
Friday, August 9, 2024

Lushington D. Brady: A Republican Dream Team in the Running

Donald Trump couldn’t have asked for better opponents than Kamala Harris and Tim Walz.

The Democrats just keep on giving to Donald Trump: the endless show trials that only boosted his poll numbers every time. They stuck with Joe Biden even after the debate exposed his cognitive decline in the most brutal fashion. Then they replaced Joe with an unelected nominee so unpopular she never won a single primary vote in eight years.

Now, cacklin’ Kamala Harris has chosen her running mate. Hoo, boy.

She passed over the Republicans’ deepest fear, Josh Shapiro, the popular, centrist governor of battleground state of Pennsylvania. Rejecting the Jewish Shapiro only deepens suspicions that Harris and the DNC are pandering to the anti-Semitic far-left. Instead, she selected Minnesota governor Tim Walz.

And the establishment media are desperately spinning.

He was the unassuming governor of Minnesota whose straight-talking, folksy charm earned him the nickname “Midwestern dad”.

Did it, though?

The Times writers clearly know little about Minnesota. It was the epicentre of the anti-Vietnam protests. It’s the only state Ronald Reagan couldn’t win in an otherwise clean sweep of the Electoral College. Even when Richard Nixon had swept the board in 1972, Minnesota was a near-run thing.

As for Walz, his record is to the far-left of even the Democrats.

Walz’s long list of policy ‘achievements’ and political stances that have already gifted Republicans with the attack slogans ‘Tampon Tim’ and ‘Make America Burn Again’.

The “Tampon Tim” moniker came after Walz signed a law requiring Minnesota schools to supply tampons in boys’ toilets. His embrace of the trans agenda goes even further: he backed laws to strip custody of children from parents who resisted gender reassignment surgery for their kids. He declared Minnesota a “trans-refugee state”.

He also passed laws permitting abortion right up ’til the moment of birth.

He’s on the record supporting the ‘defund the police’ movement which emerged following George Floyd’s death in May 2020 in Minnesota’s biggest city Minneapolis, during which he waited three days before calling in the national guard to stop riots that caused massive damage and destruction.

His wife Gwen Walz even recalled savouring the moments in solidarity with the rioters. “I could smell the burning tires … I kept the windows open as long as I could because I felt like that was such a touchstone of what was happening,” she later told a journalist when looking back on the incident.

As for the hot-button issue of the election, illegal immigration, Walz’s record is even worse than failed “Border Czar” Kamala.

Walz signed laws as governor that provided free health care, drivers licences and university education for undocumented immigrants. He tried to lift income tax as governor and supported policies to phase out fossil fuels.

What spin does the Times have left in its increasingly thin grab bag? Hmm, how does his military service match up to his opposite, JD Vance, who served with the Marines in Iraq?

Walz, 60, grew up in small-town Nebraska. When he turned 17 he enlisted in the Army National Guard, and during his 24 years in service he worked mostly in disaster response, never seeing combat. After 9/11 he was deployed to Europe to support Operation Enduring Freedom.

Which is an unconvincing way of glossing over that Walz quit the National Guard as soon as his unit was scheduled to go to Iraq in 2005. His rushed replacement doesn’t mince words.

“I needed to hit the ground running and take care of the troops – and tell them we were going to war,” said [Thomas Behrends] of the 500 soldiers under his command. “For a guy in that position to quit is cowardice” [...]

“When your country calls, you are supposed to run into battle – not the other way,” the retired command sergeant major told The Post Tuesday. “He ran away. It’s sad.

“He had the opportunity to serve his country, and said ‘screw you’ to the United States. That’s not who I would pick to run for vice-president.”

Picking Walz also blunts the Democrats’ attacks on Trump as a ‘convicted felon’.
In 1995, Walz was caught doing 96mph in a 55mph zone. He sped up when he saw the police car. He had a blood-alcohol level of 0.128. He tried to claim that he was deaf, not drunk.

Far from a youthful peccadillo, Walz was a 31-year-old, married, high school teacher at the time.

The Dems sure can pick ’em.

Lushington describes himself as Punk rock philosopher. Liberalist contrarian. Grumpy old bastard. This article was first published HERE


Anonymous said...

At the same time the Democrats will be saying the couldn't get a better opponents than Trump and Vance. No doubt the Trump prosecutions were brought (by Democratic authorities) for precisely that reason. The Democrats know that if someone like De Santis was running they wouldn't have a chance, but Trump has consistently lost everything since 2017. Even after losing the Presidency he needed to keep opening his mouth to lose the Republicans the Senate. Even if Trump does surprisingly win the Presidency, the Democrats know he will have their economic policy anyway with protectionism and borrowing. His isolationist foreign policy will also be great news for China.

I.C. Clairly said...

Things aren't looking great for the Trump campaign: MAGA is long dead, Trump is really just another GOP Israel shill (one of the reasons a lot of Establishment backing and Jewish money has fallen in behind him), Vance was a terrible VP pick who most people can see is a fake with a false public persona who is funded by Big Tech (Peter Theil particularly) and wants to bomb Iran, and Kamala seems to be generating (seemingly) more genuine enthusiasm than Trump is. One month ago, Trump was looking invincible; now he looks set to lose in November unless something radically changes in the approach and attitude of his campaign team, who seem completely clueless as to how to fix things.

Tom Logan said...

Mr Trump is now staggering around like a punch drunk boxer waiting for the knock out blow on him that he knows is coming soon.

The polls show a strong swing to the Harris /Wolz ticket.Should he lose, and Trump knows that is a very very real possibility, what will he be ?

Trump wakes every morning knowing that by the evening of November 5th he could well be nothing more than a convicted felon facing bankruptcy and jail time .

Please save me the chorus, ''the election was stolen , the DOJ is crooked, the judges are crooked , the prosecutors are crooked , the jury is crooked. Like Trumps raving's, we've heard it all before.

Barend Vlaardingerbroek said...

A marxofascist clique taking over the White House will see many southern Americans reaching for their guns. As far as they will be concerned, there will be nothing left to lose.

Anonymous said...

I see the New Zealand branch of the Republican propaganda machine is hard at work in little old New Zealand. So who is this Lushington D. Brady who is so intent on channeling Donald Trump's lies? Does he not know that one of Trump's first actions on attaining office was to renege on the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a significant trade deal that New Zealand had invested a lot of time and energy promoting? That was an undeserved slap in the face for our country. Trump is no friend of ours, so why would anyone here want to support his bid for a second term? So what's your agenda Mr Brady? By all means, dazzle us with your arguments about how a second Trump term will benefit New Zealand. But spare us the tedious ad hominem stuff. It adds nothing to your case and we can experience vitriol like that from Fox News or Sky Australia any time we feel like it.
Which is, of course, never.

Anonymous said...

The people sending millions to Harris don't seem to agree with you - and they live in the US. I believe them. They are not stupid and know where their interest lies. Now the crazy unequal and unjust electoral body in the US may defeat them.

Tom Logan said...

And today we hear that Trump is inventing stories about helicopter near crashes that just didn't happen . Attributing false negative quotes about Kamala Harris to persons that absolutely deny such comments and were not on that helicopter anyway. Who do we believe Lush ?

And than forgetting all about flights with the author of the Maga 2025 manifesto, who he says he's never met, never heard of , doesn't know the guy.

Yip, Trumps the man Lush.

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