
Sunday, December 29, 2024

Brendan O'Neill: This year, Israel showed us what anti-fascism really means

In 2024, the Jewish State did more to combat racial hatred than any of its preening critics in the West.

In the future, when humanity comes to its senses, 2024 will be seen as a watershed year in the battle against fascism. More fascist-adjacent killers and loons were bumped off over the past 12 months than in any other year in my lifetime. From the leader of an army of anti-Semites that tells its followers to buy cheap knives and ‘cut off the heads of Jews’ (Yahya Sinwar) to the spiritual head of a self-styled ‘Party of God’ that longs to excise those ‘cancerous’ Jews from the Middle East (Hassan Nasrallah), it’s been a rough year for neo-fascist nuts. And about time, too.

2024 is the year anti-fascism grew up. For years, ‘anti-fascism’ was the weekend hobby of bored rich kids. To say the masked wimps of ‘antifa’ gave anti-fascism a bad name is an understatement. They dragged its name into the gutter. Under their black-clad purview, anti-fascism entailed little more than shouting ‘BITCH’ at women who don’t want to see dicks in their changing rooms, weeping on the campus lawn whenever Ben Shapiro showed up, and having fisticuffs with working-class people who voted for Trump. The men of the Normandy landings and the International Brigades will have turned in their graves at the sight of these toytown radicals throwing milkshakes at ‘rednecks’ and calling it anti-fascism.

Now, thankfully, anti-fascism means something again. Largely courtesy of Israel’s war on the Jew-hating belligerents at its borders, a real fight with fascism has replaced the neurotic street theatrics of the affluent activist class that falsely called itself anti-fascism. Sure, these people might have slapped Richard Spencer once, but the IDF has throttled entire movements that were founded with the expressly fascistic intention to kill Jews and erase their homeland.

This year we bid adieu to Yahya Sinwar, the head of Hamas in Gaza; the man widely suspected of being the architect of 7 October, the worst mass murder of Jews since the Holocaust. It seems likely that Mohammed Deif was also hurried off this mortal coil by the IDF. He was the leader of the al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas, which did so much of the raping and butchering on 7 October.

Many other Hamas gunmen were despatched – up to 17,000. I’m going to go out on a limb and say that this gutting of an army whose founding covenant committed it to a ‘very great and very serious… struggle against the Jews’ is better anti-fascism than emptying a can of soup on gender-critical activist Posie Parker. Hamas has made good on its genocidal loathing countless times in recent years, murdering hundreds and hundreds of Jews on buses, in nightclubs, at music festivals, in their own homes. Israel’s war on Hamas, in defiance of the faint-hearted bourgeoisie of the Western world who’ve spent the past year cravenly calling on the Jewish State to cease fire, is a blow to modern fascism and a boon for humanity.

Then there’s Hezbollah. This terroristic army is on death’s door at the end of 2024. The IDF got rid of its spiritual figurehead, Hassan Nasrallah, a man who said he wanted to ‘finish off the entire cancerous Zionist project’. Jews as cancer – classic fascism. And if there were to be any Jews left following our genocidal crusade, then they ‘can go back to Germany, or wherever they came from’, Hezbollah said. The violent repatriation of a whole ‘problematic’ race – that’s a Nazi-level dream.

And now it’s turned into a nightmare for Hezbollah. For the ‘cancer’ fought back. Following ceaseless Hezbollah strikes on northern Israel, the IDF decided to confront Hezbollah head-on. They took out Nasrallah, and then his replacement, Hashem Safieddine, alongside virtually the entire leadership. And they incapacitated many Hezbollah footsoliders, too, via the extraordinary pagers operation: thousands of mini exploding Trojan horses planted right in the pockets of these taunters of the Jewish nation. The end result? Hezbollah is ‘decapitated and in disarray’, in the words of Sky News. To such an extent that they couldn’t even help Bashar al-Assad this time round, meaning his ruthless regime became collateral damage in Israel’s war on its hateful foes.

Our very own ‘antifa’ must have welcomed these blows against fascistic militants, right? Not a bit of it. They moaned and grieved. They called it terrorism. They wept more for the blown-off bollocks of Hezbollah militants than they did for the 12 Druze kids Hezbollah had killed six weeks earlier. It’s a strange anti-fascist who shows greater concern for a fascist’s testicles than he does for innocent kids. The people who spent the past decade tweeting ‘The only good fascist is a dead fascist’ were now blubbing into their macchiatos upon hearing that the racist killers of Jews had got their comeuppance.

This is the dark irony of the activist class’s noisy denunciation of Israel as Nazi-like – Israel has done more to reprimand neo-fascism than these people ever will. Indeed, as Israel took the fight to fascistic gunmen, these fake anti-fascists were going on hate marches at which people openly called for further jihad against the Jewish nation, for the ‘army of Muhammad’ to come back and finish off the Jews, and for Israel to be excised ‘from the river to the sea’. As Israel fought fascists, you mingled with them – own that, leftists. From antifa to… well, fa. What a ride 2024 was.

Brendan O’Neill is spiked’s chief political writer and blogs regularly on Spiked where this article was sourced.


Anonymous said...

With respect, you and Ashley Church, wear the same shoes.

What is happening, by the zionist, is genocide. Plain and clear. One does not need to be a rocket scientist to get the deal. The head man in Israel, satan-yahoo, is 'riding the wave' in the middle east. supported and sponsored by the US and the UK. Criminal.

With respect to you and Ashley, you are supporting and cheering the genocide of innocent people; those people driven off their land by the zionist. There is a big difference between zionist and JEWS (do your research).

Time for Nuremberg 2. And, on that note, include, fauci, ardern (TBEW), doomfield, gates, and the rest. I have digressed.

To you and Ashley, I hope you sleep well at night.

Madame Blavatsky said...

"In 2024, the Jewish State did more to combat racial hatred than any of its preening critics in the West."

Is it pre-New Years, or is it already April Fools Day?

Madame Blavatsky said...

By my count, he word 'fascist' appears 26 times in Brendan's latest unhinged hysterical piece.

I don't think the word 'fascist' is really understood by almost everyone who uses it, but if approach the matter on the author's terms and take 'fascist' to mean something like authoritarian ethno-nationalism characterised by a strong (even fanatical) ingroup preference, strong (even fanatical) hostility towards the outgroup, and often a program of aggressive territorial expansion in favour of the former at the latter's expense, then that obviously best describes the Israelis.

Brendan has obviously fallen into the common Jewish practice of saying any and all kind of ridiculous nonsense without much real-world evidence to support it, and repeating it often and forcefully, with the aim that eventually a good proportion of people relent and accept the propositions just to get some peace.

Anonymous said...

"People relent and accept the propositions just to get some peace" says Madam B. Well it takes one to know one I suppose. Because the way the word "genocide" is being relentlessly used to describe the activities of the IDF in Gaza is precisely how anti-semites lie and distort the legitimate activity of the Jewish State to defend itself. It's nothing short of normalising the position where Islam proposes the eradication of Israel . You want to know what genocide really looks like? Read up on the Holocaust. That gives Israel 6 million reasons to justify what O'Neill is writing about. And since when was the use of strong language restricted to Jihadists and their simple minded fellow travellers? At least O'Neill has a grasp of history which is more than can be said for Madam B.

Anonymous said...

It is a complicated world but two wrongs don’t make a right. Will this senseless loss of innocent life never end? Probably not but will likely be mitigated by one side overwhelmingly dominating the other. The long history of inhumane acts by both parties means a harmonious one state option seems unlikely to happen. A rational option that will offend some but would lift many from poverty and allow full life’s to be lived who would otherwise be murdered raped or live an unfulfilling life in poverty is as follows. There are billions of dollars spent annually by all interested parties. If these dollars could be given to each of the individuals in one of the parties along with a settlement away from the Middle East to start again. Would not most individuals prefer a home $10 million dollars and a real life elsewhere? If 90% took this offer it would be one big step in the right direction. This approach is clearly insensitive to the historical reasons for the conflict but it is pragmatic. What parent of a family in the midst of this misery wouldn’t opt for their child/family to have the possibility of a full and happy life this proposal would offer?

Anonymous said...

Anon 6.00 writes "Will this senseless loss of innocent life never end?""

The answer is "Yes". It will end as soon as HAMAS returns the hostages they haven't already killed and guarantees Israel's right to exist behind secure borders. But given that HAMAS considers it is simply enabling the will of Allah that Israel be wiped off the map, and with it every last Jew, don't hold your breath.

And so far as there being loss of ""innocent life", there is no such thing as innocence in Gaza. HAMAS has made it quite clear that all Muslim non-combatants are expected to give aid and comfort to the fighters and if necessary die in the process to claim their spot in heaven. In fact HAMAS needs non-combatants to die, not for heavenly reasons, but in pursuit of their relentless propaganda that they are the victims and Israel is the monster, That makes every compliant Gazan an accomplice after the fact, and that's the very antithesis of innocence. The real innocents were the 1200 folk who were massacred by HAMAS on October 7 thereby triggering the whole sorry business.

And by the way, that rosy picture of Gazan parents wanting their children to have a full and happy life is totally at odds with HAMAS' manifesto which relegates Gazan women to the role of producing, not children, but the next generation of martyrs. Until HAMAS and their Islamic sponsors are taken out of the equation, nothing will change, regardless of how much money is thrown at the problem.

Gaynor said...

You cannot understand the situation without a knowledge of the religious motives behind it all . Muslims are taught they are the chosen ones going right back to Abraham and Ismael ( Muslims ) vs Issac( Jews).

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