
Sunday, March 9, 2025

Chris Lynch: NZ First introduces bill to remove diversity requirements from public service

New Zealand First has introduced a Member’s Bill aimed at removing diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) requirements from the public service, saying employment decisions should be based on merit rather than what the party describes as “forced woke” targets.

Party leader Winston Peters said, “This Bill would put an end to the woke left-wing social engineering and diversity targets in the public sector. New Zealand is a country founded on meritocracy not on some mind-numbingly stupid ideology.”

The Public Service (Repeal of Diversity and Inclusiveness Requirements) Amendment Bill seeks to repeal or amend several clauses within the Public Service Act 2020. The proposed changes are as follows:

• Clause 4: Amends section 44 to remove the Public Service Commissioner’s duty to develop a workforce that reflects societal diversity.

• Clause 5: Amends section 73 to eliminate requirements for chief executives and boards to promote diversity and inclusiveness as part of being a “good employer,” including specific references to Māori involvement.

• Clause 6: Repeals section 75 entirely, which mandates promoting diversity and inclusiveness in public service workplaces.

• Clause 7: Amends section 97 to exclude workforce diversity and inclusiveness from government workforce policy considerations.

• Clause 8: Removes the requirement in Schedule 3 for the Commissioner’s three-yearly briefings to assess workforce diversity and inclusiveness.

• Clause 9: Amends Schedule 7 to delete the obligation for panels appointing chief executives to consider diversity and inclusiveness.

Peters said, “The public service exists to serve New Zealanders – not to be a breeding ground for identity politics.”

“Removing woke ‘DEI’ requirements will give the public confidence that the right person is in the right job based on their skills not their identity,” he said.

Broadcaster Chris Lynch is an award winning journalist who also produces Christchurch news and video content for domestic and international companies. This article was originally published by Chris Lynch Media and is published here with kind permission.


Mark Hanley said...


Now could someone pls remind me who was responsible for handing the keys of power to the Labour Party hierarchy, who went on to throw the DEI, Maori, LBG, CO2 smoke bombs up to hide their inability to do anything good for NZes, and to hide their ability to enrich themselves with our money!

Anonymous said...

I cant believe we need a bill to sort this out

Anonymous said...

Thank God, sanity may overcome the racist , woke , far left ideology. Kiwialan.

Barend Vlaardingerbroek said...

HOORAY! Thank you Winston and NZF!

Anonymous said...

While I welcome this Bill, it is fair I think to point out that the Liebour Govt in 2020 brought in the previous amendments to the Act via a GOVERNMENT BILL, not a members bill. It did not have to rely on pure luck be pulled from the ballot tin! They raised the Public Service Legislation Bill and Chippy simply shoved it through in the same way that they did a lot of other damage. It is therefore appropriate to ask why NZF has had to put this into a members bill rather than work in concert with National/ACT? Is it because it does not have Luxon's whole hearted support because he has DEI leaking out of his pores?

Anonymous said...

Didn't Luxon put DEI in place when at Air NZ?

Anonymous said...

Pity they stopped at that. They should specifically have a requirement to appoint only on merit and another that, an individual's race or ancestry should be of no consideration whatsoever.

Gaynor said...

Luxon thinks we need to celebrate diversity . He is all for transgenderism .

Anonymous said...

Now NZ First need to follow through on their promise remove all references to "Treaty Principles" from our laws and revamp the TOW Act . If this was done, it would remove the need for Acts bill, as there would not be any Principles to define

Anonymous said...

Peters' is 100 percent correct.
- “The public service exists to serve New Zealanders – not to be a breeding ground for identity politics.”
But why has it taken over a year to begin removing this toxic ideology from govt policies?
The administration of the 47th president of the USA set the wheels in motion within days of being in office.
That's how urgent they saw this cancer be removed.

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