
Sunday, January 5, 2025

Sallust: The Net Zero Riots

The Russian-British satirist and author Konstantin Kisin has popped up in a video chat with Youtuber and podcaster Chris Williamson with a damning verdict on Britain’s prospects while being led headlong into the crippling consequences of taxation and a Net Zero fantasy.

Kisin starts right out with the view that “at the moment” Britain is “f***ed”.

They discuss the mass exodus of all those who have created, are creating and will create wealth. “This Government has decided that the people who it needs to tax are the businesses basically, particularly the smaller-size businesses.”

Kisin describes the relentless increase of public, visible lawlessness, especially on the London Underground where staff and police stand by helplessly and haplessly as fare-dodging and crime goes untouched.

Williamson asks Kisin why the fabric of Britain is disintegrating:

I think it’s partly because the economy isn’t growing and so there’s not a lot of money to be put into policing. And when you think that Net Zero is the way to prosperity, i.e., driving up energy prices ‘cause you wanna feel green or whatever, you want to reduce Britain’s contribution to global climate change from 2% to 1%, that’s the great ambition, well then, you’re not going to have money. And when you don’t have money you can’t pay police officers, and when you don’t have police officers people engage in crime.

Williamson points out that it’s far worse outside London, that the “U.K. is a very poor country attached to a very rich city”. He describes how last summer’s riots weren’t really about immigration but the explosive effects of a growing impotent underclass who lash out in self-destructive violence in a tide of frustrated malevolence.

The result, as Kisin explains, is the destruction of any hope, the chance to improve one’s lot or the future for children.

If you have a society which has effectively said, “We’re going to do a green accounting trick. We’re going to take your jobs. We’re going to put them in India. We’re going to put them in China where they’re going to make the same steel, or the same cars, or whatever that you used to make. They’re going to do it dirtier – of course they are, it’s a much less developed country – and then we’re going to import that steel, and we’re going to import those cars back into the U.K. so that we can pretend that we’re green.” Well, you combine that with this person no longer having a job and our economy, and as I said we’re poorer now than we were in 2007, what did you expect?

Which takes the whole conversation back round to not chasing out job creators “by making business impossible”.

At the time of writing the video has been up for two days and already had nearly 1.5 million views.

Definitely worth viewing in full.

Sallust writes for The DailySceptic where this article was sourced


Robert Bird said...

Yes it is a must see. And New Zealand is on a similar track if we continue with this net zero stupidity as well.

Rob Beechey said...

The pursuit of Net-Zero is a disease. It lies dormant in Government buildings and infects all those that enter. President Trump is aware of this and plans on attacking it at source by withdrawing his country from the Paris Climate Accord nonsense. Will NZ follow suit or has the disease taken too greater hold?

Basil Walker said...

First PM Luxon must define to New Zealand NET Zero through his eyes as without our understanding and possible acceptance he is NOT a leader of NZ . Yes he is leader of the National Party but they are gutless and in contempt of democracy

The Jones Boy said...

The proposition being pushed seems to be that, if in fact there is climate change, it's not the fault of us mere mortals, but some other as yet unidentified natural force. We therefore must not pursue net-zero policies because they are unnecessary and besides, will ruin the economy. If that's right and we do nothing, I guess the climate will continue to change until it is no longer our current Goldilocks environment and we all die of heatstroke. That certainly makes the ruined economy a non-sequitur since there will be nobody left to worry about it. But if we're all going to die anyway, surely we've got nothing to lose by trying to reduce carbon emissions. Because if it works, we don't die, and if the economy has been ruined along the way, at least there will still be people around to rebuild it. But if it doesn't work, nothing changes, and we all still get to die. So it seems by pursuing zero-emissions we have everything to gain and nothing to lose. Except the anti-science lobby of course which by then will have moved on to charge at a whole new set of windmills.

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