Labour seem to think that the public believe Nicola Willis is a cross between Cruella de Vil and Miranda Priestly of The Devil Wears Prada. They can’t believe that she would do any better than Christopher Luxon as National leader, but they need to get out of their echo chamber a little more and listen to what voters actually think.
Wasting money on dumb projects is a sacred cow that Labour will defend to the last, whether it is the incomprehensibly expensive ferry project, the endlessly increasing public service staffing levels or overpaid, useless bureaucrats working from home when people with real jobs have to go to work.
Obviously Nicola Willis does not want to make a coat out of Dalmatians, or dress as well as Miranda, but Labour cannot see this any more than they cannot see that Willis is far more presentable and politically adept than Luxon. More importantly, she has the strong endorsement of John Key and Bill English.
Willis, however, is not the Messiah.
She has absolutely failed to blame Labour for the state of the government finances at every available opportunity. There is no ‘nine long years of Labour’s failures’ or whatever Key recited ad nauseam, or Helen Clark’s ‘failed policies of the ’90s’ or Labour’s own sledge: ‘nine years of neglect’.
This is a simple play that was overlooked by Willis and her team, which questions how politically adept they are as Willis now gets the blame for the state of the economy left in a mess by Labour.
Willis’ other major problem is that in a world where cultural issues matter she has not taken a position on the Treaty, Climate Change or woke nonsense. By not filling this space with sensible policy, she has ceded ground to Winston Peters and David Seymour, both of whom have much more empathy for what the public are thinking.
Labour have been negligent in not realising regular polls show National would do better under Willis than Luxon. They should be causing as much internal strife for National as they can but, under Hipkins, Labour appear to be drifting and relying on National being useless and the economy being bad at election time.
Cam Slater is a New Zealand-based blogger, best known for his role in Dirty Politics and publishing the Whale Oil Beef Hooked blog, which operated from 2005 until it closed in 2019. Cam blogs regularly on the GoodOil - where this article was sourced.
Willis, however, is not the Messiah.
She has absolutely failed to blame Labour for the state of the government finances at every available opportunity. There is no ‘nine long years of Labour’s failures’ or whatever Key recited ad nauseam, or Helen Clark’s ‘failed policies of the ’90s’ or Labour’s own sledge: ‘nine years of neglect’.
This is a simple play that was overlooked by Willis and her team, which questions how politically adept they are as Willis now gets the blame for the state of the economy left in a mess by Labour.
Willis’ other major problem is that in a world where cultural issues matter she has not taken a position on the Treaty, Climate Change or woke nonsense. By not filling this space with sensible policy, she has ceded ground to Winston Peters and David Seymour, both of whom have much more empathy for what the public are thinking.
Labour have been negligent in not realising regular polls show National would do better under Willis than Luxon. They should be causing as much internal strife for National as they can but, under Hipkins, Labour appear to be drifting and relying on National being useless and the economy being bad at election time.
Cam Slater is a New Zealand-based blogger, best known for his role in Dirty Politics and publishing the Whale Oil Beef Hooked blog, which operated from 2005 until it closed in 2019. Cam blogs regularly on the GoodOil - where this article was sourced.
Willis is just a better Labour MP than they are — choosing her, is choosing to continue death by a thousand cuts.
And she has taken a stance on the Treaty — she implied support for racism when she said ‘only people over 40 take issue with co-governance’.
Political History - New Zealand style. I do recall that a National Party under the Leadership of Robert Muldoon, who had taken over from a previous Labour Govt, had to " balance the books" and came under much scrutiny from a Roger Douglas. Think Big came along, and instead of embracing it, New Zealand ' dug it collective toes in '. Oh I can still hear David Lange waxing lyrical or was it Roger from the Opposition benches.
The Labour got its turn and Roger changed everything, even
' selling NZ established business to Australia '.
In the meantime Robert M got sent to the back benches, his Auckland Electorate still thought he ' had the wear with all '.
Jim Bolger ' got the nod ', from the Party, not that he had much ' petrol in the tank ' and Jenny Shipley, then saw to it ' that he was cast afloat '. Cam Slater will know those years very well.
So what else is New ?? in New Zealand Politics - if Willis wants to ' step up ' I suggest she ring either Ruth Richardson, Jenny Shipley, or even Marilyn Waring, they may be able to give some pointers and/or guidance.
Will a female lead the national party - me thinks not - the Nat's, only have to look back over their shoulders at Maggie Thatcher
and her domination of The Tory Party, till they got rid of her.
Remember how well it turned out last time for National when they rolled Simon Bridges for Judith Colllins?
Willis is unlikable
FFS, Luxon, Willis, Bishop et al .... all about as exciting and appealing as a three-day old omellette.
Nicola is an attractive lady which is in her favour over Chris Luxon. However her speeches don't have the X factor. Chris Luxon seems more comfortable in front of an audience. Remember how Nicola gave the media some highlights at Christmas with her faux pas during the last year.
Support of Key and English = their puppet? Especially Key on race relations,
Willis has Macbeth's " vaulting ambition". Better: Simeon Brown or Chris Penk - sound qualifications.
Bring back Rob!
No. But it would be interesting to know if Luxon's CEO based management style has had a detrimental influence on her performance.
Show me someone who is their own man or woman and not a Key puppet wrt race relations and there may be a chance for a new face - who am I kidding, there is a complete paucity of prospects.
OMG she is totally unelectable.
She makes Luxy look exciting.
When Willis starts waxing lyrical about how Maori Business is going to grow, she loses any of my respect. The country has Asian business', Muslim business', Christian business', European business' as well, but they all work together as 'NZ business'" Why do Maori have to put themselves on a pedestal and not work with all the others? More ego-centric rubbish and encouraged by Luxon and Willis. The 'Maori Business' aren't going to admit they are only doing so well because of the largess of the taxpayer with outlandish Treaty settlements. Any muppet could be successful with that sort of money given to them
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