
Monday, August 12, 2024

Daily Telegraph NZ: Erasing an orchestrated litany of lies

Many people, especially ignorant people, want to punish you for speaking the truth, for being correct, for being you. Never apologize for being correct, or for being years ahead of your time. If you’re right and you know it, speak your mind. Speak your mind. Even if you are a minority of one, the truth is still the truth. — Mahatma Gandhi

The phrase, An Orchestrated Litany of Lies, was originally penned by Justice Mahon. He wrote them in a summary of his findings on a Royal Commission of Inquiry into the tragic Air New Zealand plane crash on Mount Erebus, on 28 November 1978. There were no survivors. All 257 people onboard were killed instantly in the greatest air disaster that had ever occurred in the world at that time. It devastated New Zealand and still leaves a scar upon the Nation — etched deeply into our consciousness.

Justice Mahon was asked to head the Royal Commission. His exhaustive research and desire to uncover the truth of why the Air New Zealand plane crashed on that fateful day uncovered corruption at the highest levels. He fearlessly and courageously called out the lies and coverups surrounding the tragedy where a national airline and government were part of the subterfuge and despicable corruption that included robberies of documents in the homes of the families of the deceased pilots, missing documents, and shredded evidence, combined with outright lies by the most senior in Air New Zealand and the Muldoon government. The pilots were unjustly blamed. Justice Mahon uncovered this and spoke for them, restoring their fine reputations, when their voices had been forever silenced. Justice Mahon himself came under attack and was insulted and denigrated, yet the people recognised him as a great man who stood for truth and justice, and wasn’t afraid to call those in power to account. New Zealanders loved him for it. They could tell he was speaking the truth. Some of that story can be found here. The report of Justice Mahon, as the Royal Commissioner — a hero for whom I have the deepest respect — can be found here.

There is a famous quote that states: Those who do not know history — or who don’t learn from the mistakes of the past — are condemned to repeat it. This quote seems increasingly relevant today, as we watch the fanatical edicts that appear to grip governments around the world who march in lockstep with unelected international cabals.

If only we had Judges of Justice Mahon’s calibre now, as we face an even greater Orchestrated Litany of Lies — both nationally and globally. The world has been duped by some of the greatest lies ever told. No country has been left untouched. It is now the job of each of us to help erase these lies by continuing to expose them, and replace all of them with what is true, while helping to restore the health, peace and harmony of all who have been injured or hurt by the suppression and psychological operations of the last few years.

Truth alone will endure, all the rest will be swept away before the tide of time.
— Mahatma Gandhi

Subterfuge and corruption has repeatedly occurred in past centuries, too, although it doesn’t seem to compare to what we are looking at now. World War II and Hitler’s attempted takeover appear to have a similar playbook to much of what we currently see today. Goebbels — one of Hitler’s most notorious henchmen and the Nazi Minister for Propaganda — once said “Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it.” (A good example of this in today’s world is the phrase “safe and effective” applied to an experimental jab, since 2020 — the polar opposite of what it actually is.) Hitler, according to his book Mein Kampf, had similar ideas: “In the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility,” he wrote. It was his view that most people were comfortable telling small lies, but uncomfortable perpetuating big lies. “It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. . . Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation.” In today’s world, with the current lies, it is also difficult for many to be able to confront the magnitude of lies so evil.

Goebbels controlled the media for Hitler, and journalists or editors who failed to follow his instructions on what to print could either be fired or sent to a concentration camp. So the Nazis sold their lies and propaganda through the media, maligning and mocking the Jewish people, and others they scorned, while shamelessly promoting euthanasia. He destroyed free press and at one stage, he reflected in his diary about the subject of the loss of independence of the Press and ominously commented, “Any man who still has a residue of honour will be very careful not to become a journalist.” The online Holocaust Encyclopedia states that they “. . . used propaganda to win the support of Germans in a democracy and later in a dictatorship, to facilitate war and ultimately genocide . . .”

The “safe and effective” phrase is one of the greatest lies ever told. It was a lie that was (and still is) incessantly repeated all over the world as though it is a fact and with that phrase on a regularly repeating cycle it became an idea that implanted itself within the minds of many who erroneously assumed it to be accurate, because a government would surely not say it — and keep saying it — otherwise would they?

Yes, they would. Yes they did. And yes, they still do.

At the height of the “safe and effective” propaganda campaign, New Zealanders had to endure this lie on radio almost every 30 minutes. Any talk-back responders who had the courage to dissent were publicly ridiculed on-air or would find themselves rudely cut off. There were no Letters to the Editor in newspapers that expressed dissent, there were no interviews with doctors that disagreed. Yet it is unsafe and ineffective. Pfizer’s nine pages of adverse events illustrate that. Of course, doctors and other medical staff weren’t permitted by authorities to tell you that— if they knew. They were “guided” on what to say to their patients and there was “no place” for expressing any concerns they may have had about the jab, and if they did speak out they were hauled before the Medical Council (MCNZ). (The MCNZ has four lay board members, three of whom are lawyers (hardly ‘lay) and all of whom are appointed by government. It is understood that one of the lawyers worked with Pfizer to deliver its contract to the government.) The guidance statement issued to doctors by the MCNZ appears to have a different definition to what is commonly understood as guidance because if doctors didn’t keep to the MCNZ statement and dared to fully inform their patients of any negative aspects of the trial jab they were sacked, censured, deregistered, ridiculed, and required to be “re-educated”. Chilling — particularly when looking at the “Voluntary Undertakings” with which they were required to agree.

The most courageous medical staff who considered the Hippocratic Oath, the Nuremberg Code, and their own personal sense of ethics senior to such despicable orders spoke out anyway. And thank God for each and every one of these amazing souls.

Imagine if all medical staff had stood with NZDSOS, and refused. Game over for the despots. Unfortunately, most kow-towed.

Imagine also, if the judicial system had lawyers and judges of the calibre of Justice Mahon.

If only . . .

The term “anti-vaxxer” was adopted as a derogatory phrase, thrown at anyone who disagreed with the narrative as a means of immediately shutting down dissent — never mind the awkward fact that the COVID jab didn’t fit the commonly understood definition of “vaccine”. It was an experimental gene-based therapy jab. How many knew that at the time? Anyone who spoke out anywhere with salient factual information was termed an “anti-vaxxer” — and still is — as though it was a blasphemy of the highest order — not unlike something from Goebbels’ ghastly tool-kit. If one steps back and inspects that term, “anti-vaxxer”, anyone with a modicum of common-sense would ask what was wrong with questioning mandated medical injections manufactured by pharmaceutical corporations that have been known to cause injury, harm and death, particularly with the current COVID jab. Wouldn’t it be right to exercise caution? To at least request the full list of contents — which has not been made public — and to have a full public account of the potential adverse reactions, from the few contents we know are in them, and to ask why it was so important to force- jab everyone with a toxic poison known to interfere with a person’s DNA and that has been known to maim and kill? Providing all information should surely be part of fully-informed consent shouldn’t it? And if those experimental jabs work so well, why are those who had them often ill and/or suffer injury and even death? Years before this, the respected UK surgeon, the courageous Dr Wakefield, was ostracised for daring to look into childhood jabs and the link to autism, among other side effects. His books can be found here. (Robert Kennedy Junior, of Childhood Health Defense, has also been fighting this for many years and provides a platform for Dr Wakefield to communicate what he discovered, free of paid-off “fact-checkers”.)

Even the despicable Yuval Harari was more honest. Harari is the side-kick of Schwab, of the World Economic Forum (WEF), who chillingly talks about hacking human beings and manipulating them. He said that humans were to become extinct and the idea of having freewill and a soul was over. Artificial Intelligence is all part of that, and it is worth noting that this seems linked to the jabs. They want slaves, not human beings with souls. The former prime minister is deeply involved with the WEF and signed NZ up for the pilot A.I. project. She did not have the consent of the people. Not to be outdone, the current PM appears to be very keen to take photo ops with some of the darkest of these criminals, too.

You never know where your actions lead to. But if you don’t do anything they will lead nowhere.
 — Mahatma Gandhi

Why are governments around the world moving in lockstep to try to force these products on the population while not bothering to record all of the severe adverse reactions or steeply increased deaths related to them, or offer safer alternatives that work, along with encouraging natural ways of building up the immune system? It would be difficult to find any doctors currently administering these jabs who know their contents or the Pfizer list of adverse events, yet they continue to swallow the propaganda and sleep-walk through giving them, while gas-lighting those who have so obviously been seriously injured, or died. ACC adds to the cruelty by not offering compensation to many, many valid cases.

As mentioned, the medical staff for the COVID jab were all required to only give information as dictated by the MOH and the NZ Medical Council. Does that sound familiar to Goebbels’ dictates for the media in his time? That meant New Zealanders were robbed of genuine medical opinions that could have provided them with salient information about a drug that no one knew the full contents of and that had not been properly tested — if at all. Dr Mike Yeadon, former vice-president for Pfizer in the UK for 20 years, was so concerned he wrote a formal letter to UK police recommending a criminal investigation. NZDSOS has also written to the Police Commissioner — and NZ officials and members of parliament, on numerous occasions — drawing attention to the government continuing to recommend an injection that maims and kills. Their most recent letter to members of parliament highlighted the potential criminality involved.

Yet, none of the accusers or ridiculers of those brave souls who spoke out — and continue to do so — has a full list of what is in the jab. If they didn’t know what was in it, how could they possibly know it was “safe and effective”? They couldn’t, but they alleged it was anyway. As most now know, it wasn’t tested for transmission, and certainly does not stop spread. Yet, it is described in the Pfizer contract, and authorisation documents, as for prevention of Covid-19. Surely that is fraud, and should therefore destroy any liability protection?

They also completely ignore many top international medical experts, including the world-renowned cardiologist, Dr Aseem Malhotra, and Dr Peter McCullough who have exposed many of the toxic contents, and how dangerous they are. There are others, like Dr David Martin, a Patent Attorney who lays out the history of this diabolical plan and makes his well-qualified views very clear at the European Union COVID Summit meeting in 2023. His speeches are invaluable.

And now here we are, in 2024, with a similar situation in the media to yester-year, where the media still seem to have their orders, and were paid to parrot propaganda around the globe about the experimental injection and gave not a whisper of the clear proof of an unprecedented increase in deaths and serious injury that resulted from it. Articles that highlight the danger of the jabs can be viewed at other sites and include NZDSOS, the Health Forum NZ, and the Daily Telegraph.

Legacy media remains mute on this subject. Imagine if they had said, “No, we won’t comply with hiding the truth from the people.”

In this past month, the unelected evil cabals (WEF, UN, WHO and the ever-present Bill Gates) seem intent on taking an even darker turn towards an international fascist-like regime, with orchestrated efforts to frighten the world with another plandemic that they threaten will soon be upon us. “Bird ‘flu,” is the latest that is apparently on its way. It is reported that it leaps dexterously — so we are told — from birds to humans and even cattle — probably along with all of our other main protein sources. Some mainstream media adherents can already be observed hiding behind bug-laden masks that restrict their oxygen while not protecting them from anything. We see that most effective psychological weapon — fear — increasingly used again, with fear-fuelled headlines urging Kiwis to line up for even more jabs that are already causing such damage, while legacy media appear to be pinning the blame for excess deaths and serious illness on “severe influenza” instead of looking at the statistics of the escalating injuries and death from the experimental jabs.

Not to be outdone, New Zealand seems to want to leap to the head of the international field by dusting off their most dystopian rules that restrict freedom, some of which date back to the Health Act 1956, along with its various updates, the latest of which is dated 30 June 2024. Part 3 of the Health Act addresses Special Powers for Infectious and Notifiable diseases. In July 2024 the MOH published their chilling updated plan for the next “pandemic” based on that Act. They propose:
  • Medical Officers can enter any premises and medically examine any person.
  • Persons can be detained and quarantined until they have undergone such preventative treatment as the medical officer prescribes.
  • Police may do anything including the use of force, to help a medical officer in the performance of powers.
Page 122 of the document addresses Legislation and mandatory measures. Page 125/126 addresses Special Powers. (Numbered differently in the sidebar that comes up.)
This information is detailed at the end of the document, perhaps in the hope people won’t read that far. Further powers they propose include:
  • The government may consider imposing restrictions under legislation on people who choose not to accept vaccination, in relation to work, access to premises and other activities . .
  • Mandated measures may include requirements for people to be tested, screened or VACCINATED (may include arrivals to New Zealand ’Quarantining or isolating people (i.e. supporting those potentially exposed and those with the disease in a quarantine or treatment/isolation facility (or at home) or prohibiting them from leaving a particular facility/home.
  • Restricting the movement of people into or out of an area.
  • Restricting travel (within or out of New Zealand).
  • Imposing a duty to supply information for risk assessment or contact tracing (e.g. future travel plans or past travel history).
  • Requirements for people to undergo PREVENTATIVE TREATMENT.
  • Requirements for people not to go to work or other public places or to do so only under certain conditions.
  • Commandeering of resources (e.g. land, buildings, or vehicles).
In the 2024 paper from the MOH, under ‘Commandeering of resources (e.g. land, buildings, or vehicles)’ it doesn’t seem to specify that this doesn’t apply to private dwellings, as it does in the 1956 Health Act (Part 3).

The ‘Pandemic Plan’ as proposed by the MOH in July 2024, can be seen here. Particular attention needs to be given to page 125/126 under the title Special Powers. It appears they are also keen to include the findings of a current Royal Commission of Inquiry run by two individuals that appear to have conflicts of interest. Further information is here and here. The uncomfortable fact that this Inquiry has yet to present their “findings” has left them undeterred. Their Plandemic Plan 2024 repeats the disastrous plans that New Zealand and the rest of the world suffered through during the COVID debacle for a malady no worse than a seasonal ‘flu, but with draconian authoritarian additions, as outlined above. Perhaps the MOH and others in government should familiarise themselves with the research from Stanford and Harvard that found ZERO benefits from “any of the measures from 2021 and 2021”. So why suggest a repeat of that with additions even more severe? In a nutshell, this time they have allocated themselves the power to force-jab, lock Kiwis up until they agree to take whatever “medical treatment” they decide upon, requisition property and vehicles, burn down homes, sheds and any other buildings, as well as destroy livestock. All Human Rights instantly disappear, along with a complete violation of the Nuremberg Code and the Hippocratic Oath. It has been stated that this cannot be enforced from a plan such as this, but we all know how fast it can change. Why write it, if that isn’t the intention? The Daily Telegraph gives a succinct and helpful summary here.

The Pandemic Plan 2024 highlights that preferred testing (p157) is apparently the PCR test — that’s the one they forced on people for “COVID” where a swab was intrusively stuck far up the nose and down the back of the throat despite the fact that the inventor of the test (before he mysteriously died) said was meaningless. He also said the PCR can “find anything in anybody”. Dr Tom Cowan explains why it is meaningless here and how, with amplification, the PCR can give a positive on anybody and in anything, which is why PCR tests done on papaya, goats, motor oil, and all manner of things, were testing positive. Roche produce the PCR test and their instructions within each pack states it doesn’t diagnose anything.

A test that can find anything on anybody and doesn’t diagnose anything. How convenient.

Dr Michael Yeadon explains it well here on pages 6 – 7 of the attached download in this article that NZDSOS published on 10 May 2022. Surely the world is not expected to be subjected again to lockdowns and mandated medical treatment based on wildly inaccurate computer modelling and PCR tests never designed to diagnose? It is astonishing that it is suggested that testing again be in the form of a PCR test that will set the stage for false statistics to frighten people into getting another “vaccine” for another touted “pandemic”. And surely it won’t offer as a “solution” yet another trial jab when the one administered for COVID is known to have nine pages of adverse events, including death? That’s their plan.

Andrew Bridgen, former member of parliament in the UK, who had the courage to speak out against the COVID jab and its dangers, ominously warned in a recent interview that he has it on good authority that the early trials for the “bird-flu” jab has shown to kill one in 200 and yet it is already planned for this to be rolled out in the UK in January 2025.

The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience but where he stands in times of challenge and controversy. 
— Martin Luther King.

The problem for them is that millions now realise they were deceived with COVID — with the malady being no worse than the usual yearly ‘flu — and further deceived about a novel new drug touted as “safe and effective” and would prevent transmission and protect the elderly and vulnerable, when all such assertions were proven to be lies. There is substantial distrust of the well-advertised planning of future “plandemics”, combined with further experimental jabs waiting in the wings to be unleashed in tandem at a pre-determined time. The suggestion these should be made mandatory is medical rape, especially when the world is still reeling from the destruction of the last one. Bill Gates and his cronies baying for force to be used does not help. This sort of suggestion violates every sovereign freedom and directly contravenes the Bill of Rights Act 1990 and the Nuremberg Code.

The “Pandemic Plan” of 2024 appears to be a repeat of the plan for COVID but much worse, as outlined above. It shows a government that are deaf to the devastating results of the last plan and completely out of touch with the people.

During the “COVID” years, all in parliament and government had their feet tucked comfortably under desks at the Beehive, or somewhere nearby, still working and receiving their wages. Over 11,000 were granted jab exemptions by the Director-General of “Health”, and at one stage the incumbent Prime Minister declared that the jab was “optional” for members of parliament as well. Fancy that. All while the majority of New Zealanders were forced to receive an experimental jab against their wishes, or lose their homes and let their families starve. Others were callously told that if they suffered anaphylactic shock from the jab – as they may have experienced from previous injections– then “just go to the hospital and they will resuscitate you if you have a cardiac arrest.” So most in government at that time experienced little change, while small business-owners and farmers, millions of employees, and others — who keep this country afloat against all odds — were going bankrupt due to the lockdowns, or becoming ill or dying, because of being forced to take a medical procedure they did not want. And when Kiwis peacefully came to Wellington to protest and set up the beautiful Camp Freedom, they were subjected to incessant noise at odd times of the day and night through loud-speakers, EMF devices, water-sprinklers turned on while there was a torrential downpour of rain and in the last days they were infiltrated by stooges put in to cause conflict, and viciously attacked by police who were meant to maintain the peace.

So to see the Ministry of Health, cruelly press “repeat” on this catastrophic series of events New Zealanders experienced over the past five years while ignoring and ridiculing the torrential deluge of pain, injury, suffering and death through the side-effects of the jabs, while offering no compensation, shows unimaginable cruelty, extreme insensitivity, zero compassion, and a department that appears deaf to the facts regarding the uselessness of the PCR tests and the danger of the jab that they have been made aware of for several years. It leaves one with disquieting questions:
  1. Why has the MOH not taken this jab off the market in response to the continuing devastating reports of injury and death from it?
  2. Why has the MOH and others in government actively tried to suppress Ivermectin being imported and prescribed when doctors have found it to be an actual safe and effective treatment?
  3. Why has the MOH rushed to make the updated “pandemic plan” public before the Commissioners of the current Inquiry have published their findings? Is it because “pandemic plans” have been brought forward to coordinate with an international timetable to ram through the intended draconian tactics of the future, in time for “bird-flu” or “avian-flu” over winter in the Northern Hemisphere? A strange “bird-flu” that appears to attack poultry (millions of which have since been culled) and can even leap to cows, that will also no doubt be culled. Strangely, it doesn’t infect sparrows. Why is that?
  4. Why does the MOH immediately assume that another trial injection is the best and only “treatment” for a “bird-flu” that must be given and made mandatory when the last experimental trial jab maimed and killed so many?
  5. If the MOH is insistent that the population immediately have another untrialled and untested injection of which the contents are unknown and then deaths and severe illness immediately occur, how will the MOH clarify if the injuries and deaths are from a “bird-flu” — which has never been known to kill a person and isn’t even known to exist in people — or if the injuries and deaths are caused by another experimental gene-based jab, particularly when the MOH have had such trouble acknowledging the many injuries and deaths from the COVID jab over the past four years, despite reported confirmation of its harm to New Zealanders and from international experts all over the world?
  6. Recent OIA documents disturbingly reveal the MOH has yet to study the (MOH) data that the courageous whistle-blower Barry Young, a former statistician for the MOH, made public, when his efforts to alert his senior(s) to an alarming pattern of escalating deaths linked to the jab were ignored and when not one member of parliament responded to his written concerns either. Within days of the release of the data, Barry was arrested and his house was ransacked in a search by six armed police. (Details of his story are here and here.) The MOH have had the information that alarmed this former MOH statistician for at least seven months and replied in a recent OIA that they are yet to look at it. Why is that? Wouldn’t they want to know?
  7. If Barry’s statistical information is proven by the MOH to be correct, shouldn’t the proof of steeply escalating all-cause mortality linked to an experimental jab require the immediate removal of this experimental injection?
  8. Despite the fact that Barry’s information has been available off-shore for months, an injunction was placed on Barry’s anonymised statistical data here, but there is no injunction on what the NZDSOS team and others have been reporting for several years that confirms New Zealand deaths per year have accelerated at an alarming rate since the rollout of the experimental injection. According to this report, in September/October of 2023 the death rate was 70% greater than over the same time in 2022. In addition to the deaths, there are many, many stories of the injured who are so ill they can barely function. So why hasn’t the experimental jab been stopped and the “safe and effective” lie dropped?
  9. Why is it that the MOH has — according to recent OIA requests — spent close to one million dollars in efforts to suppress the MOH statistics that were made public by the courageous Barry Young, that show a link between the administration of the experimental injection in New Zealand and excess deaths? Is that because they know this to be the case? But surely, with the well-being of New Zealanders as their prime concern and taking into full account the Hippocratic Oath (First, Do No Harm), the Nuremberg Code, and the Bill of Rights, one would expect they would immediately halt the jabs while they investigated?
  10. If acting in good faith, the MOH would want to immediately determine if there were excess deaths or not, wouldn’t they? After all, the data is from their own records within the Ministry of Health. And why would any government department be so hell-bent on removing all traces of this data from the public? Is it because they know the data Barry provided is damning and they don’t want the public to know the experimental injection is not safe or effective, and that it can maim and kill? Don’t they know that that ship already sailed with the nine pages of adverse events that Pfizer was forced to release on the orders of an ethical US Judge in late 2021. (Pages 30 – 38)? The mounting evidence that this jab harms is staggering in its extent. (A recent letter on 25 July 2024, to members of parliament and relevant officials, entitled, Letter to NZ Officials— Record of Evidence of Potential Criminality from the courageous NZDSOS spells it out.)
  11. Or is it because Barry, with Liz Gunn, gave the world a gift by providing information directly from government records paid for by — but hidden from — the taxpayer? Records from within the MOH that show there are excess deaths due to the jab and it was the first time that such statistical anonymised MOH information was able to be viewed?
  12. The updated proposed Pandemic Plan of July 2024, shows a desire to enact even more authoritarian rule to the point where Human Rights no longer exist for any other “pandemic” that is dreamed up, with even harsher tools (meaningless PCR tests, forced experimental jabs, lockdowns,) being enforced. All without any consideration of the devastating harm and death that the COVID experimental jab has already caused in New Zealand. Why is that?
  13. Why is the commencement of the second COVID Inquiry, that is being called to genuinely address the injuries and escalated deaths of the jab, postponed until November? Is it because little will be done before the Christmas and summer break and nothing much will happen until February 2025, by which time “bird ‘flu” panic will be in full-swing and the second Inquiry will then be “put on hold”?
It’s not good enough. The unimaginable suffering already caused in families across this nation is completely unacceptable. Given the harm caused it is surely criminal to envisage repeating such actions.

Civil disobedience becomes a sacred duty when the state has become lawless or corrupt. And a citizen who barters with such a state shares in its corruption and lawlessness. 
— Mahatma Gandhi

When the former UK MP, Andrew Bridgen, questioned the excess deaths in the UK, he reported that the UK government then changed their baseline to obscure the excess deaths. Wouldn’t that classify as government corruption? A MOH department spending almost one million dollars in efforts to suppress the publication of data that show a link between the jab and excess deaths, but not examining that data to verify its accuracy in the seven months since it was made public would also classify as corrupt — or extremely negligent — wouldn’t it?

The question has to be asked, who are these bureaucrats and politicians serving? Certainly not us. A quick look at the goals and intentions of the World Economic Forum, the current United Nations and the World Health Organisation give an inkling. And there are other shadowy figures with trillions behind them who control the puppets.

To knowingly promote and administer an injection that maims and kills is surely a criminal offence. Barry’s information and all of the factual information gathered by experts all over the world, and here in New Zealand by NZDSOS, the Health Forum, FreeNZ,
Dr Guy Hatchard, The Daily Telegraph, Reality Check Radio/ VFF, Counterspin Media and many, many others, have repeatedly presented the evidence for the past four years.

Unless unable to assimilate the data for some unknown reason, these people within government and government departments have had countless opportunities to know the truth. The former prime minister announcing members of parliament were “exempt “from taking the jab and the Director General of “Health”, Ashley Bloomfield, who gave over 11,000 “special” people – many of whom were medical staff –an “exemption”, was a great clanging clue that there was something seriously wrong, for surely if it was really safe and effective they would all be at the front of the queue?

They have no right to lie and do such harm, while taking the money of taxpayers to do it. They have no right over your God-given sovereign rights. You were born with those and no one has the right to remove those rights and dictate to you what you must put into your body. Not ever.

Fobbing heroic and sincere people off with promises of “another Inquiry” in November and “we’ll let this first Inquiry finish” is fatuous nonsense. Postponing a relevant Inquiry that asks the right questions until November while continuing to administer a harmful experimental injection has horrific implications. As mentioned, it appears there are two conflicted people running the first Inquiry who haven’t insisted on asking the key questions. Why have any Inquiry, when the evidence already provided by Kiwi heroes over the past four years has been repeatedly sent to the government? That and Barry Young’s MOH data surely provides more than enough information?

Despite all of this information sent to the government, the pantomime continues. Is that not criminal? So too is the despicable punishment and denigration placed on those who bravely said no — and were courageous enough to speak out against it, yet watched as their businesses and livelihoods crumbled, and as many lost their homes, and sometimes their family members, who believed the government’s lies. (They also deserve full compensation.) Nor have the courts or the police acted as they should. They must all stand up and speak out against what is happening, or stand down. If only there had been more police who stood with former policeman Dan Picknell and said No.

Justice will be done for such crimes against humanity. There is no escape, for one day these people will be required to personally face their heinous crimes and look back to find there will be no Klaus Schwab or WEF (or any of the other alphabet-soup organisations) there to save them. They will find they were merely the “useful idiots” that Schwab referred to in his book, The Great Reset. They were never part of the self-proclaimed “elite”. They were just traitors to those they pretended to represent. And in the final reckoning, if they have knowingly aided this hideous agenda, then it is they who will have to face their crimes and the magnitude of devastating harm, injury, suffering and death caused to millions. The time to speak out has all but passed. It gives no pleasure to see the magnitude of what these misguided people who aided the despots will eventually have to face. But it would be of enormous relief to see them help ensure, right now, that these inhumane authoritarian actions are immediately stopped, apologies are made, full compensation is given to the victims — vaxxed and unvaxxed — and our Human Rights are kept sacrosanct. The lies and the corruption must stop. There is no time to waste. We must peacefully stand together and say No. No more. We Do Not Consent.

In his summing up of the Erebus Disaster, Justice Mahon said:

“No judicial officer ever wishes to be compelled to say that he has listened to evidence which is false. He always prefers to say, as the hundreds of judgments which I have written will illustrate, that he cannot accept the relevant explanation, or that he prefers a contrary version set out in the evidence.

“But in this case, the palpably false sections of evidence which I heard could not have been the result of any mistake, or faulty recollection. They originated, I am compelled to say, in a pre-determined plan of deception. They were very clearly part of an attempt to conceal a series of disastrous administrative blunders and so, in regard to the particular items of evidence to which I have referred, I am forced reluctantly to say that I had to listen to an orchestrated litany of lies.”

Today, we see corruption and an orchestrated litany of lies in innumerable areas. What is outlined in this article is just the tip of an iceberg. To erase the lies, it is necessary for each one of us to stand together and, undaunted, keep telling the truth — for it is the power of the truth that will triumph. And it is truth the that will always prevail.

Non-violence means an ocean of compassion. It means shedding from us every trace of ill will for others. It does not mean abjectness or timidity, or fleeing in fear. It means, on the contrary, firmness of mind and courage, a resolute spirit.
 — Mahatma Gandhi

Daily Telegraph New Zealand (DTNZ) is an independent news website, first published in October 2021. - where this article was sourced.


Anonymous said...

A good article, except unfortunately people are so sick and tired of hearing about Covid and the ensuing problems, they have just tuned out. Heaven help us when another pandemic threatens!

Anonymous said...

I have to admit that I was unaware of the DTNZ, but after reading this excellent article, I will be a frequent visitor to their site.
Our Fascist Corporate State has also been quietly building "quarantine compounds" which really means dissident open air prisons around the country, as have other Western Countries Fascist Corporate States.

Rob Beechey said...

Do we even have another Justice Mahon who had the courage to stand truely independent of the cabal that controls the public narrative? Very well written Mary. Your analogy was superb.

Anonymous said...

it is apparent that some people don't understand the meaning of "fascist".

Anonymous said...

The collusion of Government/Corporations or Public Private Partnerships to control we the people.

Barend Vlaardingerbroek said...

The interesting thing about the term 'fascist' is that it has long been applied to the far right of the political spectrum but the label fits much better on the far left. When you have a situation where you can be reported for expressing unfashionable opinions (i.e. conservative opinions) about such matters as marriage and race relations and stand to lose your livelihood or even liberty in the wake of a kangaroo court, you have fascism. I call it 'marxofascism' because today's fascism in the West is based on the neo-Marxist paradigm.

Anonymous said...

As a Long-retired old soldier it was evident to me, right at the beginning of 2020 that a massive attack was about to be visited on the people of this country. And under the vicious control of a hideous Marxist, J. Ardern, so it occurred. But like all military operations the plan was not as entirely successful as the perpetrators hoped. So the next phase is coming. If we thought the (imaginary?) Covid plandemic was bad, and it was much more than that, we should be well prepared for what is to come. But this time even those poor people who were totally taken in and succumbed to the relentless fear campaign may not be so naive this time. Our only hope is to resist to the last. A fight to the death is coming.

Anonymous said...

Whoever the Daily Telegraph is, he/she/they/clearly have a problem with authority in general and vaccines in particular. You have lost the battle. Science has won and millions of people are alive today who would not have survived COVID without a vaccine. Pity you are incapable of accepting that reality.

Anonymous said...


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