
Thursday, July 4, 2024

Shane Jones: Are There Iwi Provisions in the Fast-Track Bill?

Sean Plunket talks to Shane Jones on the Platform – Are there iwi provisions in the fast-track bill?

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Shane Jones is the Deputy Leader of the NZ First party and the Minister for Oceans and Fisheries, Minister for Regional Development, Minister for Resources, Associate Minister of Finance, and Associate Minister for Energy for the Coalition Government.


Allen said...

I believe that NZ should introduce "World First" legislation which states the no person or group may be allowed to have any special rights based on their race.
Actually. I think. I may have read something about that in the Treaty of Waitangi.

Robert Arthur said...

And while viewing check out Michael Laws on education.

Anonymous said...

Good to hear Shane explain to us precisely why "iwi" is mentioned so many times in the draft bill. The cat's cradle of insidious 'consultation requirements' favouring one vested interest group (wonder which one?) that was foisted upon us by successive prats in high places, such as Chris Finlayson, is absolutely appalling and IMHO unforgivable. It is hard to fathom whether the consequences were intended or unintended but they have nonetheless driven a stake into the heart of New Zealand. Unravelling the damage is a mammoth task - Shane is clearly onto this but one can only hope that he and others so switched on can collectively deal to it.

Peter said...

It just underscores how crucially important it is that we have that Treaty Principles discussion and, hopefully, a referendum. It's way past time that all New Zealanders were consulted.

Anonymous said...

To Peter

Referendum: not " hopefully" - this is absolutely essential ASAP.

The last chance to - possibly - halt the advance of He Puapua. Not certain.

Every effort will be made to stop this - from National.

The people must insist this time

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