
Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Heather du Plessis-Allan: That Trump-Biden debate was excruciating

Did you watch that Trump-Biden debate?

Man, that was excruciating wasn’t it? At one point, I think it was the Medicare bit, I was literally watching it through my fingers, cause I'd already covered by face with my hands, it was that bloody awkward.

The amazing thing about it is that this is day four of calls for Biden to stand down, which is an enormous amount of pressure. And there is no indication from within the top ranks of his party that they are going to make him stand down.

And if you read what's going on behind the scenes, like the Saturday phone call between the top members of the Democratic Party and committee members across the states - it sounds like they don't realise how bad this looks. 

The message out from all the people who were on it was that the party's top guys are not taking what happened in the debate - and the impact on the vote - seriously. They don’t realise that the world thinks the guy they’re running for President is going senile, they don’t think that’s what we can see.

Not that we matter, we don't get to vote - they don’t think that's what American voters can see.

So while my gut says he’s got to go, everything I'm reading out of the States from top commenters through to credible publications say that chances are: he’s staying in the race.

How nuts is that?

I tell you what, I'm happy to make the prediction that if he runs, and chances are that he does, he loses to Trump. Because it’s very hard to see America electing a guy who is only going to become more senile over the next four years.

If they manage to get him out and replace him, it's still not a great situation for the Democrats, because Trump will make a feast of the fact that’ he’s running against their second choice.

But surely that's better for their party, because at least the Democrats can retain some credibility.

If they run a guy who is going gaga while pretending he’s not going gaga -when everyone can see he's going gaga - they will look ridiculous. 

Heather du Plessis-Allan is a journalist and commentator who hosts Newstalk ZB's Drive show HERE - where this article was sourced.


Anonymous said...

They definitely need fresh faces on both sides. Both are offensive.

Anonymous said...

Heather you ask a great question..... "how nuts is that"? I will answer that in a min.

Back to the debate. It was all set up by the left (bidens camp) to be as much in Bidens favor as possible, 2 breaks in the debate for him to recoup and trumps mic turned off so as to not trip senile Joe up. I too was cringing at the um, um, errrrr, um , Medicare bit.

I was left laughing and in despair at the left. They are a highly confused lot still claiming that there is nothing wrong with senile Joe, just like the left here claiming there is nothing wrong with labour, greens or maori party and their equally as distasterous candidates.

I can only come to the conclusion that the left are so deluded or just have the bar set so low that they don't care about the quality of person representing them. nuts is that?

Anonymous said...

At this point the Democrats are still unlikely to lose any votes to Trump as Democrat voters are very anti-Trump. The risk they are running now is that they may lose voters who, having lost confidence in Biden completely, are unable to bring themselves to vote at all. That's the difference here, Trump has many very condfident voters - they know they want him and they will go out and vote for him. Biden doesn't have confident voters - his voters just want to prevent a Trump presidency at all costs and they are more easily lost to apathy on voting day with Biden on the voting papers. Replace him now with literally any moderately qualified Democrat alternative and the confidence of the voters will return.

Robert Arthur said...

Unfortunately similar weakness in Trump has not been made so obvious. One saving grace for humanity is that under Biden and possibly also Trump sub or silo commanders will fairly certainly not release heir nuclear charges when directed. I guess if Regan could rule anyone can.The situation does instill great restraint in Russia and China as any response from the west will be beyond rational reason and prediction.

robert Arthur said...

To those of same age very depressing. Like vists to oldies rehab units.

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