
Thursday, July 25, 2024

Rodney Hide: Blood Quantum

ACT Leader David Seymour posts on X:

“Today in Parliament, Rawiri Waititi referred to a Government MP's 'blood quantum'. That's the dangerous and divisive idea that how much ‘Māori blood’ a person has in their body should matter.

If any other political party behaved in this way, they would lead the 6pm news.”

Blood quantum has saturated politics and government for years. The quantum has just been “one drop”.

I am guessing Mr Waititi would like the cut off to be Māori to be more than a drop. That’s his difference.

But the quantum is not the outrage. It’s the concept that’s offensive.

The outrage is that blood should matter at all.

But here in New Zealand it does. Today more than ever.

We have become a deeply racist country. Thanks government. Not just this government but every government for the last 50 years.

Rodney Hide is former ACT Party leader, and Minister in the National-ACT Government from 2008 to 2011. This article was first published HERE


Anonymous said...

Well, if we made it 50% or more, then the 'issue' would quite likely disappear.

But, you're right Rodney, politicians have a lot to answer for. And the current narcissist in Chief still doesn't want the public to have their say.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps it’s time to remember that on raw numbers, around 17% of New Zealanders have a Maori ancestor, and 83% don’t, and stop cramming Maori language and culture down everyone else’s throats.

While the Maori language and culture are very great treasures for those that value them, for those who do not, they are not.

There are many New Zealanders of Maori descent — myself included— who see no value in Maori language and culture, and don’t give a monkey’s crutch-piece about it.

If anyone can point to a single discovery, invention, or innovation that has come out of Maori culture towards the wider benefit of humankind, I might take another look at it.

But until then I’ll stick with the Western post-enlightenment culture that comes to us by way of Rome, Athens, and Jerusalem, before being exported all over the world by white Europeans, that came with the settlers.

Said culture has lifted more people out of poverty, ignorance, and barbarism than all the other cultures that have existed since the dawn of time put together.

As far as Maori culture goes ‘Me Warrior!’ and an ugly, gesticulating, eye rolling, tongue poking, thigh slapping war dance of limited curiosity value when deployed before a rugby match is atavistic nonsense of no value in the modern world, other than as markers of group identify for brown supremacist part-Maori full of denied European who have turned their white ancestors into a toilet bowl to identify monoculturally as ‘Maori.’

I suggest these brown supremacists are maybe five percent of the population.

It is this group that— with the connivance of post-colonial guilt-tripping white liberals — is aggressively thrusting Maori language and culture into the public square, demanding financial and political patronage from their fellow-citizens way out of all proportion to their actual market value as productive human beings.

Racism is often confused by leftists with simple prejudice, which it is not.

Racism occurs anytime a group of people with an ethnocentric membership base creates or colonises a system to afford themselves separate, different, or superior rights on the basis of group membership.

When brown supremacist part-Maori bang on about ‘racism’ they don’t mean getting rid of it.

Just placing it under new management.


These racists are filth on the face of my country.

As for the Maori language and culture which is the spearhead of their attempt to subvert individual equality in citizenship, one law for all, and colourblind government, do it in your own time and on your own dime.

It doesn’t belong in the public square and you have zero, zip, nada claim on your fellow citizens to fund your preferred language and culture; or to expect them to lick your kohao nono for being part-Māori.

Anonymous said...

I could not agree more with the comments made by the wise person at 1.29 pm above. I also believe there are far more New Zealand Maori's than the Racist part Maori's making so much noise - I hope more New Zealand Maori's speak up please. Thanks person at 1.29pm for your needed comments.

EP said...

Yes Rodney. I am only waking up to the actions of political parties and governments who have used Maori aspirations to serve their own purposes all these years. And Christopher Luxon appears to be yet one more - taking daily advice from John Key? Such a shame because there are some decent people in this Coalition - even in National. I think it a great shame that our system accords so much status to the PM - they are rollable though, come on MPs!

Anonymous said...

Powerful statement by 1.29

Basil Walker said...

Anonymous at 1:29 should be grateful for the opportunity to vent and clear his spleen, but it is a step too far to suggest it is truly a "Breaking View " when offered anonymously. I too concur with most of your sentiments however the Coalition agreement requires some Political - Give and Take and the full report of the Coalition Election term is some distance away .
Today the announcement from Hon Paul Goldsmith in regard to the repeal of Foreshore legislation is a step forward and of course was not done under an anon title .

Anonymous said...

To anon @ 1.29....well spoken.

Martin Hanson said...

The most odious racism is that shown by the media. An example is the statement by a Maori co-leader that Maori DNA is superior to 'white' DNA. Apart from a local Northland newspaper, barely a mention in the media. Imagine the uproar if a pakeha party leader had made such a statement! Judging a minority group by lower standards implies that they cannot be expected to reach the moral standards of the majority. In is called 'cultural exemption.

Anonymous said...

The very definition of 'when it suits me' - blood quantum matters when it benefits you Rawiri and when the opposite benefits you instead, then it doesn't matter anymore.

To learn from some international history, black people fought against segregation in the USA because it was unfair to them. Now, in NZ we see the beginnings of certain Maori actually wanting to be segregated... clearly because they see a benefit to them. It's not equality they want, it's inequality in their favour.

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