
Friday, January 3, 2025

David Farrar: Te Pati Maori promise retrospective legislation

Te Pati Maori have written to organisations saying that if they are part of a Labour-led Government, they will pass retrospective legislation to punish organisations for actions that were entirely legal.

Click to view

You wonder how much more they need to do, to have media hold them to the same account as any other political party. They say they don’t believe in democracy, and now they say they don’t believe in the rule of law. They also use violent imagery in their publicity materials. Isn’t this a classic example of what one would normally call an extremist fringe party?

David Farrar runs Curia Market Research, a specialist opinion polling and research agency, and the popular Kiwiblog where this article was sourced. He previously worked in the Parliament for eight years, serving two National Party Prime Ministers and three Opposition Leaders.


anonymous said...

There you go - clear evidence of "bullying" government. In the tribal mode, weaker/moderate Maori would be forced to agree. The real problem is that the sheeple still do not get the gravity of this move towards tribal rule ( masked by co-governance for a few years).

Anonymous said...

Some of Te Pati Maori's policies on their website, which the media have been very quiet about.

- Separate Maori army, to no doubt forcibly take whatever they feel entitled to. Like Sinn Fien and the IRA.

- Separate Maori Parliament that controls the country. Abolish Westminster system.

- Abolish the Crown as head of state, although the Crown still needs to compensate Maori "like a divorced father pays for his kids."

- All public land - local authority land, government land, conservation estate - given to Maori.

- All private land sales must be offered to Maori first.

- Waitangi Tribunal reports will be binding, even though most NZers have no access or say there.

- All NZ place names to be in Maori.

- All Treaty settlements to be up for negotiation again, rather than being final. Grievances and compensation to be ongoing forever.

- All foreshore and seabed given to Maori. Maori can prevent people or charge them for swimming, launching boats or fishing.

- Maori control all fresh water, so they can force farmers to sell to them by denying them irrigation

- Maori justice system, with half the assets now held by the police and courts, so if Maori commit a crime or don't pay a debt they will be subject to different rules than others.

- Half of all social housing to be used exclusively for Maori.

- Maori sport, health, culture and education to receive preferential funding.

- Double welfare benefits.

Paul Peters said...

I personally know lifelong Labour hardliners who told me they no longer believe in democracy because ''it does not work''. They want minority, identity-based groups/parties to have a bigger say. Basically, in NZ (will be called the other) voting will be rigged with the goal of ensuring no more governments to the right of Labour. They are quite open about it.

Basil Walker said...

The TPM letter writen on Parliamentary stationary including the Parliamentary emblem is a serious matter that deserves attention by the Parliamentary Speaker , Priveleges Committee or greater , The Governor General as representative of Royalty.

The Collins dictonary describes "TREASON" ; violation or betrayal of the allegiance that people owe to their soverign or their country, esp by attempting to overthrow the government ; High Treason.

I personally do not accept using Aotearoa instead of New Zealand diminishes the seriousness of the written undertaking Te Pati Maori have stated.

Anonymous said...

So be it. The NZ public now knows what is in store comes the 2025 election and what they can expect if they vote in a Labour leftist coalition government with the Maori Party & Greens. It's back to 1839.

Anonymous said...

Gosh, thanks for this. My bad, but they are such a joke that i have never bothered to read their 'policy'. I will now and circulate it. How appalling!

Anonymous said...

Don"t worry, the nice maori activists will never stop your family from accessing a beach. They will never turn your suburb into an area of significance to maori. They just wouldn't do that. yeah right
This letter speaks volumes.

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