The biggest advantage Māori separatists and the collusive New Zealand Government have is the apathy, ignorance, and tolerance of New Zealanders. The absurdity is that we taxpayers are actually footing the bill for the overthrow of our own country.
A small but determined group of elite Māori leaders are quietly winning the battle for control of New Zealand. Their success has been driven by:
- Unified leadership with a clear goal: full control of our nation.
- Strong oratory and persuasive skills used to manipulate language to their advantage.
- Aggressive tactics and strategic bravery.
- Mastery of social media and public influence.
- Deceive politicians, public servants, and the uninformed public with distorted interpretations of the Treaty and history.
- Secure controlling positions in all levels of government, public services, education, media, and the justice system.
- Exploit loose legislation (such as the RMA and Marine and Coastal Area Acts) and an activist judiciary to gain control over DOC lands, the foreshore and seabed, as well as infrastructure and development approvals. They use the threat of activism and vetoes to ensure money flows their way.
- Invent a new Māori language and normalize it, suggesting that Māori developed every beautiful saying and emotion.
- Rename government departments, public infrastructure, cities, towns, and even our country.
- Establish networks, including 773 maraes across the country.
- Spread their influence through symbols of ownership, such as pouwhenua (Māori totem poles) and misleading plaques.
The challenge is clear: New Zealanders must recognise the danger and act before it’s too late. It’s well past time for us all to speak up for our common humanity and our right to have a say in how we are governed.
We must defend our democracy, our way of life, and our living standards.
If we keep sitting back and hoping for the best, it will inevitably end badly. As Winston Churchill warned, “You will have to fight, and because you have allowed the enemy to grow so strong, you may very well lose.”
The 'Giant killer' in all of the above, is the statement that 'Only Maori can understand Maori' and that all and anyone else (ESPECIALLY Pakeha) have absolutely NO idea what it is to 'BE' Maori. As long as that is the attitude, 'Maori' are a 'Closed shop' who will take whatever they see as theirs 'As of Right' because they are the 'Indigenous' of New Zealand, and give very little back (And then only if it is seen to be to their perceived advantage to do so). A willingness to follow their perceived tribal or cultural leaders without question or thought doesn't help...
One of our political members have to ask PM Luxon :
Are you a leader - Or a pleader ?
NZ NEEDS a leader like President Trump or Argentinian Milec.
The only hope for nz now is that ACT becomes the majority party in the next election. Bur the kiwi way is to just pretend nothing is going wrong, and that someone else will sort it all out.
Very well put, and I agree wholeheartedly as do many friends and family, but the question always asked is, “what can we do about it”? We suggest at least donating a small amount to Hobson’s Pledge would be a start. As to writing to Politicians, if my experience is anything to go by, it is a waste of time, as the likes of Luxon will never even see your letter. The minions having screened the mail prior.
I, as a mildly well-educated, common nobody are now getting fed up with all the articles written, like this one, that so decisively details our pending slide into an enthno-nationalistic chasm. But there is never a mention of the slightest idea of what the bloody he'll we need to do to fight back! So come on all you prescient writers, find a leader for the people. We will follow and fight.
Just saw our PM on the TV - for gosh sakes, when will he wake up to this? NZ is being sold down the river and washed out to bloomin' sea!
Too true.
Quite correct in all respects. National won’t be the lead coalition partner at the next general election.
An exceLllent review. A factor not listed is maori exploitation of the power of cancellation. Through this, councils, consensus groups and much else are effectively controlled. One hundred years ago rational objective comment like this would have appeared in newspapers and become known to many of the population. But today the great majority remain uninformed. With the demise of smoko breaks and the like discourse among workers and other citizens is hugely reduced. If they follow events at all, most do not proceed beyond the free on line transient headline events, presented for click bait appeal not for depth of observation.
The enemy within is winning.
Welcome to New Zimbabwe in the South Pacific.
You're absolutely correct, Geoff. What dismays me most about NZ today is the combination of apathy and its bedmate, ignorance - both of which have been aided and abetted by the tidal wave of woke, misguided virtue, and a corrupt and broken legacy media.
The Treaty Principles Bill was the discussion this country urgently needed to have, but thanks to Luxon & Winston, little is likely to happen on that front in the more immediate future. But what also is a long overdue and essential step, is the abolition of the Maori seats in Parliament. With their collective belief that Maori did not cede sovereignty (I include the lone Labour member, given her leader’s statements), they essentially promote sedition, if not latent insurrection, especially with their unruly displays in the House. These seats have long outlived their purpose, and when you look at the likes of TMP, what are taxpayers getting for their outlay of millions of dollars each year? I’d suggest absolutely nothing - it's just aiding and funding the 'enemy within.'
So, how can we motivate the general public when faced with a corrupt and broken legacy media? We’re back to square one, and it’s even harder when the majority of the population has to work, rather than hikoi on a welfare payment.
Geoff, an excellent article!
You are so correct when saying, "taxpayers are actually footing the bill for the overthrow of our own country!"
That wonderful and highly paid “defender” of our democracy, Willie Jackson said in 2022, “Democracy is broader and more expansive than just one person, one vote.”
“The push to have co-governance and co-management arrangements beyond those already introduced through Treaty settlements, were a response to the need to meet Māori ambitions, and address Māori inequality.”
Yeah right Willie!
The time is upon us to cast off our political apathy!
Democracy is being dismantled by apathy.
As Plato said “The price of apathy towards public affairs, is to be ruled by evil men.”
Thanks Geoff - an excellent summary, and one of the most important articles in BV so far this year.
Now what can we do about it ?
Yes - the political solution. ACT is greatly feared by National and Iwi (cf UK - Reform party)
This must happen in 2026... even if civil unrest results.
National is ready to go into coalition with the Greens or TPM ( and even Labour ) to hold power- and appease Maori. This is now very clear.
Yes - true of letters, petitions etc. in the NZ culture. Teh minions report back - but you get no reply.
D Day is the 2026 election.
For the last 50years I was never fooled. Geoff, your summation is spot on.
All our fears are being released, and still the apathy is widespread.
Surely not another election cycle must pass before any serious action is taken.
At the current rate of push back, l won't live to see a liberated New Zealand.
It's a war people.
Re Robert's comment about talk at smoko breaks. Wrong comments during breaks are likely to be reported up the line or to HR as offensive and lead to reprimands. This still happens regardless of change of govt, in local govt and govt depts etc. It happened to a work colleague at a hospital not long ago. I need to be anon at present . I would rather not but I can be pinpointed.
Thanks Geoff - it's obvious to me that we are in a checkmate situation already, with no hope of turning things around. We are witnessing the culmination of 50-year Maori separatist project facilitated by weak do-gooder politicians of all stripes. Many people in the know have already left. There's no hope that ACT can lead a new centre-right coalition following next years election as they would need already to have suitable electorate candidates in place, and also to be enjoying more than double current polling numbers. Death by a thousand cuts is as inevitable as it is painful to watch.
I agree with Anon above....our best bet is to get people away from National and Labour and get the majority to vote Act. We should put all our attention into achieving that. I dont agree with everything they say BUT they are a strong team. They are very portfolio shuffles for them because they already put the right people in the right places. They take lots of abuse but hold their heads high and
stick to their guns. They are willing to change things up the most and try new things. So yeah....we have just over a year and a half to help Act get over the line.
The latest opinion poll has Labour vote increasing, Nats down, Greens on 22pc and Act and NZ First treading water ...seems some Labour drift to Greens and neither hete nor there Nats to Labour. Im my humble view msm barrage of onesided material does have an impact
Greens 12pc sorry wrong typo
As a new Zealander I find all these opines to much.
The logic in all sentences is to much to take in, since I have to concentrate on the current cricket season and prepare for the Rugby season, which is due to kick off shortly and that includes looking at what the All Blacks may be doing this Year.
Can this conversation about apartheid wait till later?
Unfortunately, Mudbay, I think you are right.
As a previous commentator has suggested, the first and easiest step is TO GET RID OF THE MAORI SEATS. Forget the Treaty' principles bill referendum, hold a binding referendum on those seats, As was recommended by the Electoral Commission. If our politicians are too scared, we need a Citizens referendum. With the seats gone, TPM will lose their powerbase. Of course, if the Maori Electoral seats are gone, the Maori Electoral role will be gone. THEN and only then, we can start moving forward as a country. Maori can't even argue it is against the Treaty,! Win, win for everybody
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