
Monday, July 29, 2024

David Farrar: Not much academic freedom at Massey

Go read the story of Dr Paul Crowhurst. The short version is:
  • Dr Crowhurst is a principal of an ethnically diverse school with a PhD in Education Leadership
  • Took up Adjunct Senior Lecturer in Education at Massey on a fixed term in 2021
  • Paul submitted an op-ed to Stuff on the new Unteach Racism initiative concerned about two aspects of the programme’s claims it makes concerning “unconscious bias”, and secondly, the traditional “Pakeha social structures” which, according to the new theory of racism, are necessary to maintain “white supremacy”.
  • Other Massey academics secretly complained about the op ed, saying it was horrific, deeply racist and made then unsafe. One even advocated reporting him to the Teaching Council for his daring to have an opinion on the issue. None ever approached him over their views.
  • Applied for a a permanent job as a Senior Lecturer in Education and was not even shortlisted
  • Was told he would not be needed in 2022
Now we all know this was not coincidence. It was the usual mob trying to stamp out views they disagree with.

David Farrar runs Curia Market Research, a specialist opinion polling and research agency, and the popular Kiwiblog where this article was sourced. He previously worked in the Parliament for eight years, serving two National Party Prime Ministers and three Opposition Leaders.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like he is far too good for these racist clowns. Question: are nz universities the most racist in the world?

DeeM said...

The woke eating the slightly less woke. How cute!
Dr Paul made the terrible mistake of questioning. No doubt he imagined his peers would applaud him for his insight but instead they put the one-size-fits-all boot in and had him culled.

It's the natural progression for "progressive" ideological wackos as they try to outdo each other in their exclusive ivory towers of inclusivity.
Hopefully they'll all consume each other and then the last woke standing can be humanely dispatched.

anonTeslaOwner said...

Also overwhelmingly psychology research has shown that implicit racism (and any other form of implicit bias) actually doesn't exist - and we're talking about hundreds of studies.

Allen said...

Reading the international editions of a number of media, universities across the ditch have the same problem and are going broke, Harvard was a lost cause long before Jacinda arrived, and many wealthy contributors are pulling out, and the U.K. press are reporting the same problem, with universities needing £millions to stay afloat.
Having been introduced to universities across the world, knowing that they are fertile breeding grounds, the WOKE mind virus is crating havoc.

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