Mount Taranaki is set to gain the legal rights of a person under the Taranaki Maunga Collective Redress Bill, which will become law on 30 January 2025.
The dormant volcano will now be represented by a panel of eight, including four traditional owners and four Crown representatives.
The legislation, passed by Labour in 2023, recognises Mount Taranaki, alongside its companion peaks, as a living ancestor with its own identity and rights.
Popular with tourists, it is the country’s most frequently climbed mountain, and Lonely Planet has named the area one of the best places in the world to visit. Under the new law, harming or mistreating the mountain will carry the same legal consequences as harming a tribe.
The law follows a similar recognition granted to the Whanganui River.
The park surrounding Mount Taranaki will be renamed Te Papa-Kura o Taranaki, with management plans requiring dual approval from the conservation minister and iwi leaders.
Under the Taranaki Maunga Collective Redress Bill, an oversight committee (Te Tōpuni Kōkōrangi) of four iwi and four Crown representatives will govern and set cultural and spiritual values.
A conservation board, including three iwi representatives, will work with the Department of Conservation on daily management. All governance costs will be funded by the Crown.
Read more over at The Daily Mail
The Centrist is a new online news platform that strives to provide a balance to the public debate - where this article was sourced.
Popular with tourists, it is the country’s most frequently climbed mountain, and Lonely Planet has named the area one of the best places in the world to visit. Under the new law, harming or mistreating the mountain will carry the same legal consequences as harming a tribe.
The law follows a similar recognition granted to the Whanganui River.
The park surrounding Mount Taranaki will be renamed Te Papa-Kura o Taranaki, with management plans requiring dual approval from the conservation minister and iwi leaders.
Under the Taranaki Maunga Collective Redress Bill, an oversight committee (Te Tōpuni Kōkōrangi) of four iwi and four Crown representatives will govern and set cultural and spiritual values.
A conservation board, including three iwi representatives, will work with the Department of Conservation on daily management. All governance costs will be funded by the Crown.
Read more over at The Daily Mail
The Centrist is a new online news platform that strives to provide a balance to the public debate - where this article was sourced.
Is this Mt Egmont?
"Mount Taranaki is set to gain the legal rights of a "person" under the Taranaki Maunga Collective Redress Bill, which will become law on 30 January 2025".
So its been corporatized then. Artificial person/person falls into "corporate jurisdiction" ruled by contract law.
How much will he/she/it cost the poor old tax payer - annually and in perpetuity of course?
How much will the Crown pay to iwi in secret "research fees"? Watercare is paying $1m a year for the Waikato River.
Maybe it is time the 'dormant' person had an eruption? This BS is making me blow my top!
Perhaps we should ask Chris Hipkins about the cost, then take it from his salary. While we are there maybe he can tell us whether this "person" is male, female or simply not sure?
Another fine example of NZ looking foolish internationally - and it is absolutely foolish.
Do you want this nonsense to continue? Under MMP you don't have to vote for National or Labour. All these extravagances are costing the taxpayer greatly and channelling funds from worthwhile initiatives. National view the Treaty as a partnership. The answer is to rid parliament of any who do not represent all the people, or at least the majority. Start by finding out what your local candidate actually believes in. The process of a return to democracy might take time but it is worth making a start.
Mt Egmont becomes Mr Egmont.
Mt Egmont Incorporated.
Why did this government not repeal this nonsensical law. If a section of the population wants to believe in mythical nonsense then they need to pay for it themselves. Luxon is just another bloody appeaser, like Chamberlain. And like Chamberlain, Luxon needs to go before he does any further damage.
Has this "PERSON" applied for a benefit yet? or perhaps he, she, them or whatever is retired and collects super plus the winter energy subsidy, free bus and train rides.
Maybe he, she, them or whatever also needs additional taxpayer money to pay for his, hers, those or whatever who manage his, hers, theirs or whatever affairs.
What an absolute rort, and we idiots fall for it every time.
As anon @11:14 said, the world must look at us and wonder who are those fools down south at an inconsequential place we've never heard of.
Spare me.
Will it pay tax?
These set ups lead invariably to effective total maori control. Some operating document will probably be prepared and will have clauses favouring employment of maori managers, staff, contractors etc. For a typical example, the Auckland Regional Parks plan. The oversight committee to be half of maori. Members will likely be selected by the local informal Insurgency Coordination Committee. It only takes one of the other party to be mildly maori sympathetic and maori effectively control totally. This is the situation with the Tupuna Maunga Authority in Auckland. The Conservation Board is to include 3 iwi. The same comments apply. The scene is set for a repeat of the Waikaremoana fiasco. All these appointees paid. Unlikely many/any will have specific expertise in management of a park, although now likely skilful and well coached in extortion. In the pursuit of mana Brownie points, park access by outsiders will likely be made difficult and/or expensive.
If Maori want this co-governance role/rort, why should any money be passing from the taxpayer to them? Isn't having such a say-so a privilege - so why should money be passing hands? But, no. It's all about a snout (or four) in the public trough for evermore.
This nonsense does, indeed, need to end!
Luxon - by not repealing this BS you are complicit in this racist nonsense.
Will it take another leader at one of your many offshore junkets to tell you that it's absolute nonsense and you are being played for a sucker , and are now being laughed at behind your back?
There is no way of justifying giving rivers and mountains "human rights " without being seen to be stupid.
It will be at least 7 to be paid quite apart from considerable background expenses for a meeting. And some selected activist mana whenua are sure to travel from afar with mileage allowance. Currently all handled in the course of normal work by some able, experienced Conservation dept staff. And my words "sympathetic" to maori should have been followed by "and/or intimidated by maori, as so very effectively acheived by current threat of cancellation." If the mountain is a person presumably it can adopt some modern te ao and charge for access to its body.
Hold on! With this personification/idolization of nature, does anybody stop to ask by what pronoun Mt. Egmont/Taranki would like to be addressed?
The last paragraph says it all! "All expenses to be met by the Crown" What a rort. Those expenses should be made public. The maximum the Crown should pay is no more than the current DOC expenses. All the extra should be paid by Maori interests, as they are the ones requesting this non sensical arrangement
When Mt Egmont erupts and sends lava bombs and ash all over the Taranaki countryside will we be able to sue this “person” for negligence?
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