
Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Brian Tamaki: Te Pāti Māori’s Gravy Train Exposed – And They’re Spitting Tacks

We are one people, one vote, one law and one flag.

Debbie Ngarewa-Packer says I’m playing “revolting politics”, but let’s be real – what’s truly revolting is how Te Pāti Māori has exploited Manurewa Marae to further their corrupt political agenda. If anyone should be apologising, it’s Te Pāti Māori, but they’re too arrogant to admit their wrongdoing.

Te Pāti Māori are spitting hate at me because I was one of the first to expose their corruption at Manurewa Marae. They know I’m not afraid to call them out, and the truth stings.

Let’s not twist this: there are good people at Manurewa Marae who have worked tirelessly for the community – but Te Pāti Māori dragged their marae into disrepute: they exploited it, diverting much-needed funds to fuel their political agenda. It’s a disgrace.

The facts don’t lie:
  • Allegations of privacy breaches with census, Covid vaccination, and voter sign-up data.
  • Kaupapa polling booths linked to party influence from the Te Pāti Māori candidate.
  • An elaborate scam orchestrated by John Tamihere and his inner circle, including his family members.
And now, they’re using Ngarewa-Packer to distract from the nepotism and corruption at the heart of Te Pāti Māori.

It’s taking way too long for the investigation – the public deserves justice and for the report to be released now, not at the end of January 2025.

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: it’s time to abolish the Māori seats. These seats, once created to uplift Māori voices, have been turned into a mockery by radicals who use them as a personal power play. Māori don’t need separatist seats to be represented – we are already well-represented in parliament.

The real issue here is Te Pāti Māori’s gravy train coming to a screeching halt. They’ve been exposed, and now they’re lashing out at anyone who dares call out their corruption – including me.

I’m not playing “revolting politics”. I’m standing up for the commonsense Māori who are appalled by Te Pāti Māori’s behaviour. The volunteers at Manurewa Marae deserve better. The Māori voters deserve better. And this country deserves better leadership than what Te Pāti Māori has shown.

It’s time to hold them accountable and put an end to corruption and arrogance. The days of exploiting Māori for political gain are over.

I maintain that we are ONE PEOPLE, ONE VOTE, ONE LAW, ONE FLAG… under ONE GOD!

Brian Tamaki is a New Zealand Māori fundamentalist Christian religious leader who is the leader of Destiny Church, since 2022 he has led the Freedoms New Zealand party. This article was sourced HERE


Basil Walker said...

Unfortunately for all New Zealand the NZ Electoral Commission is complicit in the shenanigans of Te Pati Maori and donkey deep in election warfare against many who have stood for Parliament.

anonymous said...

A sane voice who happens to be a Maori New Zealander.

Anonymous said...

Being of sound mind and able to view the world critically either agreeing in each situation leaning left or right, albeit Mr. Tamaki can be 'edgy' in this article I agree wholeheartedly. The party that professes to support maori are corrupted and in that corruption they corrupt those that suppport them.....

Anonymous said...

Brian keep up the great work. You are a threat to these guys so they far left will continue to attack you. However you are better than these guys and good will prevail. The vast majority are behind you Brian......

Anonymous said...

Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country (JFK).
“I maintain that we are ONE PEOPLE, ONE VOTE, ONE LAW, ONE FLAG… under ONE GOD!”
If the above statement is considered “revolting politics”, then what we can ALL DO NOW for our country is to get down and revolting, before it’s too late.
It should not have come to this, but due to our treasonous successive government’s apartheid acts and statutes, beginning in 1975, based on the complete fabrication of our early history and listening to “cunning grifters” instead of those with integrity, we find ourselves having to make a stand for “revolting politics”.
On the 6th February 1840 at Waitangi, Governor Hobson shook the hand of each chief that signed the Maori language treaty (The Treaty) with the words, He iwi tahi tatou, (we are now one people)
Now, if you care, that is a principle worth fighting for, and by the way, is the only true principle of The Treaty.

Anna Mouse said...

When a political party supported by a charity and run like a fifedom openly states they do not want democracy, the rule of law or equality of rights and uses violence inciting images and actions in their promotion then we see a parallel to a period in German history just after the fall of the Weimar Republic until around the end of 1945.......

If New Zealand does not hold these people to account in government, MSM, academia and society at large then we are entering a dangerously unstable period.

Sadly for New Zealand society it seems it has no allies in either government, MSM or academia.....these seem to be complicit with the agenda to destroy us as a once cognisant, cohesive country......alas.

Barend Vlaardingerbroek said...

"Under one god" might be a problem for non-Christian religions (NZ has significant numbers of Muslims and Hindus) and even within Christianity e.g. Mormons. It depends how "one god" is defined e.g. do we count all Abrahamic versions (the Judaic, Christian, Muslim and Baha'i) as one? Do we include the Mormon god concept as a Christian one? And what about polytheistic notions of gods?
Not to mention the growing number of people who don't believe in any god(s).
Bringing religion back into politics would herald a return to the old Punch-and-Judy shows like Catholic vs Protestant and see Parliament and the courts becoming sectarian battlefields. Not a good idea. That's why government should be secular. Keep it that way.

Anonymous said...

No, don't release that report until February when NZ is back and functioning fully.
Releasing it now is a tactic that Ardern perpetrated similarly by using taxpayers money to buy the Ihumātao property on Christmas Eve then heading for the beach in the armour plated limousine.

Rob Beechey said...

Keep up the good work Brian.

Anonymous said...

What's missing in all this are other Maori voices like Brians, decrying TePat'is and J Tamahris shenanigans. I have heard quite a few intelligent Maori who publicly say they don't approve of how TePati are behaving, but won't say anything publicly, because they hope for more goodies from the public trough that the government is handing them (Why look a gift horse in the mouth type attitude) These people need to step up and be counted and realize they may be getting something short term, but will regret their inaction in the long term

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