
Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Eliora: We Are Only a Number to Luxon

National ought to realise there was more than enough dehumanisation under Ardern’s Labour Government.

In Aotearoa (the new name for New Zealand being imposed on Kiwis by Ardern and others), it’s ironical: a mountain becomes a human being at the same time National voters are dehumanised and their rights are ignored. National ought to realise there was more than enough dehumanisation under Ardern’s Labour Government. But they don’t care.

In New Zealand, this mountain was given full rights as a person – a legal person. Such interest was even more embarrassing when CNN reported this phenomenon.

Loyal supporters are no longer holding back. National voters are fed up! Many are voicing their strong disapproval of the leader and indeed the whole party. They are saying things like Luxon is a manager and we desperately need a leader. They should be worried, as many left the National Party at the last election. They were galled at the support Luxon gave Ardern over her diabolical Covid-19 mandates and lockdowns and their wishy-washy election promises. Now more are leaving.

The National Party claims to be left of centre and blatantly ignores its loyal, more-conservative voters. The policies are liberal and unpopular, and often discretely whipped through the system. These good people feel they are only a number to count at elections.

Nicola Willis let slip recently in the banter after a speech that their polling shows it’s only the over 45-year-olds who are opposed to co-governance. In other words, it’s of no bother to them the older voters do not want Māori co-governance and its inherent problems. Those older voters’ wishes for democracy and cohesion for the country are simply dismissed.

New Zealanders experienced Ardern’s secretive regulations and divisive policies. Her socialist regime expanded bureaucracy, reduced innovation and competition and got to control more and more of people’s personal choices. Ardern dehumanised NZ’s population to such a grave extent that we, the easy-going, laid-back and friendly Kiwis, turned on her so furiously that she fled the role of prime minister and indeed the country. National voters have every reason to be on red alert!

Disempowerment kills trust. Once bitten, twice shy.

The Taxpayers’ Union recently published its monthly Curia poll showing National’s worst-ever result while in government since 1999. National dropped to 29.6 and was overtaken by Labour! People have had enough of a woke and DEI agenda.

Around the world people found themselves cheering as Donald Trump won the US elections. He says sensible things they want to hear. For example, ‘There are two genders: male and female.’ ‘I will close the borders from illegal aliens immediately.’ ‘No further funding for South Africa as they are stealing farms’ and much more. He is fixing up the things that ordinary Americans care about.

Luxon’s party is doing the opposite. Promising eye watering amounts of taxpayer’s money to support the Paris Accord, the UN, WEF and the WHO. Promoting co-governance and extreme abortion up to birth. Stripping away parents’ rights by making it unlawful to persuade their child to wait until they are older to change gender while ignoring NZ’s abominable statistics of prescribing the highest level of puberty blockers and hormone treatment for children and young people in the Western world and so on. The Gene Technology Bill runs “roughshod over the most key aspects of our rights, writes Mary Hobbs in the Daily Telegraph. National have turned their conservative voters angrily towards other minor parties.

Peter Williams, popular former broadcaster and sports journalist, wrote an urgent letter to the Taxpayers’ Union Members.

He says, “his heart sank” and he “feels sick” about what a National MP of the coalition government signed Kiwis up to. An excerpt reads:

I am sending this most urgent email to you and every one of the Taxpayers’ Union’s most loyal supporters because a decision announced late last night by the climate change minister is nothing short of economic sabotage. In terms of our kids and grandkids enjoying first-world living standards, it’s quite literally worse than any decision taken by Jacinda Ardern or James Shaw.

He continues:

Simon Watts just turned the $24 billion liability into a potential $48 billion liability. It’s economic sabotage on a grand scale. We need to stop him. In a country cancelling infrastructure, health and education investment due to the fiscal crisis, can we really afford to burn billions on an unobtainable climate target? Make no mistake, I want Christopher Luxon and his government to succeed and deliver for New Zealand. I know the Taxpayers’ Union are committed to sensible climate change mitigation policy. But if last night’s decision stands, Mr Luxon (and the country) is destined to fail.

The National Party is at a critical junction between success and failure. It takes some doing for voters to turn away from the political party they and possibly their forefathers have continuously voted for. But Kiwis are fighters for what is right for us and our families.
  • We care about this country, as Trump does when he puts America first.
  • We will not let Luxon ruin this country.
  • We are not only interested in the economy.
  • We do not like to be treated purely as a cipher.
New Zealand teeters on the brink and so does National.

Eliora is a fourth-generation Kiwi is a conservative voter and has worked in health. This article was first published HERE


Anonymous said...

National follows the path trodden by the Conservative Party in the UK. Seemingly blind as to why they were elected, they persist with time expired ideas and policy when the electorate want strong leadership and resolute action. Just like the Conservatives they believe centre right voters will continue to tick the blue (joke) box because there really isn't a viable alternative. Reform UK came out of the margins and have left the Conservatives in their dust. The writing is on the wall.

Bill T said...

we have MMP so you have options the UK was snookered.

Anonymous said...

Mr Luxon and the National Party - I don't like any of it!

RogerF said...

Today my wife and I, both previous supporters of National, have become paid up members of ACT.
We believe that anyone dissatisfied with the current National Party do the same.
It is the ONLY way to show National that governing is no longer a given when the policies they are following are only endorsing the same policies electors firmly rejected in the last election.

Anonymous said...

ACT & NZF are the only ones who still have their heads screwed on properly and haven't been captured by these crazy ideologies that are running rampant around the western world. The question is - will ACT and NZF garner enough support to stop Labour/National running things with either the Greens or TPM? These latter 2 need to stay well away from running our country (into the ground).

Mark hanley said...

Luxon started his tenure as leader dealing with 2 disasters.
1. The national party under collins
2. The mess left behind by Adern.

Luxon did what all great managers do, he identified and promoted talented people then he made a plan. Start with the important things first (education crime inflation) then purposefully chip away at the multitude of other problems.

Uniquely Luxon reports progress against his plan and to date progress has been excellent.

It is a shame the journalistic standards of the MSM have made their way into this forum.

I suggest Elora doea a little research before he/she writes more dribble. eg. Luxon clearly and succinctly explained why they've adopted.the climate targets.

Here is a clue,.it's not for the climate.

Mark hanley said...

Ps. That old "we used to vote National but now we vote ACT" line, promoted by ACT spin doctors, is getting a bit tired.

RogerF said...

To Mark. You are free to remain a member of the mindless flock that refuse to see or accept what is happening in New Zealand. I can only assume from your comment that anyone who has an alternative opinion has to be an 'ACT spin doctor'. Ignorance personified.

Mark Hanley said...

RogerF. Thx for illustrating my point about the need for unbalanced Luxon critics to read more.

A few minites of reading my comments would have enlightened you to the fact that I blame the mindless, one sided, incorrect Luxon criticism on Labour spin doctors, the despicable politically biased nz media, and ACT sycophants, as well.....

Kind Regards
Mark. XX

Hugh Jorgan said...

I suspect Mark Hanley is either a National party spin doctor, or a close personal friend of Luxons. He can't seem to abide any criticism of Luxon.

Rob Beechey said...

Mark Hanley. I was delighted with the last election result. NZ voters had had enough of the dreadful Marxist Govt, but was hoping for sweeping changes. Whilst some obvious corrections have been mate, crime, education and to a lesser extent inflation, two of the biggest conundrums remain untouched. Racial Division and Climate Alarmism. These were the cornerstones of the diabolical Ardern era. Luxon refuses to address either and that is what he will be remembered for.

Anonymous said...

And yet Mark Hanley will not say what Luxon is doing about the biggest problem NZ faces since WW2.
Luxon has never publicly said a single word about Maori that would give us any hope that democracy will be restored to NZ.

Mark, if you have the inside knowledge, please share it with us.
If there is no response to this request, one has to assume that Luxon is going to ignore the race problem until a civil war becomes inevitable.

Anonymous said...

It’s time for a leadership coup in the party. Bring back Don Brash?

Mark hanley said...

High, thx for elevating my status to high ranking national party employee or close friend of the PM.

You really should read my posts before claiming " can't abide Luxon criticism", because if you did read my post you would find balanced and informed criticism of Luxon.

What I can't abide is mindless made up criticism, the sole purpose of which is to harm a very competent prime minister.

What NZ needs now more than any time in history is a competent prime minister like Luxon.

Mark hanley said...

Actually anon 1157, I have posted my opinion on the likely path of the TOW principles debate, and the eradication to date of most of Labours race nonsense.

But... race is not the problem you think it to be. It was used by the Clark Adern Robertson.crime family to distract you while they achieved nothing, and whilst they fleeced you of your money.

People like you fell right into their subterfuge.

Mark hanley said...

Actually Rob, Luxon has addressed both those issues.

My comment above explains the pointless continuation of the race debate, and Luxon made a very clear explanation of the importance of being seen to address climate change, to avoid negative challenges to our trading position.

Anonymous said...

Really Mark - no race problem in NZ ????
It's our biggest problem and it needs addressing quickly.
Co-governence not a problem ??
Honestly, do you believe that NZ should embrace apartheid ?

You still haven't indicated what Luxon has said about sorting it.

Creating a diversion off into "climate change" doesn't change the race issue.

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