be surmised that, in the best case, she doesn't care if she offended anyone. In the worst case, it's starting to appear more like she's becoming anti-Semitic.
Swarbrick needs to clarify her position on this because her actions are increasingly untenable for a Member of Parliament.

Anonymous said...

Jews are ‘genocidal’?

It is often claimed that Israel is provoked by the mere existence of Palestinian Arabs and wants to wipe them out.

In fact, it is Arab-Islamists who are affronted by the mere existence of Jews and want to eradicate them from the world.

Muslim anti-Semitism first arose centuries before the establishment of Jewish Israel.

Islamic scripture (the Koran and associated Hadith narratives of Muhammad’s life and sayings) records that the Jews of Yathrib (now Medina) repeatedly refused to convert to Islam when asked by Muhammad to do so.

An angry Muhammad then cursed the Jewish people, describing them as “the offspring of apes and pigs,” damning them in this world and the next.

That’s why Muslims see Jews as the worst and most inveterate enemies of Islam.

An oft-quoted Hadith saying of Muhammad that is part of the charter of the Gaza Strip’s rulers, Hamas, states: “The Day of Judgement will not come until Muslims fight the Jews, when the Jews will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees Willie say ‘O Muslim, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him.’“

Muslims hold that once a place has been ruled by Muslims, it is “Islamic land” forever.

What is now Israel was ruled for centuries by Muslim Ottoman Turks after the fall of the Roman Empire.

Muslims thus see it as a holy duty to wipe Israel off the map. Indeed, many Arab maps of the Middle East don’t show Israel at all.

Sermonising against Israel on Egypt's Al-Rahma TV on October 31, 2009, Egyptian cleric Hazem Shuman stated that: “It has been proven that the Jews are like a cancer – if they are not removed from the body of the [Islamic] nation, they will kill the entire nation.”

Ahmad Bahr, Deputy Speaker of the Hamas Parliament, stated in an anti-Israeli sermon which aired on Al-Aqsa TV on August 10, 2012 that: “If the enemy sets foot on a single square inch of Islamic land, Jihad becomes an individual duty, incumbent on every Muslim, male or female.”

Speaking at a public rally held in Gaza on 8 December 2012, Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal proclaimed that “jihad,” armed struggle, will continue until Israel is defeated, conquered, and replaced — every square mile — by an Islamist theocracy.

“Since Palestine is ours, and it is the land of the Arabs and Islam,” he said, “it is unthinkable that we would recognize the legitimacy of the Israeli occupation of it ... Let me emphasize that we adhere to this fundamental principle: We do not recognize Israel … The Palestinian resistance will crush it and sweep it away, be it Allah’s will.”

Another nice bait-and-switch.

Chuck Bird said...

Chloe Swarbrick is evil.

Anonymous said...

The Arab League and the UN currently count some 4.3 million Palestinian Arabs as "refugees" or the descendants of refugees.

This must rule out Arab claims of Israeli "genocide," since the 700,000 Palestinian Arab refugees of 1948-9 have evidently multiplied by some 600% in less than 60 years.

If the Jews are ‘genocidal,’ either they’re not very good at it or aren’t trying too hard.

The Gaza Strip is a narrow, densely populated area.

There is no such thing as a building housing a Hamas command post, arms dump, rocket factory, or launch site.

For both practical and political reasons, these facilities are all undergrounded beneath schools, hospitals, mosques, gymnasiums, and private dwellings.

A 400 km network of Hamas tunnels and bunkers has over the last decade been constructed beneath the Gaza Strip, all accomplished with billions of dollars of aid money diverted by Hamas leaders for this purpose.

For Israel to take out these facilities invariably involves civilian casualties, which the IDF does its utmost to minimise.

One of the paradoxes of this war is that Israel provides power, water, telecommunications, and cellular network services to the Gaza Strip.

Before attacking an identified Hamas facility, Israel texts every active mobile phone in the area warming that there will soon be ordnance incoming.

It does the same thing by flying loudspeaker-enabled drones over the target area.

Rather than encouraging Palestinian Arab civilians to leave in advance of an attack, Hamas forces them at gunpoint to stay put as human shields, so civilian casualties can be used as a propaganda weapon against Israel.

During one recent ceasefire, the population of the area containing the Hamas HQ increased by 300 percent, as civilians were told “Now’s your chance to be a martyr for Allah.”

Some would’ve been happy to step up, but the vast majority of these additional human shields undoubtedly had little choice in the matter.

A totalitarian religion is just as evil as any secular totalitarianism.

As Theodore Dalrymple reminds us: “Jihad is a concept perfectly suited to giving psychopaths the idea that their viciousness serves something other than their own gratification.

Ditto with the secular social religions of Marxism and Fascism.

No wonder the vicious, eco fascist Green MPs segue so readily into supporting the equally vicious Hamas.

Doug Longmire said...

Direct quote from the HAMAS covenant:-

"The Day of Judgment will not come about until Moslems fight Jews and kill them. Then, the Jews will hide behind rocks and trees, and the rocks and trees will cry out: 'O Moslem, there is a Jew hiding behind me, come and kill him." (Article 7)"

This is the "river to the Sea" murderous hate that Swarbrick is promoting.

Kay O'Lacey said...

I'd suggest pick any other river and any other sea and put Swarbrick in the middle for Hamas to do with her what they see fit.

Anonymous said...

Karl Marx in the Communist Manifesto stated: “ The Communists disdain to conceal their views and aims. They openly declare that their ends can be attained only by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions” and “ In short, the Communists everywhere support every revolutionary movement against the existing social and political order of things.”

This is why Commies like Swarbrick, Davidson, and Ricardo Menendez March in the Watermelon (green on the outside, red on the inside) Party support Māori separatism.

If your goal is a secular and socialist world order, you can march a long way beside those whose goal is a reversion to tribal collectivism before you have to part company.

This is why Commies support Hamas and the total destruction of Israel.

If your goal is a secular and socialist world order, you can march a long way beside those whose goal the destruction of the Middle East’s only functioning democracy before you have to part company.

And if you want a one world socialist government, you can march a long way beside those whose goal is a global religious theocracy before you must go your separate ways.

But when you sup with the devil you must use a long spoon.

Iran’s Commies made common cause with the Islamists to oust the Shah.

But we all know how that worked out.

Those who were willing to die as martyrs for their totalitarian religion proved far stronger than those unwilling to die for their totalitarian social religion.

Anonymous said...

The occupying Israeli apartheid government has seized a total of 23.7 square kilometres in the West Bank since the start of this year.

When land is declared “state property”, Palestinians lose private ownership rights and are barred from using it.

Israel captured the West Bank, east Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip in the 1967 Arab-Israeli war. Since then, it has constructed dozens of settlements across the West Bank, home to more than 490,000 Israelis, which are deemed illegal under international law.

In the 1980s, Israel seized hundreds of square kilometres of land, halting seizures in 1992.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s first government resumed them in 1996.

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