
Sunday, September 8, 2024

David Farrar: Rogernomics not deemed interesting

An interesting comment on my Royal Society funding piece:

There is no biography of Sir Roger Douglas. As a Senior Lecturer in History, I asked the Marsden Fund to support my biography of Douglas. They ranked my application 62 out of 62, dismissing it with the shallow comment, “The topic of Rogernomics is not all that exciting.” -  This is political bigotry. It shows the poor quality of the Royal Society’s thinking, which has since been exposed on other topics.

It does seem incredible that they would declare there is no interest in Rogernomics as even 40 years on it is vigorously debated and Douglas is probably the most influential MP in NZ history who was not Prime Minister. I bet you a biography on a left wing political figure of the same stature would not be ranked last.

David Farrar runs Curia Market Research, a specialist opinion polling and research agency, and the popular Kiwiblog where this article was sourced. He previously worked in the Parliament for eight years, serving two National Party Prime Ministers and three Opposition Leaders.


Anonymous said...

Try a biography on Geoffrey Palmer instead.

robert Arthur said...

i have read several bograpies of NZ politicians and found most surpringly interesting. although was littel interested originallyPalmer would be difficult. any statements from him woul be so convoluted and guarded would never unfathom. And, as with all lawyers, especially those still earning from the leagl system, any original comments would be prone to legal actin.

Allen Heath said...

What you want is to find a part-maori, monopod lesbian with a doctorate in 'How colonialism really screwed up my life' and you'll go the top of any biography writer's list.

Anonymous said...

During the Clark Govt, then later Ardern, I did not see and/or read any written comment from Roger D regarding the actions of Minister's of Finance - Michael Cullen, Grant Robertson - ditto John Key tenure. I wonder why? The Minister of " I have been thinking", Richard Prebble was a constant scribe via NZ Herald, until, that avenue was curtailed.
Sadly there are many in NZ who would not " subscribe" to any written works on Roger Douglas, there is the CER Act with Australia being a prime example. That is why Australia own and operate our Banking system. Which has been the subject of a recent report - you need to reference Prof Robert MacCulloch, on this website and his articles on this topic. Thanks Roger D.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 5.59 is baffled by the silence of Douglas on the actions of his successors. The answer is simple. He didn't have to. None of the later Governments reversed his economic reforms. Clark droned on incessantly about the "failed" policies of the 4th Labour Government but did absolutely nothing to reverse them. Why? Because they worked. They created the Rock-Star economy. They allowed us to recover from the GFC faster than most other countries.They allowed the economy to recover rapidly from COVID lockdowns. So I thoroughly agree with your last sentence. Thanks Roger D.

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