
Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Mike's Minute: Is this as good as it gets for America?

It is true to say that Biden got it together, somewhat, as the debate unfolded.

But it started so badly that even in his finest moments it was ordinary.

The unmistakable truth is what you saw is as good as it gets. If Americans vote for him he doesn’t improve, he doesn’t get younger and he doesn’t get sharper.

I have not, until this point, believed the narrative that you can take a sitting President and replace him mid-race. But now, I am not so sure.

If he quits, or gets pulled, they will lose. It would be a disaster. But is it a bigger disaster than letting him carry on and lose anyway? No one in their right mind can vote for him in the state he is in.

I can also mount an argument that no one in their right mind can vote for Trump either. He lied his way through most of the debate.

Everything was perfect until he left and now it's the worst it's ever been.

The water, the air, the war, the border, the economy. "It was perfect like no one had ever seen it and now it’s the worst we have ever had in the history of the world". That's all he said. Pick a topic, same answer.

They were both shocking and it's an indictment on the American political system that those two are what you get to choose from.

The debate was also the loser. Questions weren't answered, it was locked down to a stop watch, questions were ignored, matters weren't followed up, nothing flowed and it lacked energy.

Yes, if they had let them free wheel it would have imploded so I don’t know what they do about the next one.

But what you were left with is an empty feeling that the most powerful nation on Earth is run by, or about to be run by, some exceedingly limited people. The low point was surely the exchange over golf handicaps. Biden was a 6, until he was an 8, and Trump wins tournaments and not even senior ones? Are you serious?

Trump is dangerous because he's mad. Biden is dangerous because he is in the most obvious cognitive decline.

A crook vs a geriatric. What a choice.

And that choice was on display for 90 minutes in the most depressing show of credentials I think I have ever seen.

Mike Hosking is a New Zealand television and radio broadcaster. He currently hosts The Mike Hosking Breakfast show on NewstalkZB on weekday mornings - where this article was sourced.


Rob Beechey said...

When you peel back the self absorbed outer layers of Hosking you discover just another motormouth without substance and no different from the rest of his mainstream media Nincompoops.

Anonymous said...

Neither Trump or Biden would pass the cognitive test imposed on all drivers in NZ over the age of 75.

TJS said...

Rob Beechey,
Lols, TDS.

Anonymous said...

Fair comment Mike Hoskings. Extraordinary that these are the only two people the US can produce as the choice for leader.

Anonymous said...

Mike, I watched your " Radio clip", on this subject, on the Newstalk/ZB show and switched off.

Now you put that "data" to print.

What strikes me as odd, we in NZ are " never told the truth, by any NZMSM" especially when it comes to Donald Trump.

We seem to have an ongoing "re-gurgitation of American MSM unsubstantial news".

There are people within America, who had no time for him, but when asked why avoid answering that question. But are now confirming that the first 3 years of his Presidency, was one of the better times for America, sadly undone by Covid, but not at the hands of The President, but more by those who should have been better at their job.

You are no better than Luke Malpass, and his recent "diatribe" in the Sunday Star Times, Sunday 30th June.

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