
Sunday, December 29, 2024

Chris Morrison: Science Shock - CO2 is Good for the Planet, Peer-Reviewed Studies Suggest

Dramatic evidence has been published in a number of recent science papers that carbon dioxide levels are already ‘saturated’, meaning little or no further warming is to be expected and rising CO2 levels are all beneficial.

Half of human emissions are being quickly pushed back into the biosphere, the scientists say, causing substantial, famine-busting plant growth, while the rest is entering a ‘saturated’ atmosphere and having a minimal effect on global temperatures. One of the papers accepting the human involvement in rising CO2 is published by the CO2 Coalition, which notes: “We like CO2, so should you.”

None of this work will be reported in the mainstream since it disrupts a ‘settled’ climate science narrative tied to the political Net Zero fantasy. But the opinion that humans control the climate thermostat by releasing CO2, leading to runaway temperatures, belongs to a dark period in science when it was captured to promote political aims. However, work continues in sceptical climate circles to understand how a number of gases with warming properties behave in a chaotic, non-linear atmosphere. Two recently-published papers found that doubling CO2 in the atmosphere led to minimal temperature increases. The calculated figures can be considered to be in margin of error territory and on past observational evidence they pose no threat to the climate on Earth. They also destroy the shaky scientific foundation upon which Net Zero rests.

Eight Taiwanese scientists led by Professor Peng-Sheng Wei found that the sensitivity of the climate to a rise in CO2 atmospheric levels from 100 to 400 parts per million (ppm) was “negligibly small” at 0.3°C. The paper is complex and examines heat transfers as a function of longitude, latitude and altitude “as well as diffuse radiation determined by absorption bands based on wavelength, temperature and the concentration or pressure of carbon dioxide vapour”. What the scientists are looking at here is the narrow absorption bands within the infrared (IR) spectrum that allow ‘greenhouse’ gases to trap heat and warm the planet. Many argue that after a certain level the gases ‘saturate’ and lose most of their warming properties. One simple way to understand this is to observe that doubling insulation in a loft will not trap twice as much heat. The saturation hypothesis would appear to explain how CO2 has been 10-15 times higher in the past without runaway temperatures, while the anthropogenic warming opinion does little more than provide scientific cover for a dodgy but fashionable extreme eco scare.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change claims a climate sensitivity number based on doubling CO2 levels of around 3°C. But many climate models ramp up mass public hysteria by using ‘pathways’ with much larger and highly improbably estimates. The latter form the basis of numerous ‘scientists say’ stories faithfully reported by unquestioning mainstream media. The Taiwanese scientists found that ground temperature warming of 0.3°C was associated with the increase from 100 ppm to 350 ppm and there was no additional warming at all as CO2 rose further from 350 ppm to 400 ppm. The current level of CO2 in the atmosphere is 420 ppm.

Seven Austrian scientists have also recently concentrated on CO2 and the infrared spectrum, noting that a future doubling of the gas up to 800 ppm “shows no increase in the IR absorption for the 15 u-central peak”. It is concluded that this can lead to 0.5°C warming at most. The scientists argue that climate models and their CO2 influences should be revised. Much more experimental evidence about IR radiation should be collected “before appointing current warming trends and climate change mechanisms monocausal to greenhouse gas theories”.

The recent papers on CO2 saturation are not the only ones to have been published lately. Earlier this year a group of Polish scientists led by Dr. Jan Kubicki supplied three papers arguing that above 400 ppm, “the CO2 concentration can no longer cause any increase in temperature”. In 2023, three scientists including Atmospheric Professor Yi Huang of McGill University stated that: “Transmission in the CO2 band centre is unchanged by increased CO2 as the absorption is already saturated.” In Chen et al. 2023, it is reported that CO2 had a severely reduced warming effect past pre-industrial concentrations. It was also noted that water vapour and cloud influences overlap and thus dominate absorption in the CO2 IR band. In 2022, the German Physics Professor Dieter Schildnecht set the CO2 saturation level at just 300 ppm.

The CO2 Coalition is an educational foundation that says it provides facts, resources and information about the “vital role” CO2 plays in the environment. It recently published a detailed paper that accepted humans had contributed most of the CO2 that has entered the atmosphere in industrial times. The paper is sub-titled: “How human emissions are restoring vital atmospheric CO2.” The coalition has long promoted the role that saturation plays in tempering the effect of a number of gases with warming properties. Attention is often drawn in its work to the part played by water vapour that makes up around 4% of the atmosphere and contributes as much as 80% of the Earth’s vital warming. It saturates over large parts of the IR spectrum, reducing the effect of other gases in their own specific bands. The coalition’s board includes the distinguished Professor William Happer, who has long argued the merits of the saturation hypothesis, and it was recently joined by the 2022 Nobel Physics Laureate Dr. John Clauser.

Levels of CO2 have been much higher in the past, with evidence of vibrant animal and plant life. Many plants evolved to thrive with higher levels than they feed on today, a period some scientists argue is one of CO2 denudation. In its recently published paper, the coalition observes that the higher the CO2 content in the atmosphere, the greater the pressure from physical processes to drive CO2 into the oceans and vegetation.

This is borne out by considerable evidence, although the recent substantial ‘greening’ of the planet is largely hidden from readers reliant on mainstream media. In fact the new ‘green revolution’ is feeding the world. The authors of a recent science paper, Charles Taylor and Wolfram Schlenker, state: “We consistently find a large fertilisation effect; a 1 ppm increase in CO2 equates to a 0.4%, 0.6%, 1% yield increase for corn, soybean and wheat respectively.” The heavy greening of the Earth can be seen in a map first published in Donohue/CSIRO 2015 and republished in another recent paper from the CO2 Coalition. This examined the nutritive value of plants growing in enhanced CO2 concentrations.

Click to view

The map was produced from satellite leaf data and shows that greening between 1982-2012 grew by 20-30% in India, West Australia, the Sahel and the Anatolian highlands. A more recent paper Chen et al. 2024 found that greening had actually accelerated in the last two decades. The increase in CO2 was found to be the dominant driver of the positive trend of the Leaf Area Index over most of the global land surface.

Chris Morrison is the Daily Sceptic’s Environment Editor. He is a freelance journalist who started in financial journalism in the late 1970s and for nearly 20 years ran a company – Evandale Publishing. This article was sourced HERE


Chuck Bird said...

The will unlikely make news in the NZ Herald or TVNZ. However, I hope we will see something on Sky News Australia in the new year.

Rob Beechey said...

Another excellent essay on this standout platform that embraces Freedom of Speech. Climate Alarmism is a disease that defies logic. It’s taken hold of both the political ignorant and an unquestioning audience alike. When will the penny drop? Hopefully our timid ruling elite will take note of the USA when they intelligently divorce themselves from the internationally corrupt Paris Climate Accord.

Basil Walker said...

The world is awash with scientific data and NZ does NOT need to add to the pile . I agree with Rob Beechly in regard to USA divorcing itself from the Paris Accord . NZ should sit on the fence , remove the Climate Ministry, Paric Accord commitments and target getting our fiscal position stronger in NZ WAKE up PM Luxon about net zero, define it or shut up as NZ is a very minor influence.

Anonymous said...

It's worrying to see and hear the indoctrination of NZers in their 20s and 30s who don't want to know the truth about "climate change ".
Heads in the sand.

Anonymous said...

As warfare around the globe continues, and the likes of North Korea and China play with their ballistic toys; let's divert our attention to the existential threat of climate change by jumping on the 'unproven' "Net-Zero" bandwagon and, in the process, commit economic hara-kiri. At times, the human race can be unbelievably stupid. Here's hoping that 2025 herald's in some common sense on so many fronts.

Chuck Bird said...

This is on Channel 85 at noon.

Sky News host Chris Kenny investigates the role nuclear power could play in our future energy needs, as world leaders push towards net zero emissions.

Fred H. said...

"CO2 is Good for the Planet". Well, fancy that ! I, along with my generation of kids, was taught that at school in Botany Classes when we were 13/14. It is needed for photosynthesis to take place to grow plant food.

Gutless, corrupt governments the world over have bowed down to the corrupt, wealthy class who wish to control the planet by controlling the food supply and trading "climate" credits. In that group you can include Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, Al Gore et al.

It is time the rest of the world joins India, China, and USA and tears up those idiotic Nut Zero Agreements, sacks the idiotic and/or corrupt scientists who sold themselves for those pieces of silver, and start producing the food at affordable prices needed to feed the starving hordes. That is what Jesus did. So come on Mr. Luxon, you claim to be a practising Christian, so start by scrapping New Zealand's foolish Net Zero Agreement and withdraw from the Paris Accord.

Gaynor said...

I am glad Fred H you were brave enough to introduce Christianity and God into the discussion. There is a decided rift in most Christian denominations between those who are brainwashed into believing this cult about ridding our planet of Co2 and those who aren't.

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