
Sunday, March 23, 2025

Brendan O'Neill: A savage rupturing of our civilisation

They reduced Jews to ashes. In 2023, a fascist army burnt Jews to death. The Jews’ names were Ram Itamari, 56, a transportation manager, and his wife, Lili Itamari, 63, a schoolteacher. They were in their home in Kibbutz Kfar Aza in southern Israel on 7 October 2023 when the unit of anti-Semites showed up. The gunmen saw the Jews through a window so they set fire to the house. It burned at such a scorching temperature that when the Israeli authorities finally went in, they found not one trace of the couple’s bodies. It took archaeologists three weeks of sifting through the soot to discover a sliver of bone. It was DNA-tested. It was them.

It is the 21st century and we are searching among ash for the remains of Jews. Following decades of the cry, ‘Never Again’, humanity once more found itself foraging in the blackened remains of a building for the incinerated remnants of the Jews who lived there. This detail from the new UK parliamentary report on the barbarism of 7 October should chill the blood of everyone who reads it. For it is 7 October’s clearest echo, among thousands of clear echoes, of the Nazi atrocities of the last century. This report leaves no doubt: 7 October was more than terrorism, more than a war crime – it was a savage rupturing of human civilisation itself.

The 7 October Parliamentary Commission Report, overseen by historian Lord Roberts, is a horrifying and essential document. It bears witness, in grim, meticulous detail, to the carnival of anti-Semitic violence carried out by Hamas and its allies on 7 October. It is a forensic account, over 300 pages, of every crime committed by those armies of anti-Semities on that darkest day. And it names and pays tributes to the Jews and others who were slaughtered. ‘We have done this so that future generations will not be misled about the true extent and the horror of the massacre’, says Roberts. This report is a ship of truth in the West’s frothing waters of denialism and apologism.

It lays out all the brutal facts. It tells us that 1,182 people were murdered and more than 4,000 were wounded. Of the dead, 863, or 73 per cent, were civilians. Two-hundred-and-fifty-one people were taken hostage, 210 of them alive, 41 of them dead. That’s 41 corpses, mostly of Jews, dragged to Gaza, trophies of the pogrom. More than 90 per cent of the killed and kidnapped were Israeli citizens, including Jewish Israelis, Arab Israelis and Bedouins. Among the remaining 10 per cent were citizens from 44 nations. The largest number of foreign victims were Thai workers. Seventeen Britons were murdered – the highest British death toll in any foreign terror attack since 9/11.

The youngest victim was 14 hours old. That was Naama Abu Rashed, a Bedouin Israeli, shot while still in her mother’s womb. The bullet went through her tiny leg. She was born gravely wounded, and later died. The oldest victim was Moshe Ridler, a 92-year-old Holocaust survivor. He perished when Hamas militants fired a rocket-propelled grenade at the safe room in which he had sought refuge from the rampage. They then shot to death his Moldovan carer, Petro Boscov. Mr Ridler, as a kid in Romania, had survived the Nazi ghetto and deportation trains, but he could not survive Hamas’s sadistic crusade.

The methods of murder included shooting, burning, asphyxiation, grenade explosions and missile attacks. Many of the victims were subjected to mutilation, sexual violence and ‘other forms of deliberate brutality’, either before or after death. A woman was raped at gunpoint. Other women were raped in their bedrooms before being murdered. Rescue forces found women’s bodies ‘stripped of their underwear’ as well as ‘signs of semen’. The part of the report where I had to take a break from reading describes the discovery of a woman’s body where there had been ‘[the] insertion of a knife into the genital area’.

The violence was ferocious. Molotov cocktails were thrown to burn people alive. A father and his baby daughter suffered savage burns when Hamas militants used a butane gas cylinder to make an inferno of their home. Dad spent 58 days in an induced coma, his daughter spent eight days. Hamas entered one home screaming ‘Yahud!’, meaning Jews. And they found Jews: a father, a mother and their four kids. Dad used a piece of furniture in a desperate effort to ward off the invaders – they shot him dead. They then shot his daughter in the face. She had ‘a hole in her cheek and she was gasping her last breaths’, her mother later recounted. Mum and the three surviving kids were taken to Gaza and forced into a ‘hole’ in the ground. Why? Because they’re Yahud.

The report is full of accounts like this, of the most bestial violence, visited with extreme prejudice on men, women, children. 7 October feels like a thing from the last century, the century of war and extermination. It was as if atavistic hatreds had leapt from the history books and imprinted themselves on our complacent era. Perhaps the report’s most valuable contribution is to make it crystal clear that this was no impulsive assault. This was not the Wretched of the Earth ‘breaking out’ of their ‘prison camp’ to wreak desperate revenge on their oppressors, as Hamas-adjacent leftists would have us believe. No, this pogrom was years in the making. It was a conscious and thoroughly organised massacre of Jews.

Seven-thousand militants took part. That included 3,800 of Hamas’s elite Nukhba forces and its Al-Qassam Brigades and 2,200 individuals from other terror armies, including Palestinian Islamic Jihad. A further 1,000 pogromists remained in Gaza to fire missiles at Israel and provide tactical back-up to the killers on the ground. Hamas had been planning the onslaught since 2018, when it set up a ‘Joint Room for Palestinian Resistance Factions’ to pool terror resources and plot the invasion. On the day itself, the pogromists attacked by land, sea and air. Far from an act of spontaneous violence, fuelled by despair, this was a highly disciplined act of fascist terror with the express purpose of killing as many Jews as possible.

Reading this report is a distressing task, but it’s one everyone would benefit from. It is our human duty to know and tell the truth about 7 October. The words of German novelist Herta Müller rang in my ears as I read. She described 7 October as a ‘total derailment from civilisation’. ‘There is an archaic horror in this bloodlust that I no longer thought possible in this day and age’, she wrote. The report brings crashing down the snivelling and unforgivable moral equivalence many Western observers make between Hamas’s violence and Israel’s response. The war in Gaza is awful but it is war. What happened on 7 October was something else entirely. It was the intimate, barbarous torture of Jews, carried out with pride and glee. It was fascism.

This, then, is what the activist class has been making excuses for. This is what they referred to as ‘resistance’. This is what they called ‘a day of celebration’. The burning to death of Jews. The rape of Jewish women. The murder of Jewish children. The assassination of a Jew who had survived the greatest crime in history. We now have all the data, all the timelines and all the information about 7 October. But we still await that moment of moral clarity when our intellectual elites finally acknowledge the gravity of this crime against Jews and humanity, and devote themselves to defending the civilisation it so gravely offends.

Brendan O’Neill is spiked’s chief political writer and blogs regularly on Spiked where this article was sourced.


Hugh Jorgan said...

A bit of advice, Brendan, although I know you'll never see it: if you want people to take you seriously, you need to tone down the hyperbole.

Madame Blavatsky said...

Exactly right, Hugh. This is completely hysterical stuff from Brendan, but then again, most of his "Islamo-fascist anti-semitic pogrom" output over the last 18 months has been exactly the same.

He should just come out and say what he really means to say, which is something like "the Americans should bomb Iran and half the middle east for Israel's benefit."

This atrocity propaganda that gets pumped-out in the lead up and as a pretext for military adventures in the service of the Jewish state is as tiresome as it is predictable.

It's very hard for the Jews to keep claiming victimhood centred on embellishing and lying about October 2023, when they themselves have spent the last year or so committing a far greater quantity and much more egregious acts of inhumanity and mass murder themselves in and around Gaza.

Yet tools such as Brendan O'Neill are out there pushing the idea that Israel isn't the author of its own "misfortunes" vis a vis the Arabs for the last 100 years. Rather than engage in any rational analysis and dispassionate assessment, you get pieces like that above that are almost unreadable, such is the level of overwrought expression.

Ellen said...

Don't agree with you at all Hugh Jorgan. These INHUMAN atrocities must be kept in mind as the idiotic woke world runs mindlessly around wearing keffiyehs.

Madame Blavatsky said...

I performed an experiment on the cited report. I did a "Ctrl + F" word search of the word "Holocaust" which returned 22 references throughout the document, with "Holocaust" being the very first word of the Foreword on page 4. Specifically, the sentence is "Holocaust denial took a few years to take root in pockets of society, but on 7 October 2023 it took only hours for
people to claim that the massacres in southern Israel had not taken place."

To be clear, I don't deny that Hamas attacked Israel on 7 October 2023. I don't think that anyone denies this. What I have always questioned is the veracity of many of the quite outlandish and largely unverified claims made by Israelis and the Israeli authorities. And given the subsequent events that have relied on 7 October 2023 as a justifying pretext, we'd all better be damn sure that those subsequent events are grounded in actualities, not in speculation, rumour or politically expedient assertions.

But we can clearly see what the intention of that first sentence is, and the psychological and emotional primer it represents : anyone who is sceptical about the events on 7 October is basically a "Holocaust denier" and should not be listened to (which itself raises a met-question about the social status of holocaust scepticism).

Like any thinking person, I'd just like to be able to reach conclusions based on facts, evidence and logic, not be pressured and corralled into believing things based on the assumed moral or emotional expectations.

mudbayripper said...

It's either true or it isn't.
Not everything can have a postmodern, subjective lens across it.
I'd say it happened exactly as Brendon has disciped.

Anonymous said...

I find the vitriolic responses to this person's articles to be distressing. By all means comment but please don't perpetuate ugly attitudes.

Gaynor said...

I agree this attack on Oct .7 was barbaric and Hamas are a jihad of barbarians motivated by intense hated for Jews. indoctrinated into them from childhood in schools and text books and reinforced by the Koran. When Israeli soldiers went into Palestinian territory they found the whole place full of tunnels everywhere loaded up with armaments. This is what Israel has on its doorstep. Living in a house with armaments stored in it or under it you are an enemy not an innocent civilian especially if you voted in Hamas.

Anonymous said...

Israel reaps what it sows. Hatred, violence,cruelty dishonesty and theft of their neighbours land. Palestine has a sovereign right to defend itself against the tyranny of it's racist oppressor.If you believe the tunnels story I have a lovely beachside development to sell to you !! Cleansed of the blood of Palestinian children slaughtered by Israel.

The Jones Boy said...

O'Neill tells it the way it is. The anti-semites that populate this platform just can't handle the truth. Israel unilaterally withdrew its army and settlers and turned control of Gaza over to the Palestine Authority, created as part of the peace process.The people of Gaza then blew their opportunity to create a modern democratic state by voting
HAMAS into power. HAMAS never allowed another election. Sorry it doesn't match the stolen land narrative of Anon 11.18 but that's because it's the truth. The Gazans have nobody to blame for their demise than themselves. And HAMAS of course, who being good jihadists, are quite happy to fight to the last Gazan in their holy war to drive Israel into the sea. That's the true source of Anon 11.18's hatred, violence, cruelty and dishonesty. And so its HAMAS that is reaping what they sow. Israel just wants to live in peace. And the fastest path to peace is for HAMAS to return the hostages. Now!

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